Provider of health care definition

Provider of health care means a physician or physician assistant licensed pursuant to chapter 630, 630A or 633 of NRS, perfusionist, dentist, licensed nurse, dispensing optician, optometrist, practitioner of respiratory care, registered physical therapist, podiatric physician, licensed psychologist, licensed audiologist, licensed speech-language pathologist, licensed hearing aid specialist, licensed marriage and family therapist, licensed clinical professional counselor, chiropractor, licensed dietitian or doctor of Oriental medicine in any form.
Provider of health care means a physician, a medical student, a perfusionist or a physician assistant licensed pursuant to chapter 630 of NRS, a practitioner of respiratory care, a homeopathic physician, an advanced practitioner of homeopathy, a homeopathic assistant, an osteopathic physician, a physician assistant licensed pursuant to chapter 633 of NRS, a podiatric physician, a podiatry hygienist, a physical therapist, a medical laboratory technician, an optometrist, a chiropractor, a chiropractor’s assistant, a doctor of Oriental medicine, a nurse, a student nurse, a certified nursing assistant, a nursing assistant trainee, a medication aide - certified, a dentist, a dental student, a dental hygienist, a dental hygienist student, a pharmacist, a pharmacy student, an intern pharmacist, an attendant on an ambulance or air ambulance, a psychologist, a social worker, a marriage and family therapist, a marriage and family therapist intern, a clinical professional counselor, a clinical professional counselor intern, a licensed dietitian, an emergency medical technician, an advanced emergency medical technician and a paramedic.
Provider of health care means [a] :

Examples of Provider of health care in a sentence

  • Any Provider of health care services shall not seek reimbursement nor attempt to obtain payment for the cost of those covered health care services from the eligible applicant or recipient, or any person other than the department or a third-party payor who provides a contractual or legal entitlement to health care services.

  • The Plan does not give anyone any claim, right, or cause of action against the Plan based on the actions of a Provider of health care, services or supplies.

  • Any Provider of health care services who obtains a label or copy from the Medi-Cal card or other proof of eligibility shall not seek reimbursement nor attempt to obtain payment for the cost of those covered health care services from the eligible applicant or recipient, or any person other than the department or a third-party payor who provides a contractual or legal entitlement to health care services.

  • This Certificate does not give anyone any claim, right or cause of action based on what any Provider of health care or supplies does or does not do.Notice - Any notice from the Plan to the Member will be deemed appropriately given if:A.

  • Authorize or Authorization - prior approval from the Corporation for a Provider of health care services to provide certain Covered Services to a Member.

More Definitions of Provider of health care

Provider of health care means a person who is licensed, certified or otherwise authorized by the law of this State to administer health care in the ordinary course of business or practice of a profession.
Provider of health care means a physician licensed under chapter 630 or 633 of NRS, dentist, registered nurse, dispensing optician, optometrist, registered physical therapist, podiatric physician, licensed psychologist, chiropractic physician, doctor of Oriental medicine, holder of a license or a limited license issued under the provisions of chapter 653 of NRS, medical laboratory director or technician, licensed dietitian or a licensed hospital and its employees.
Provider of health care means a physician licensed under chapter 630 or 633 of NRS, dentist, licensed nurse, dispensing optician, optometrist, registered physical therapist, podiatric physician, licensed psychologist, chiropractor, doctor of Oriental medicine, medical laboratory director or technician, licensed dietitian or a licensed hospital and its employees.
Provider of health care means an individual (1) who is a direct provider of health care service in that the individual's primary activity is the provision of health care services to individuals or the administration of health care facilities in which such care is provided and, when required by State law, the individual has received professional training in the provision of such services or in such administration and is licensed or certified for such provision or administration; or (2) who is an indirect provider of health care in that the individual (a) holds a fiduciary position with, or has a fiduciary interest in, any entity described in subparagraph b(ii) or subparagraph b(iv); provided, however, that a member of the governing body of a county or any elected official shall not be deemed to be a provider of health care unless he is a member of the board of trustees of a health care facility or a member of a board, committee or body with authority similar to that of a board of trustees, or unless he participates in the direct administration of a health care facility; or (b) received, either directly or through his spouse, more than one-tenth of his gross annual income for any one or more of the following:
Provider of health care means an individual who represents a health care provider organization concerned with health facilities or licensed health professionals.
Provider of health care means a physician licensed pursuant to chapter 630, 630A or 633 of NRS, physician assistant, dentist, licensed nurse, dispensing optician, optometrist, practitioner of respiratory care, registered physical therapist, podiatric physician, licensed psychologist, licensed marriage and family therapist, licensed clinical professional counselor, music therapist, chiropractor, athletic trainer, perfusionist, doctor of Oriental medicine in any form, medical laboratory director or technician, pharmacist or a licensed hospital as the employer of any such person.
Provider of health care as used in (b), above, means a physician licensed under Chapter 630 or 633 of the Nevada Revised Statutes ("NRS"), a physical therapist licensed under Chapter 640 of NRS or an athletic trainer licensed under Chapter 640B of NRS.