Permitted Lock-Up Agreement definition

Permitted Lock-Up Agreement means an agreement between a Person and one or more holders of Voting Shares pursuant to which such holders (each a “Locked-Up Person”) agree to deposit or tender Voting Shares to a Take-Over Bid (the “Lock-Up Bid”) made or to be made by such Person or any of such Person’s Affiliates or Associates or any other Person with which such Person is acting jointly or in concert, provided that:
Permitted Lock-Up Agreement means an agreement between a Person and one or more holders of Voting Shares or Convertible Securities (each, a “Locked-up Person”) (the terms of which are publicly disclosed and a copy of which is made available to the public, including the Corporation, not later than the date of the Lock-up Bid (as defined below) or, if the Lock-up Bid has been made prior to the date on which such agreement is entered into, not later than the date of such agreement and if such date is not a Business Day, the next Business Day) pursuant to which each such Locked-up Person agrees to deposit or tender Voting Shares or Convertible Securities (or both) to a Take-over Bid (the “Lock-up Bid”) made or to be made by the Person, any of such Person’s Affiliates or Associates or any other Person acting jointly or in concert with such Person, provided that:
Permitted Lock-Up Agreement means an agreement between a Person and one or more holders of Voting Shares or Convertible Securities (each, a “Locked-up Person”) (the terms of which are publicly disclosed and a copy of which is made available to the public, including the Company, not later than the date of the Lock- up Bid (as defined below) or, if the Lock-up Bid has been made prior to the date on which such agreement is entered into, not later than the date of such agreement and if such date is not a Business Day, the next Business Day) pursuant to which each such Locked-up Person agrees to deposit or tender Voting Shares or Convertible Securities (or both) to a Take-over Bid (the “Lock-up Bid”) made or to be made by the Person, any of such Person’s Affiliates or Associates or any other Person acting jointly or in concert with such Person, provided that:

Examples of Permitted Lock-Up Agreement in a sentence

  • A person will not be deemed to “Beneficially Own” any securities that are the subject of a Permitted Lock-Up Agreement.

  • Where a Take-over Bid is made and shareholders agree to deposit or tender their Common Shares to the Take-over Bid by entering into a lock-up agreement, the Person making the Take-over Bid will not be deemed to have Beneficial Ownership of those Common Shares until they are actually taken up and paid for pursuant to the Take-over Bid provided that the lock-up agreement is a Permitted Lock-Up Agreement.

  • A Permitted Lock-Up Agreement can contain a provision giving the offeror under the Take-over Bid a right of first refusal to match the consideration payable under the subsequent Take-over Bid so long as shareholders are not deprived of their ability to tender to the subsequent Take-over Bid.

  • The Person is not deemed to Beneficially Own such Common Shares if the Shareholder has agreed to deposit or tender its Common Shares pursuant to a Permitted Lock-Up Agreement.

  • To qualify as a Permitted Lock-Up Agreement, the lock-up is also not allowed to require a Locked-Up Shareholder to pay excessive fees, penalties, expense reimbursement or other amounts if it fails to deposit or tender its shares to the Lock-Up Bid or withdraws shares previously tendered in order to deposit such shares to another take-over bid or support another transaction.

