Minimum SwapClear Contribution Member definition

Minimum SwapClear Contribution Member means an SCM in respect of which the SwapClear Non-Tolerance Contribution Amount calculated under paragraph (f) of Rule S1 of Part A of the Rates Service Default Fund Supplement is equal to or less than the Minimum Non-Tolerance SwapClear Contribution for the time being
Minimum SwapClear Contribution Member means an SCM in respect of which the SwapClear Non- Tolerance Contribution Amount calculated under paragraph(f) of Rule S1 of Part A of the Rates Service Default Fund Supplement is equal to or less than the Minimum Non- Tolerance SwapClear Contribution for the time being"Multilateral Compression"means the exercise in which some or all of the SwapClear Contracts submitted by two or more Compression Clearing Members either on their own account or with respect to a SwapClear Clearing Client, for inclusion in a Multilateral Compression Cycle are wholly terminated and, where relevant, replaced with other SwapClear Contracts"Multilateral Compression Cycle"means the process of Multilateral Compression in accordance with a Compression Proposal, whether by way of an ACSP Compression Cycle or a Member Compression Cycle"Net Recovery"means any sum received by the Clearing House from or for the account of a Defaulter after the issue by the Clearing House of a Rule 19 Certificate in respect of losses arising upon the Defaulter’s Default less any amount payable to any insurer or provider of analogous services in respect of any amount due from but not previously paid by the Defaulter"New Member"means, on the day as at which any Contribution is to be calculated, any Clearing Member which either has become a Clearing Member, or has commenced clearing in respect of the relevant Service, since the immediately preceding day prescribed for calculating similar Contributions"Nominated Group Member"has the meaning assigned to it in Chapter XIV(k)"Non-Affected ForexClear Option Clearing Member"means a ForexClear Option Clearing Member that is not an Affected ForexClear Option Clearing Member"Non-Clearing Participant ("NCP")"means, in respect of a Service, a person (a) who is not a Clearing Member in such Service, (b) whom a Clearing Member has appointed as an NCP, in respect of such Service, in accordance with the Procedures, (c) who has been notified to the Clearing House in accordance with Section 1.2.2 of Section 1 of the Procedures, and (d) whose appointment as an NCP, in respect of such Service, has not been terminated in accordance with Section 1.2.3 of Section 1 of the Procedures"Non-Defaulting FXCCM"means an FXCCM which is not a Defaulter under Rule 4 of the Default Rules
Minimum SwapClear Contribution Member means an SCM in respect of which the SwapClear Non- Tolerance Contribution Amount calculated under paragraph(f) of Rule S1 of Part A of the Rates Service Default Fund Supplement is equal to or less than the Minimum Non- Tolerance SwapClear Contribution for the time being"Multilateral Compression"means the exercise in which some or all of the SwapClear Contracts submitted by two or more Compression Clearing Members either on their own account or with respect to a SwapClear Clearing Client, for inclusion in a Multilateral Compression Cycle are wholly terminated and, where relevant, replaced with other SwapClear Contracts"Multilateral Compression Cycle"means the process of Multilateral Compression in accordance with a Compression Proposal, whether by way of an ACSP Compression Cycle or a Member Compression Cycle"Net Recovery"means any sum received by the Clearing House from or for the account of a Defaulter after the issue by the Clearing House of a Rule 19 Certificate in respect of losses arising upon the Defaulter’s Default less any amount payable to any insurer or provider of analogous services in respect of any amount due from but not previously paid by the Defaulter"New Member"means, on the day as at which any Contribution is to be calculated, any Clearing Member which either has become a Clearing Member, or has commenced clearing in respect of the relevant Service, since the immediately preceding day prescribed for calculating similar Contributions"Nodal"means Nodal Exchange, LLC of 8065 Leesburg Pike, Suite 700, Vienna, VA 22182, United States of America"Nodal Clearing Client"means, in respect of NODAL Client Clearing Business, an Individual Segregated Account Clearing Client or an Omnibus Segregated Clearing Client"Nodal Clearing House Business"means Nodal Contracts entered into by a Nodal Service Clearing Member with the Clearing House on a proprietary basis and for its own account"Nodal Client Clearing Business"means the provision of NODAL Client Clearing Services by a Nodal Service Clearing Member"Nodal Client Clearing Services"means the entering into of Nodal Contracts by a Nodal Service Clearing Member in respect of its Individual Segregated Account Clearing Clients and/or its Omnibus Segregated Clearing Clients

