Matriculated definition

Matriculated means a student is fully admitted and Enrolled at a postsecondary institution in an academic program of study leading to a Degree, Diploma, or Certificate.
Matriculated means to be enrolled or registered for classes, as a student.
Matriculated means all those admits (see above) who enrolled in Fall Term at OSU

Examples of Matriculated in a sentence

  • You must be in a Matriculated status in an organized program leading to a degree.

  • TUITION BENEFITSThe College offers a number of tuition programs to full-time faculty, to include:• Matriculated Students at Skidmore College• Non-Matriculated Students at Skidmore College• Students at Other Colleges (for employee's children who are dependents under the IRS code)A complete description of the tuition programs offered, including eligibility and waiting periods, if any, can be found in the Skidmore College Employee Benefit Plans summary, which is available in Human Resources.

  • A student must be Enrolled at UNG in a Matriculated status leading to an Undergraduate Degree.

  • Matriculated status refers to enrollment in the Cochran School of Nursing to earn the Associate in Applied Science degree with a major in nursing.

  • Matriculated part-time students are eligible for both lists if they take at least six and no more than 11 credit hours.

  • Matriculated students have the right to petition the college responsible for certifying credit (e.g. college transfer coordinator, academic xxxx or other person/s) if credit is not awarded under this agreement.

  • Matriculated students must have a minimum CGPA of 2.0 to be eligible for independent study.

  • Matriculated students are encouraged to register during the advance periods to increase the probability that they will obtain desired courses.

  • Matriculated means formal acceptance and enrollment at an approved educational institution as a degree candidate.

  • Prerequisites: Matriculated in a MAT program and within 12 credits of completing degree requirementsA pre-student teaching experience in which students meet weekly for presentations, discussions, and in-class peer lessons.

More Definitions of Matriculated

Matriculated means that the student had been formally admitted to the University as a degree- seeking student; dismissal means that the student is no longer considered a degree-seeking candidate and is not eligible to enroll in full-time study.)
Matriculated means enrolled or admitted to any course of study in any one of the Colleges of the University.
Matriculated means when the student has met all the formal entry requirements for enrolment in the course or programme administered by the Institution, he/she is said to have been matriculated.

Related to Matriculated

  • Cannabinoid edible means food or potable liquid into which a cannabinoid concentrate, cannabinoid extract or dried marijuana leaves or flowers have been incorporated.

  • Tissue means a portion of the human body other than an organ or an eye. The term does not include blood unless the blood is donated for the purpose of research or education.

  • Cannabinoid means any of the chemical compounds that are the active constituents of marijuana.

  • Sterilization means the procedure that kills all microorganisms, including their spores.

  • Feed means feed as defined in point (4) of Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 178/2002;

  • Cyanoacrylate adhesive means any adhesive with a cyanoacrylate content of at least 95% by weight.

  • Nematode means invertebrate animals of the phylum nemathelminthes, and class nematoda, i.e., unsegmented round worms with elongated, fusiform, or saclike bodies covered with cuticle, and inhabiting soil, water, plants, or plant parts, may also be called nemas or eelworms.

  • Microorganisms (1 2) means bacteria, viruses, mycoplasms, rickettsiae, chlamydiae or fungi, whether natural, enhanced or modified, either in the form of "isolated live cultures" or as material including living material which has been deliberately inoculated or contaminated with such cultures.

  • Opaque means impenetrable to sight.

  • Biodegradable means degradable through a process by which fungi or bacteria secrete enzymes to convert a complex molecular structure to simple gasses and organic compounds.

  • Coefficient means a number that represents the quantified relationship of each variable to the assessed value of a property when derived through a mass appraisal process

  • Massage therapy means performance for compensation of massage, myotherapy, massotherapy, bodywork, bodywork therapy, or therapeutic massage including hydrotherapy, superficial hot and cold applications, vibration and topical applications, or other therapy which involves manipulation of the muscle and connective tissue of the body, excluding osseous tissue, to treat the muscle tonus system for the purpose of enhancing health, providing muscle relaxation, increasing range of motion, reducing stress, relieving pain, or improving circulation.

  • Scale means the height, width and length of each building proposed within the development in relation to its surroundings;

  • Sorbent means a material that is used to soak up free liquids by either adsorption or absorption, or both. “Sorb” means to either adsorb or absorb, or both.

  • Backpressure means a pressure (caused by a pump, elevated tank or piping, boiler, or other means) on the consumer's side of the service connection that is greater than the pressure provided by the public water system and which may cause backflow.

  • Coagulation means a process using coagulant chemicals and mixing by which colloidal and suspended materials are destabilized and agglomerated into flocs.

  • Pyrolysis means the thermal degradation of a substance in the absence of any oxidising agent, which does not form part of the substance itself, to produce char and gas and/or liquid; and

  • Compostable means all the materials in the product or package

  • Electrostatic spray means a method of applying a spray coating in which opposite electric charges are applied to the substrate and the coating. The coating is attracted to the substrate by the electrostatic potential between them.

  • Dose is a generic term that means absorbed dose, dose equivalent, effective dose equivalent, committed dose equivalent, committed effective dose equivalent, total organ dose equivalent, or total effective dose equivalent. For purposes of these regulations, "radiation dose" is an equivalent term.

  • Radionuclide means a radioactive element or a radioactive isotope.

  • Vaccine means a specially prepared antigen which, upon administration to a person, will result in immunity and, specifically for the purposes of this rule, shall mean influenza and pneumococcal vaccines.

  • Stability means structural stability.

  • Dusting aid means a product designed or labeled to assist in removing dust and other soils from floors and other surfaces without leaving a wax or silicone based coating. “Dusting Aid” does not include “Pressurized Gas Duster.”

  • Lightweight means the displacement of a ship in metric tons without cargo, fuel, lubricating oil, ballast water, fresh water and feed water in tanks, consumable stores, and passengers and crew and their effects.

  • Precursor means any chemical reactant which takes part at any stage in the production by whatever method of a toxic chemical. This includes any key component of a binary or multicomponent chemical system.