Extreme performance coating means coatings designed for harsh exposure or extreme environmental conditions.
Extreme performance coating means a coating used on a metal or plastic surface where the coated surface is, in its intended use, subject to the following:
Extreme performance coating means a coating used on a metal surface where the coated surface is, in its intended use, subject to one of the following conditions:
Examples of Extreme performance coating in a sentence
Extreme performance coating and electric- insulating varnish are used in its place.
Extreme performance coating" means a coating designed for exposure to any of the following: year-round outdoor weather, temperatures consistently above two hundred three degrees Fahrenheit, detergents, scouring, solvents, corrosive materials, corrosive atmospheres or similar harsh conditions.
Extreme performance coating and electric-insulating varnish are used in its place.Comment [A32]: This term is no longer used in the rule.
More Definitions of Extreme performance coating
Extreme performance coating means a coating used on a metal surface where the coated surface is, in its intended use, subject to the following; (a) chronic exposure to corrosive, caustic or acidic agents, chemicals, chemical fumes, chemical mixtures or solutions: or (b) repeated exposure to temperatures in excess of 250 0F; or (c) repeated heavy abrasion, including mechanical wear and repeated scrubbing with industrial grade solvents, cleansers of scouring agents.
Extreme performance coating means the following:
Extreme performance coating means a coating formulated for and exposed to harsh environmental conditions including, but not limited to:
Extreme performance coating means:a coating designed for exposure to any of the following: year-round outdoor weather, temperatures consistently above two hundred three degrees Fahrenheit, detergents, scouring, solvents, corrosive materials, corrosive atmospheres or similar harsh conditions.
Extreme performance coating means a coating which is designed to protect a coated part from extreme environmental conditions and which is applied to a part that, in its use as a finished product, is intended to be subjected to extreme environmental conditions.
Extreme performance coating means a coating used on a metal or plastic surface where the coated surface is, in its intended use, subject to the following: (a) Chronic exposure to corrosive, caustic or acidic agents, chemicals, chemical fumes, chemical mixtures or solutions; or (b) Repeated exposure to temperatures in excess of 250oF; or (c) Repeated heavy abrasion, including mechanical wear and repeated scrubbing with industrial grade solvents, cleansers or scouring agents. Extreme performance coatings include, but are not limited to, coatings applied to locomotives, railroad cars, farm machinery, and heavy duty trucks.
Extreme performance coating means a coating used on a metal surface