Primary Income definition

Primary Income means for any period so much of the net additional income generated by the 1986 Special Session Acts or any other revenues appropriated in substitution for or in addition to such net additional revenues by the General Assembly credited to the Transportation Trust Fund as is or may be allocated to the Income Account of the Port Fund during such period.
Primary Income means more than 50% of income comes from farming. Income is farmer's adjusted gross income after add‐backs, such as depreciation, deferred compensation, nontaxable portions of pension, social security or unemployment compensation, etc., except disqualified losses
Primary Income for a Taxation Year of the Trust" means such part of the Income for a Taxation Year of the Trust which arises from property received by the Trust from Peguis, including the sum of one hundred ($100.00) dollars received by the Initial Trustees to initially settle the Trust and the balance of the Total Amount deposited by Canada, at the direction of Peguis, in the Trust pursuant to the Settlement Agreement, or from any property substituted for that property, which is attributed to the Beneficiary pursuant to the application of Subsection 75(2) of the Income Tax Act, or any other provision of the Income Tax Act, such that the Income so attributed is deemed to be income of the Beneficiary and not income of the Trust for purposes of the Income Tax Act;

Examples of Primary Income in a sentence

  • Guilin- manufactured IV artesunate is also sourced by the WHO for its recommended use of IV artesunate as the first-line treatment for severe malaria, and was used in large clinical trials that demonstrated increased safety and efficacy compared to IV quinine (Dondorp 2005 and Dondorp 2010).

  • The resources side of the account which records current transfers in cash receivable by the sector includes the balance of primary income (brought forward from the Allocation of Primary Income Account) and current transfers in cash described as follows: current taxes on income, wealth, etc.; social contributions and benefits; and other current transfers.

  • Unlike the Generation of Income Account, which can be compiled both for establishments and institutional units, the Allocation of Primary Income Account has no direct link with production and is only compiled for institutional units.

  • Primary Income BenefitsDisability income benefits for which a Member is eligible under the Canada Pension Plan or Quebec Plan, whether or not the Member has dependent children.

  • The Accounts for the ‘Rest of the world’ are also compiled – the Goods and Services Account, Primary Income and Current Transfer Account and Capital Account.

  • Account II.2: Secondary Distribution of Income AccountThe basic relationship in the secondary distribution of income account is: Disposable income = Balance of primary incomes+ Current transfers received– Current transfers paid In the Secondary Distribution of Income Account, the resources side of the account records current transfers and the balance of primary income (brought forward fromthe Allocation of Primary Income Account).

  • This shows the overdependence of households on agriculture in these districts.Table 6: Primary Income Source of the Selected Households District Numbers in parenthesis are percentage Other than primary occupation, about 81 percent of the households are engaged with secondary occupation.

  • Primary Income Sources of Project-Affected Entrepreneurs Under the TMC Resettlement Site, the majority of PAPs (54%) are wage-based earners.

  • Account II.I.2: Allocation of Primary Income AccountThe basic relationship in the allocation of primary income account is: Balance of primary incomes = Operating surplus+ Property income received- Property income paid The balance of primary incomes (item 9 of S-1) also includes receipts of compensation of employees in the case of households and receipts of taxes less subsidies on production and imports in the case of government.

  • Figure 5: Brazil – Current account (US$ million)2000200520102015202080,000.060,000.040,000.020,000.0US$ million0.0-20,000.0-40,000.0-60,000.0-80,000.0-100,000.0-120,000.0 Goods Services Primary Income Secondary Income Current Account Source: BCB.

Related to Primary Income

  • Ancillary Income All income derived from the Mortgage Loans, other than Servicing Fees, including but not limited to late charges, fees received with respect to checks or bank drafts returned by the related bank for non-sufficient funds, assumption fees, optional insurance administrative fees and all other incidental fees and charges. Ancillary Income shall not include any Prepayment Penalty Amount.

  • Program Income means gross in- come earned by the recipient that is di- rectly generated by a supported activ- ity or earned as a result of the award (see exclusions in § 215.24(e) and (h)). Program income includes, but is not limited to, income from fees for serv- ices performed, the use or rental of real or personal property acquired under federally-funded projects, the sale of commodities or items fabricated under an award, license fees and royalties on patents and copyrights, and interest on loans made with award funds. Interest earned on advances of Federal funds is not program income. Except as other- wise provided in Federal awarding agency regulations or the terms and conditions of the award, program in- come does not include the receipt of principal on loans, rebates, credits, dis- counts, etc., or interest earned on any of them.

