Examples of Quantifiable in a sentence
In addition to the criteria listed in ITB 32.2 (a) - (e) the following criteria shall apply:1.1 Quantifiable Nonconformities, Errors and Omissions [insert project specific requirements] The evaluated amount of quantifiable nonconformities, errors and/or omissions shall be determined by ascertaining the price of such effect on an equal basis by adjusting the same to the quoted price of the bid.
Quantifiable and nonquantifiable health risk reduction benefits for which there is a factual basis in the rulemaking record to conclude that such benefits are likely to occur as the result of treatment to comply with each level.
Quantifiable risks, which are material and mitigated by holding capital, are modelled in the Group’s internal model, which is used to determine the Group Internal Economic Capital Assessment (GIECA) and is subject to independent validation and processes and controls around model changes and limitations.
Organizations should conduct coordinated assessments with other humanitarian entities in order to avoid duplication and contribute to more comprehensive multi-sector assessments;• Quantifiable data, trends, analysis, data sources, and methodologies used to collect data, to the extent possible, including when and where the data were collected;• Information from surveys, assessments, and other documents to describe the service area and the conditions of the targeted population(s).
Quantifiable Goals Report Progress on Last Year’s Goal (2019-20) 1.