Ratings Decline definition

Ratings Decline means the occurrence of the following on, or within 90 days after, the date of the public notice of the occurrence of a Change of Control or of the intention by the Company or any third-party to effect a Change of Control (which period shall be extended for so long as the rating of the securities is under publicly announced consideration for possible downgrade by any of the Ratings Agencies if such period exceeds 90 days): (1) in the event that the Securities have an Investment Grade Rating by all three Ratings Agencies, the Securities cease to have an Investment Grade Rating by two of the three Rating Agencies, (2) in the event that the Securities have an Investment Grade Rating by only two Ratings Agencies, the Securities cease to have an Investment Grade Rating by both such Rating Agencies, or (3) in the event that the Securities do not have an Investment Grade Rating, the rating of the Securities by two of the three Ratings Agencies (or if there are less than three Rating Agencies rating the securities, the rating of each Rating Agency) decreases by one or more gradations (including gradations within ratings categories as well as between rating categories) or is withdrawn.
Ratings Decline means a decrease in the rating of the Notes by both Xxxxx’x and S&P by one or more gradations (including gradations within Rating Categories as well as between Rating Categories). In determining whether the rating of the Notes has decreased by one or more gradations, gradations within Ratings Categories, namely + or - for S&P, and 1, 2, and 3 for Xxxxx’x, will be taken into account; for example, in the case of S&P, a ratings decline either from BB+ to BB or BB to BB- will constitute a decrease of one gradation.
Ratings Decline means at any time during the period commencing on the earlier of, (a) the occurrence of a Change of Control or (b) public notice of the occurrence of a Change of Control or the intention by Parent to effect a Change of Control, and ending 60 days thereafter (which period shall be extended so long as the rating of the Notes is under publicly announced consideration for a possible downgrade by any of the Rating Agencies) that (i) the rating of the Notes shall be reduced by both Rating Agencies and (ii) the Notes shall be rated below Investment Grade by each of the Rating Agencies.

Examples of Ratings Decline in a sentence

  • Not later than 30 days following a Change of Control that results in a Ratings Decline, the Issuer or the Guarantor will make an Offer to Purchase all outstanding Notes at a purchase price equal to 101% of the principal amount of Notes repurchased plus accrued and unpaid interest on such Notes to but excluding the date of purchase.

  • Neither the Issuer nor the Guarantor is required to offer to purchase the Notes unless the event that results in a Change of Control also results in a Ratings Decline.


  • In addition, if the Company undergoes a Change of Control and Ratings Decline, each as defined in the Indenture, the Company may be required to repurchase all of the Reopened Notes at a purchase price equal to 101% of the principal amount of the Reopened Notes, plus accrued and unpaid interest (including additional interest, if any), up to but not including the repurchase date.

  • The grant date fair value for each share of restricted stock unit was the closing price of our common stock on the date of grant as reported on the NYSE which, for Mr. Ozanne was $22.09, and for Mr. Roof was $17.40.

