Emission Reduction Credit definition

Emission Reduction Credit or "ERC" means the certified quantity of an emission reduction from a source that may be stored or used as described in Section 5- 502.
Emission Reduction Credit. (ERC) means a credit granted pursuant to SWCAA 400-131. This is a voluntary reduction in emissions beyond required levels of control.
Emission Reduction Credit means a credit representing the amount of emission reductions from accelerated retirement of vehicles, which can be applied to the emission reduction obligations of another source or to air quality attainment goals. VAVR enterprises can generate emission reduction credits that may be sold on the open market;

Examples of Emission Reduction Credit in a sentence

  • Offsets: emission reductions recognized by the APCO in the form of Emission Reduction Credits that are issued in accordance with the provisions of Rule 2301 (Emission Reduction Credit Banking), or other Actual Emissions Reductions that may be used to mitigate an emission increase as part of the same Stationary Source Project in accordance with the provisions of this rule.

  • I understand I will be prohibited from applying for any form of emission reduction credits for this Moyer funded equipment/engines including: Emission Reduction Credit (ERC), Mobile Source Emission Reduction Credit (MSERC), and/or Certificate of Advanced Placement (CAP), for all time, from the District, CARB, and/or any other district.

  • The Department shall then forward such notice and verification to the air quality permitting agency for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for registration in the state Emission Reduction Credit registry system.

  • Prior to banking, AER shall be discounted by 10 percent (10%) for Air Quality Improvement Deduction, and shall comply with all applicable provisions of Rule 2301 (Emission Reduction Credit Banking).

  • The Emission Reduction Credit generated by the emission reduction shall be calculated by subtracting the allowable annual emissions rate following the reduction from the average actual annual emissions prior to the reduction.

More Definitions of Emission Reduction Credit

Emission Reduction Credit means an actual emission reduction of specific type and quantity that is registered with the District in accordance with Rule 806, Emission Reduction Credits.
Emission Reduction Credit means a permanent, enforceable, quantifiable and surplus emissions reduction which can be considered as a reduction for the purpose of offsetting requirements under the federal Clean Air Act or any state counterpart thereto.
Emission Reduction Credit means a credit recognized by the commission and the United States Environmental Protection Agency for reductions in emissions of air pollutants.
Emission Reduction Credit or “credit” means a certified unit that may be banked, sold, transferred, withdrawn, or retired a reduction in qualifying emissions expressed in tons per year for which the generator has submitted an application under R18-2- 1203, R18-2-1204, or R18-2-1205 and which has not been withdrawn from the emissions bank under R18-2-1208(B)(5) or (C).
Emission Reduction Credit. (ERC) means a credit granted pursuant to SWCAA 400-131. This is a voluntary reduction in emissions beyond required levels of control. ERCs may be sold, leased, banked for future use or traded in accordance with applicable regulations. Emission reduction credits shall provide an incentive for reducing emissions below the required levels and establish a framework to promote a market based approach to air pollution control.
Emission Reduction Credit. (ERC) means a surplus emission reduction registered by the District in accordance with the requirements of this regulation that represents a decrease in the quantity of a pollutant discharged from an affected facility beyond the level used in the State Implementation Plan (SIP) attainment demonstration or otherwise required by federal or District regulations.
Emission Reduction Credit means the amount of emission reductions from the accelerated retirement of vehicles, that can be applied to the emission reduction obligations of another source or to air quality attainment goals.