  • Mandatory income interest means the right of an income beneficiary to receive net income that the terms of the trust require the fiduciary to distribute.

  • Gross income means the same as it does for income tax purposes, even if the income is not actually taxable, such as interest on tax-free bonds. Examples include: compensation for services, income from business, gains from property dealings, interest, rents, dividends, pensions, IRA distributions, social security, distributive share of partnership gross income, and alimony, but not child support.

  • Master Servicing Compensation The meaning specified in Section 3.14.

  • MUNICIPAL TAXABLE INCOME means the following:

  • Excess Earnings means, with respect to Mortgage Loans held in any subaccount of the Acquisition Account or the Loan Recycling Account established in connection with a Series of Tax- exempt Bonds, the "excess earnings," as defined in Treasury Regulations § 1.148-10T, with respect thereto.

  • Annual income means all amounts, monetary or not, which:

  • Servicing Compensation With respect to each Distribution Date, the sum of (i) the aggregate Servicing Fee for such Distribution Date subject to reduction as provided in Section 3.17, (ii) any Ancillary Income, (iii) Excess Proceeds for the preceding month and (iv) the Servicer Custodial Account Reinvestment Income for such Distribution Date.

  • Compensating Interest As defined in Section 3.24 hereof.

  • Monthly Earnings means your gross monthly income from your Employer, not including shift differential, in effect just prior to your date of disability. It includes your total income before taxes. It is prior to any deductions made for pre-tax contributions to a qualified deferred compensation plan, Section 125 plan or flexible spending account. It does not include income received from commissions, bonuses, overtime pay or any other extra compensation or income received from sources other than your Employer.

  • Consolidated Income Tax Expense means, for any period, all provisions for taxes based on the gross or net income of Borrower (including, without limitation, any additions to such taxes, and any penalties and interest with respect thereto), and all franchise taxes of Borrower, as determined on a Consolidated basis and in accordance with GAAP.

  • Optimal Interest Remittance Amount For each Distribution Date, the product of (A) (x) the weighted average of the Net Mortgage Rates for the Mortgage Loans as of the first day of the related Collection Period divided by (y) 12 and (B) the Aggregate Loan Balance as of the first day of the related Collection Period (not including for this purpose Mortgage Loans for which prepayments in full have been received and distributed in the month prior to that Distribution Date).

  • net earnings means such earnings as are calculated in accordance with paragraph 42 or 52, as the case may be;

  • Pre-Tax Income means income, as determined by GAAP, prior to deduction of the Bonus Pool (as hereinafter defined) and income taxes, and if applicable, after the deduction of any bonus pool of a future officer bonus plan adopted by the Company relating to an applicable Award Year and adjustments approved by the Board as described herein.

  • REO Account The account or accounts maintained by the Master Servicer in respect of an REO Property pursuant to Section 3.23.

  • Gross Income from Operations means, during any period, all sustainable income as reported on the financial statements delivered by Borrower in accordance with this Agreement, computed in accordance with GAAP, derived from the ownership and operation of the Property from whatever source during such period, including (i) Rents from Tenants that are in occupancy, open for business and paying full contractual rent without right of offset or credit, (ii) utility charges, (iii) escalations, (iv) forfeited security deposits, (v) interest on credit accounts, (vi) service fees or charges, (vii) license fees, (viii) parking fees, (ix) rent concessions or credits, (x) income from vending machines, (xi) business interruption or other loss of income or rental insurance proceeds, (xii) other required pass-throughs and (xiii) interest on Reserve Funds, if any, but excluding (i) Rents from month-to-month Tenants, Tenants during a free-rent period, or Tenants that are included in any Bankruptcy Action, (ii) sales, use and occupancy or other taxes on receipts required to be accounted for by Borrower to any Governmental Authority, (iii) refunds and uncollectible accounts, (iv) sales of furniture, fixtures and equipment, (v) Insurance Proceeds (other than business interruption or other loss of income or rental insurance), (vi) Awards, (vii) unforfeited security deposits, (viii) utility and other similar deposits and (ix) any disbursements to Borrower from the Reserve Funds, if any. Gross income shall not be diminished as a result of the Security Instrument or the creation of any intervening estate or interest in the Property or any part thereof.

  • REO Revenues All income, rents, profits and proceeds derived from the ownership, operation or leasing of any REO Property.

  • Gross earnings means all monies earned by the Employee under the terms of this Collective Agreement.

  • Taxable income means, in the case of an individual, federal adjusted gross income determined without regard to 26 U.S.C. § 168(k) and: