quarantine leave definition

quarantine leave means leave of absence from duty by reason of the presence of an infectious disease in the family or household of a working journalist;
quarantine leave means leave of absence from duty by reason of the presence of an infectious disease in house-hold of the sales promotion employee;
quarantine leave means leave of absence from duty by reason of the presence of an infectious disease in the family or house-hold of a cine- worker;

Examples of quarantine leave in a sentence

  • The Employer shall grant leave of absence with pay for Quarantine Leave as designated by the Medical Officer of Health.

  • Quarantine Leave days used shall not be deducted from the unit member’s sick leave entitlement.

  • Quarantine Leave pay shall be paid only when unit members are normally required to be on duty.

  • Quarantine Leave without loss of pay or deduction of sick leave shall be granted to a Long-term Occasional Teacher for a period of quarantine when declared by the Medical Officer of Health or designate.

  • Quarantine Leave days used shall not be deducted from the Unit member’s sick leave entitlement.

  • Quarantine Leave is available to regular faculty (164 day work year) and adjunct and overload faculty during the fall, spring and summer terms.

  • Quarantine Leave 23 Contract, regular, long-term substitute and temporary, part-time faculty members shall receive 24 salary in full when quarantined by city, county, state, or federal health officials because of another's 25 illness.

  • Quarantine Leave A teacher who is quarantined by order of the medical officer of health for the city or by a provincial authority, shall be granted leave with pay if the absences for quarantine are certified by such qualified medical officer.

  • Quarantine Leave: Any staff member identified as a close contact who must quarantine as a result of a work-place exposure will not suffer a loss of pay or sick leave.

  • The following Sections of Article VII, Leaves of Absence and Vacation, shall apply to unit members for Summer School or extended year assignments: Sections B1, Bereavement Leave; B2, Illness, Accident or Quarantine Leave; B3, Industrial Accident/Illness Leave; B5, Military Leave; B6, Personal Necessity Leave; and B8, Association Leave.

More Definitions of quarantine leave

quarantine leave means the leave granted to a Government employee at the time when he or any member of his family suffers from prescribed infectious disease(s). The Government employee is treated on duty during the period of quarantine leave;
quarantine leave. Any staff member identified as a close contact who must quarantine as a result of a work-place exposure will not suffer a loss of pay or sick leave.

Related to quarantine leave

  • Quarantine means the restriction of activities or separation of a person, who was or may potentially have been exposed, to COVID-19 and who could potentially spread the disease to other non-exposed persons, to prevent the possible spread of infection or contamination to healthy individuals;

  • Sabotage means deliberate damage, with malevolent intent, to a Category 1 or Category 2 quantity of radioactive material, a device that contains a Category 1 or Category 2 quantity of radioactive material, or the components of the security system.

  • Explosion means the sudden release of energy sufficient to cause pressure waves and/or projectiles that may cause structural and/or physical damage to the surrounding of the vehicle."

  • Prevention means measures taken before a substance, material or product has become waste, that reduce:

  • Combatant Commander means the commander of a unified or specified combatant command established in accordance with 10 U.S.C. 161.

  • Earthquake insurance, if the Leased Property is currently, or at any time in the future, located within a major earthquake disaster area, in amount, and in such form and substance and with such limits and deductibles as are satisfactory to Landlord; and

  • Epidemic means a sudden development and rapid spreading of a contagious disease in a region where it developed in a simply endemic state or within a previously unscathed community.

  • Embargo means a ban placed by the Board on a Club in respect of player registrations, as more fully defined in Appendix H.

  • Occupational Health and Safety Act means the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No 85 of 1993);

  • windstorm means straight line winds of at least 80 miles per

  • Labour means worker employed by the Bank/SBIIMS's contractor directly or indirectly through a sub-contractor or other persons or by an agent on his behalf of a payment not exceeding Rs.

  • Workplace violence means any incident in which an employee is abused, threatened or assaulted during the course of his or her employment, and includes but is not limited to all forms of harassment, bullying, intimidation and intrusive behaviours of a physical or emotional nature.

  • Military caregiver leave means leave taken to care for a covered servicemember with a serious injury or illness.

  • Medical leave means leave of up to a total of 12 workweeks in a 12-month period because of an employee’s own serious health condition that makes the employee unable to work at all or unable to perform any one or more of the essential functions of the position of that employee. The term “essential functions” is defined in Government Code section 12926. “Medical leave” does not include leave taken for an employee’s pregnancy disability, as defined in (n) below, except as specified below in section 11093(c)(1).

  • Occupational Safety and Health Law means any Legal Requirement designed to provide safe and healthful working conditions and to reduce occupational safety and health hazards, including the Occupational Safety and Health Act, and any program, whether governmental or private (such as those promulgated or sponsored by industry associations and insurance companies), designed to provide safe and healthful working conditions.

  • Pandemic means any outbreaks, epidemics or pandemics relating to SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19, or any evolutions, variants or mutations thereof, or any other viruses (including influenza), and the governmental and other responses thereto.

  • Inclement Weather means any weather condition that delays the scheduled arrival or departure of a Common Carrier.

  • Boycott means engaging in a refusal to deal, terminating business activities or performing other actions that are intended to limit commercial relations with Israel or with persons or entities doing business in Israel or in territories controlled by Israel, if those actions are taken either:

  • Waste prevention means source reduction and reuse, but not recycling.

  • War means war, whether declared or not, or any warlike activities, including use of military force by any sovereign nation to achieve economic, geographic, nationalistic, political, racial, religious or other ends.

  • Sinkhole means a surface depression caused by a collapse of soil or overlying formation above fractured or cavernous bedrock.

  • Vandalism means destruction of or damage to a Project Asset deliberately

  • Catastrophic illness or “injury” means an illness or injury that is expected to incapacitate the employee for an extended period of time, or that incapacitates a member of the employee’s family which incapacity requires the employee to take time off from work for an extended period of time to care for that family member, and taking extended time off work creates a financial hardship for the employee because he or she has exhausted all of his or her sick leave and other paid time off.

  • Evacuation means the authorized or ordered departure from post of an employee or dependent(s), or any of the circumstances outlined in Section 610j herein. The terms "evacuated" and "ordered/authorized to depart" are used interchangeably in these regulations.

  • Occupational disease means a disease contracted in the course of employment, which by its causes and the characteristics of its manifestation or the condition of the employment results in a hazard which distinguishes the employment in character from employment generally, and the employment creates a risk of contracting the disease in greater degree and in a different manner from the public in general.

  • Disaster Management Act means the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No.57 of 2002)