More Definitions of Permitted Lock-Up Agreement

Permitted Lock-Up Agreement means an agreement (the “Lock-Up Agreement”) between a Person and one or more holders of Voting Shares and/or Convertible Securities (each a “Locked-Up Person”) (the terms of which are publicly disclosed and a copy of which is made available to the public (including the Corporation) not later than the date the Lock-Up Bid (as defined below) is publicly announced or, if the Lock-Up Bid has been made prior to the date on which such Lock-Up Agreement is entered into, not later than the date of such Lock-Up Agreement (or, if such date is not a Business Day, on the Business Day next following such date)), pursuant to which such Locked-Up Person agrees to deposit or tender Voting Shares and/or Convertible Securities held by such holder to a Take-Over Bid (the “Lock-Up Bid”) made or to be made by such Person, any of such Person’s Affiliates or Associates or any other Person with which, and in respect of which security, such Person is acting jointly or in concert; provided that:
Permitted Lock-Up Agreement means an agreement (the "Lock-up Agreement") between a Person and one or more holders of Common Shares and/or Convertible Securities (each such holder herein referred to as a "Locked-up Person") (the terms of which are publicly disclosed and a copy of which is made available to the public (including the Corporation) not later than the date of the Lock-up Bid (as defined below) or if the Lock-up Bid has been made prior to the date of the Lock-up Agreement not later than the first Business Day following the date of the Lock-up Agreement) pursuant to which each Locked-up Person agrees to deposit or tender the Common Shares and/or Convertible Securities held by such holder to a Take-over Bid (the "Lock-up Bid") made by the Person or any of such Person's Affiliates or Associates or any other Person referred to in clause 1.1(i)(iii) provided that:
Permitted Lock-Up Agreement means an agreement between a Person and one or more holders of Voting Shares or Convertible Securities (each a “Locked-up Person”) (the terms of which are publicly disclosed and a copy of which is made available to the public (including the Corporation) not later than the date the Lock-up Bid (as defined below) is publicly announced or, if the Lock-up Bid has been made prior to the date on which such agreement is entered into, forthwith, and in any event not later than the date of such agreement), pursuant to which each such Locked-up Person agrees to deposit or tender Voting Shares or Convertible Securities (or both) to a Take-over Bid (the “Lock-up Bid”) made or to be made by the Person or any of such Person’s Affiliates or Associates or any other Person referred to in Clause (iii) of the definition of Beneficial Owner; provided that:
Permitted Lock-Up Agreement means an agreement (the "Lock-up Agreement") between a Person and one or more holders of Common Shares (each such holder herein referred to as a "Locked-up Person") (the terms of which are publicly disclosed and a copy of which is made available to the public (including the Corporation) not later than the date of the Lock-up Bid (as defined below), or if the Lock-up Bid has been made prior to the date of the Lock-up Agreement not later than the first Business Day following the date of the Lock-up Agreement) pursuant to which each Locked-up Person agrees to deposit or tender the Common Shares held by such holder to a Take-over Bid (the "Lock-up Bid") made by the Person or any of such Person's Affiliates or Associates or any other Person referred to in Clause 1.1(e)(iii), provided that:
Permitted Lock-Up Agreement means an agreement between a Person and one or more holders of Voting Shares (each, a “Locked-up Person”) (the terms of which are publicly disclosed and a copy of which is made available to the public, including the Corporation, not later than the date of the Lock-up Bid (as defined below) or, if the Lockup Bid has been made prior to the date on which such agreement is entered into, not later than the date of such agreement and if such date is not a Business Day, the next Business Day) pursuant to which each such Locked-up Person agrees to deposit or tender Voting Shares to a Take-over Bid (the “Lock-up Bid”) made or to be made by the Person, any of such Person’s Affiliates or Associates or any other Person acting jointly or in concert with such Person, provided that:
Permitted Lock-Up Agreement means an agreement (the “Lock-up Agreement”) between a Person and one or more holders of Voting Shares (each holder referred to herein as a “Locked-up Person”), the terms of which are publicly disclosed and a copy of which is made available to the public, including the Corporation, pursuant to which such holders agree to deposit or tender Voting Shares to a Take-over Bid (the “Lock-up Bid”) made by the Person or any of such Person’s Affiliates or Associates or any other Person referred to in clause (iii) of the definition of Beneficial Owner, whether such Lock-up Bid is made before or after the Lock-up Agreement is signed, provided that:
Permitted Lock-Up Agreement means an agreement (the "LOCK-UP AGREEMENT") between a Person and one or more holders of Voting Shares (each such holder herein referred to as a "LOCKED-UP PERSON") (the terms of which are publicly disclosed and reduced to writing and a copy of which is made available to the public (including the Corporation) not later than the date the Lock-up Bid (as defined below) or if the Lock-up Bid has been made prior to the date of the Lock-up Agreement not later than the date of the Lock-up Agreement) pursuant to which each Lock-up Person agrees to deposit or tender the Voting Shares held by such holder to a Take-over Bid (the "Lock-up Bid") made by the Person or any of such Person's Affiliates or Associates or any other Person referred to in clause 1.1(d)(iii) provided that: