Related Group definition

Related Group. For Loan Group 1, Group 1 and for Loan Group 2, Group 2.
Related Group. For Loan Group 1, Group 1 and the Class 1-B Certificates; for Loan Group 2, Group 2; for Loan Group 3, Group 3 and the Class 3-B Certificates; for Loan Group 4, Group 4; and for the Crossed Loan Groups, Group 2 and Group 4 and the Class X-B Certificates.
Related Group. For Loan Group 1, Group 1; for Loan Group 2, Group 2; for Loan Group 3, Group 3; for Loan Group 4, Group 4.

Examples of Related Group in a sentence

  • The MassHealth relative weight developed by EOHHS for each unique combination of All Patient Refined Diagnosis Related Group and severity of illness (SOI).

  • In-network provider flag Flag for whether the health plan has a network contract with service provider Yes/No In-network cost sharing flag Flag for whether the claim was paid applying in-network benefits to determine the patient's cost sharing Yes/No MS-DRG code DIAGNOSIS RELATED GROUP CODE represents the specific 'Diagnosis Related Group' (DRG) associated with a Claim.

  • See Chapter 7 for additional instructions.‌‌ Language in Chapter 7 that has no direct application to the TOP contract does not apply (e.g., Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) validation reviews which are not applicable in any overseas location except Puerto Rico).

  • Individuals who qualify for coverage as part of a Related Group will be subject to the same premium collection and coverage termination provisions as other non-group (individual) subscribers to the Health Plan.

  • The Contractor may restrict enrollment to all affected individuals within a family, if more than one person is losing eligibility including family members in a Related Group.

More Definitions of Related Group

Related Group. With respect to the Class I-A Certificates, the Group I Loans. With respect to the Class II-A Certificates, the Group II Loans.
Related Group means a group of persons each member of which is related to every other member of the group;
Related Group means (i) each of the substantial shareholders of the Company, and (ii) each associate and substantial shareholder or direct or indirect associated company or jointly-controlled entity of any of the Company or of a substantial shareholder referred to in (i) above, and (iii) each associate or substantial shareholder or direct or indirect associated company or jointly-controlled entity of any of the foregoing entities referred to in (ii) above, and (iv) each associate or substantial shareholder or direct or indirect associated company or jointly-controlled entity of any of the foregoing entities referred to in (iii) above, and (v) each associate or substantial shareholder or direct or indirect associated company or jointly- controlled entity of any of the foregoing entities referred to in (iv) above.
Related Group means the Conduit Lenders and Committed Lenders listed together as part of a “Related Group” on Schedule I or in any Assignment and Assumption Agreement.
Related Group means a group of Shareholders that are investment vehicles and are under common control or management.
Related Group means the Conduit Lenders and Committed Lenders listed together as part of a “Related Group” on Annex B or in any Joinder Supplement.
Related Group means, with respect to any 144 measurement period, all Co-Investors other than those (a) who have agreed to forego their full pro rata share of the Rule 144 group limit in accordance with the last sentence of Section 9(b)(i), (b) who have opted out of 144 Coordination pursuant to Section 9(b)(iii), or (c) who have been excluded from the provisions of Section 9(b) pursuant to the last sentence of Section 9(d), unless, in each case, such Person’s sales of Registrable Securities are required to be aggregated with sales of Registrable Securities of all Co-Investors not described in clauses (a) through (c) for purposes of clauses (e)(1) or (2) of Rule 144.