Mechanical processing definition
Examples of Mechanical processing in a sentence
Mechanical processing should be preferable taken place in confined areas or separate facilities.
Mechanical processing with dust exposure requires safety goggles closed at the side in accordance with DIN 58211 or DIN EN 166.
Mechanical processing should be preferable taken place in confined areas or separate facilities.Technical machinery, electric and electronic devises should be protected against static charge and short circuit.
Mechanical processing typically involves the following five stages as depicted in Figure 7 and listed in Table 1.
CowpeaCBB-resistant variety Mechanical processing TZB-SR fertilizer packageSpraying for plant protectionPhilippines15.
Mechanical processing is extremely energy inefficient as 98% of the input energy to the machinery is lost as heat, noise, vibration and friction in the process itself [4].
Mechanical processing technologies employ physical processing, such as steam classification (autoclaving), primarily to recover recyclables and separate the organic and inorganic fractions of MSW.
Mechanical processing includes but is not limited to activities such as sorting, grinding, melting, and reforming.Secondary Recycling, commonly referred to as downgrading, also involves mechanical processing where the chemical polymer is not altered (Hopewell, 2009).
Mechanical processing starts when SCC (BST's E911 vendor) receives E911 files containing telephone number (TN) records extracted from BST's Service Order Communication System (SOCS).
Mechanical processing of dead and live vegetation into wood chips or shredded biomass is effective in reducing emissions if the material is removed from the site or biologically decomposed.