More Definitions of Minimum SwapClear Contribution Member

Minimum SwapClear Contribution Member means an SCM in respect of which the SwapClear Non- Tolerance Contribution Amount calculated under paragraph(f) of Rule S1 of Part A of the Rates Service Default Fund Supplement is equal to or less than the Minimum Non- Tolerance SwapClear Contribution for the time being"Multilateral Compression"means the exercise in which some or all of the SwapClear Contracts submitted by two or more Compression Clearing Members either on their own account or with respect to a SwapClear Clearing Client, for inclusion in a Multilateral Compression Cycle are wholly terminated and, where relevant, replaced with other SwapClear Contracts"Multilateral Compression Cycle"means the process of Multilateral Compression in accordance with a Compression Proposal, whether by way of an ACSP Compression Cycle or a Member Compression Cycle"Net Recovery"means any sum received by the Clearing House from or for the account of a Defaulter after the issue by the Clearing House of a Rule 19 Certificate in respect of losses arising upon the Defaulter’s Default less any amount payable to any insurer or provider of analogous services in respect of any amount due from but not previously paid by the Defaulter"New Member"means, on the day as at which any Contribution is to be calculated, any Clearing Member which either has become a Clearing Member, or has commenced clearing in respect of the relevant Service, since the immediately preceding day prescribed for calculating similar Contributions"Nominated Group Member"has the meaning assigned to it in Chapter XIV(k)"Non-Affected ForexClear Option Clearing Member"means a ForexClear Option Clearing Member that is not an Affected ForexClear Option Clearing Member"Non-Defaulting FXCCM"means an FXCCM which is not a Defaulter under Rule 4 of the Default Rules"Non-Defaulting Joint Rates Service Clearing Member"means a Joint Rates Service Clearing Member which is not a Defaulter under Rule 4 of the Default Rules"Non-Defaulting Rates Services Clearing Member"means a Rates Service Clearing Member which is not a Defaulter under Rule 4 of the Default Rules"Non-Defaulting RCM"means an RCM which is not a Defaulter under Rule 4 of the Default Rules
Minimum SwapClear Contribution Member means an SCM in respect of which the Preliminary SwapClear Contribution calculated under Rule S2 of the SwapClear Default Fund Supplement is equal to or less than the Minimum SwapClear Contribution for the time being;
Minimum SwapClear Contribution Member means USD 5,000,000 means £10,000,000 (which, for the avoidance of doubt, excludes the £3,000,000 minimum amount payable by an SCM in respect of the SwapClear Tolerance Contribution Amount); means EUR 2,500,000 means an RCM in respect of which the Preliminary RepoClear Contribution calculated under Rule R2 of the RepoClear Default Fund Supplement, is equal to or less than the Minimum RepoClear Contribution for the time being means an SCM in respect of which the SwapClear Non- Tolerance Contribution Amount calculated under paragraph (hf) of Rule S2 S1 of Part A of the SwapClear Rates Service Default Fund Supplement is equal to or less than the Minimum Non-Tolerance SwapClear ContributionSegregated Clearing Clients
Minimum SwapClear Contribution Member means an SCM in respect of which the SwapClear Non- Tolerance Contribution Amount calculated under paragraph(f) of Rule S1 of Part A of the Rates Service Default Fund Supplement is equal to or less than the Minimum Non- Tolerance SwapClear Contribution for the time being"Multilateral Compression"means the exercise in which some or all of the SwapClear Contracts submitted by two or more SwapClear Clearing Members for inclusion in a Multilateral Compression Cycle are wholly terminated and, where relevant, replaced with other SwapClear Contracts whose combined notional value is less than the combined notional value of the terminated SwapClear Contracts in that Multilateral Compression Cycle"Multilateral Compression Cycle"means the process of Multilateral Compression in accordance with a Compression Proposal, whether by way of an ACSP Compression Cycle or a Member Compression Cycle"Net Recovery"means any sum received by the Clearing House from or for the account of a Defaulter after the issue by the Clearing House of a Rule 19 Certificate in respect of losses arising upon the Defaulter’s Default less any amount payable to any insurer or provider of analogous services in respect of any amount due from but not previously paid by the Defaulter"New Member"means, on the day as at which any Contribution is to be calculated, any Clearing Member which either has become a Clearing Member, or has commenced clearing in respect of the relevant Service, since the immediately preceding day prescribed for calculating similar Contributions"NLX"NASDAQ OMX NLX Limited of 131 Finsbury Pavement, London EC2A 1NT"NLX Clearing Client"means, in respect of NLX Client Clearing Business, an Individual Segregated Account Clearing Client or an Omnibus Segregated Clearing Client"NLX Clearing House Business"means NLX Contracts entered into by a NLX Service Clearing Member with the Clearing House on a proprietary basis and for its own account"NLX Client Clearing Business"means the provision of NLX Client Clearing Services by a NLX Service Clearing Member

Related to Minimum SwapClear Contribution Member

  • Cash Contribution Amount means the aggregate amount of cash contributions made to the capital of the Company described in the definition of “Contribution Indebtedness.”

  • Initial Contribution means that contribution each Participant has made or agrees to make pursuant to Section 5.1.

  • Employer Contribution means the amount paid by an employer, as determined by the employer rate, including the normal and deficiency rates, contributions, and funds wherever used in this chapter.