More Definitions of Ratings Decline

Ratings Decline means the occurrence of the following on, or within 90 days after, the date of the public notice of the occurrence of a Change of Control or of the intention by the Company or any third party to effect a Change of Control (which period shall be extended for so long as the rating of the Notes is under publicly announced consideration for possible downgrade by any of the Ratings Agencies if such period exceeds 90 days): (1) in the event that the Notes have an Investment Grade Rating by all three Ratings Agencies, the Notes cease to have an Investment Grade Rating by two of the three Ratings Agencies, (2) in the event that the Notes have an Investment Grade Rating by two Ratings Agencies, the Notes cease to have an Investment Grade Rating by both such Ratings Agencies, (3) in the event that the Notes have an Investment Grade Rating by one Ratings Agency, the Notes cease to have an Investment Grade Rating by such Ratings Agency and there is a reduction in the rating of the Notes by one of the other Ratings Agencies, or (4) in the event that the Notes do not have an Investment Grade Rating, there is a reduction in the rating of the Notes by two of the three Ratings Agencies or, if there are fewer than three Ratings Agencies rating the Notes, the rating of each Ratings Agency (for the avoidance of doubt, changes in outlook shall not be a reduction in rating).
Ratings Decline means a decrease in the rating of the Bonds by both Moody’s and S&P by one or more gradations (including gradations within Rating Categories as well as between Rating Categories). In determining whether the rating of the Bonds has decreased by one or more gradations, gradations within Rating Categories, namely + or - for S&P, and 1, 2, and 3 for Moody’s, will be taken into account; for example, in the case of S&P, a ratings decline either from BB+ to BB or BB– to B+ will constitute a decrease of one gradation.
Ratings Decline means the occurrence of the following on, or within 90 days after, the date of the public notice of the occurrence of a Change of Control or of the intention by the Company or any third-party to effect a Change of Control (which period shall be extended so long as the rating of the Notes is under publicly announced consideration for possible downgrade by any of the Ratings Agencies): (1) in the event that the Notes have an Investment Grade Rating by both Ratings Agencies, the Notes cease to have an Investment Grade Rating by one or both of the Ratings Agencies, or (2) in any other event, the rating of the Notes by either of the Ratings Agencies decreases by one or more gradations (including gradations within ratings categories as well as between rating categories) or is withdrawn.
Ratings Decline means the occurrence of any of the following events on, or within six months after, the date of public notice of the occurrence of a Change of Control or of the intention of the Company or any Person to effect a Change of Control (which period shall be extended so long as the rating of any of the Company's debt securities is under publicly announced consideration for possible downgrade by any of the Rating Agencies): (a) in the event that any of the Company's debt securities are rated by both of the Rating Agencies on the Rating Date as Investment Grade, the rating of such securities by either of the Rating Agencies shall be below Investment Grade, (b) in the event that any of the Company's debt securities are rated by either, but not both, of the Rating Agencies on the Rating Date as Investment Grade, the rating of such securities by both of the Rating Agencies shall be below Investment Grade, or (c) in the event any of the Company's debt securities are rated below Investment Grade by both of the Rating Agencies on the Rating Date, the rating of such securities by either Rating Agency shall be decreased by one or more gradations (including gradations within Rating Categories as well as between Rating Categories).
Ratings Decline means that at any time within 60 days after the earlier of the date of public notice of a Change of Control and the date on which the Company or any other Person publicly declares its intention to effect a Change of Control, (1) in the event the Notes are assigned an Investment Grade rating by at least two of the Rating Agencies prior to such public notice or declaration, the rating assigned to the Notes by at least two of the Rating Agencies is below an Investment Grade Rating; or (2) in the event the ratings assigned to the Notes by at least two of the Rating Agencies prior to such public notice or declaration are below an Investment Grade Rating, the rating assigned to the notes by at least two of the Rating Agencies is decreased by one or more categories (i.e., notches); provided that, in each case, any such Ratings Decline is expressly stated by the applicable Rating Agencies to have been the result of the Change of Control.
Ratings Decline means within 60 days after the earlier of, (i) the occurrence of a Change of Control or (ii) public notice of the occurrence of a Change of Control or the intention by the Issuer to effect a Change of Control (which period shall be extended so long as the rating of the Notes is under publicly announced consideration for a possible downgrade by any of the Rating Agencies) (the “Trigger Period”), (a) if two or more Rating Agencies are providing a rating for the Notes at the commencement of any Trigger Period, the rating of the Notes shall be reduced by at least two Rating Agencies and the Notes shall be rated below Investment Grade by each of such Rating Agencies or (b) if only one Rating Agency is providing a rating for the Notes at the commencement of any Trigger Period, the rating of the Notes shall be reduced by such Rating Agency and the Notes shall be rated below Investment Grade by such Rating Agency. Neither the trustee nor the paying agent shall be responsible for monitoring the Issuer’s Investment Grade status or determining whether a Ratings Decline has occurred.
Ratings Decline means a downgrade by one or more gradations (including gradations within Ratings Categories as well as between Ratings Categories) or withdrawal of the rating of the Notes within the Ratings Decline Period by each of the Rating Agencies (unless the applicable Rating Agency shall have put forth a written statement to the effect that such downgrade is not attributable in whole or in part to the applicable Change of Control).