Lost Rent definition

Lost Rent means the aggregate annualized reduction in income which is expected to occur from the Early Terminated Tenant Leases, calculated based on the annualized amount of minimum rent payable under each Early Terminated Tenant Lease during the last full calendar month period immediately prior to the expiration or termination thereof.
Lost Rent has the meaning set forth in Section 1.2(b).
Lost Rent means the excess of (1) the rent that would have been paid by dj Orthopedics under the 2985 and 3105 Xxxxx Sublease and the 2980 Xxxxx Sublease for such period; over (2) the rent or other consideration in lieu of rent (including key money and bonus money and any payment in excess of fair market value for services rendered by PRES to New Tenant (as defined below) or assets, fixtures, inventory, equipment, or furniture transferred by New Tenant (as defined below) to PRES in connection with the Occupancy Agreement) that PRES or its successors receives from any new tenant, licensee or occupant (each, a “New Tenant”) under an Occupancy Agreement(s) for such period. Any “free rent” payable under an Occupancy Agreement shall be amortized over the base term (without regard to options to extend the base term) under any such Occupancy Agreement. PRES agrees

Examples of Lost Rent in a sentence

  • Because the claim remains incomplete, the Settlement Administrator is unable to determine whether the claimant is entitled to damages for Lost Rent, Use, and Sales in accordance with Pre-Trial Order 29.

  • The coverage provided under the “All Risks Except” policy purchased by SOCIETE GENERALE including building insurance, Lost Rent -Loss of Use insurance, and Lessor Civil Liability insurance will be maintained throughout the duration of the Work.

  • In addition, Claimant has not submitted any of the missing documentation required by the Settlement Agreement to substantiate the Lost Rent, Use or Sales claim.

  • A Lost Rent - Deprivation of Enjoyment Insurance policy, covering at least two years of financial charges under the financial lease, will also be subscribed for.

  • An Expert Report stating the Lost Rent, Use or Sales was due to the presence of Chinese Drywall.

  • Default: Tenant is responsible for entire Lease sum and/or Lost Rent until the Apartment is Rented to another person if Default occurs.

  • At Investor Day 2019, our 2020 outlook for Lost Rent and Unreimbursed Property Costs was 1% and 2%, respectively.

  • Lost Rent Agreements between the San Diego Unified Sghool Distrigt and Mighael Borden, Trustee, owner of a three-unit apartment building logated at 3771-75 39th St., San Diego, CA 92105, whigh is situated within the proposed Central Area Elemen- tary Sghool site.

  • VIT, for instance, timely submitted a claim for "Lost Rent, Use, or Sales," and now seeks to also file a "Miscellaneous" claim.

  • Further details are shown below: Lost Rent due to Void PropertiesAverage of our peer group 1.8%Average performance of allHA’s0.8%WDHA target 0.4%WDHA performance 0.3%The additional benefit of this quick turn around is that the amount of rent we lost through voids was minimised and we even improved on last year’s performance, only losing 0.27% in rental income.

Related to Lost Rent

  • Additional Rental has the meaning set forth in Section 4.03.

  • Additional Rent means all amounts payable by the Tenant under this Lease except Base Rent, whether or not specifically designated as Additional Rent elsewhere in this Lease;

  • Additional Rents means amounts payable under any Lease for (i) the payment of additional rent based upon a percentage of the Tenant’s business during a specified annual or other period (sometimes referred to as “percentage rent”), (ii) so-called common area maintenance or “CAM” charges, and (iii) so called “escalation rent” or additional rent based upon such tenant’s allocable share of insurance, real estate taxes or operating expenses or labor costs or cost of living or xxxxxx’x wages or otherwise.

  • Renewal Rent for the Aircraft means the rent payable therefor in respect of a Renewal Lease Term determined pursuant to Section 17.2.2 of the Lease.

  • Rent as used in this Section 21 shall be deemed to be and to mean all sums of every nature required to be paid by Tenant pursuant to the terms of this Lease, whether to Landlord or to others. As used in Sections 21(c)(ii)(A) and (B), above, the “worth at the time of award” shall be computed by allowing interest at the Default Rate. As used in Section 21(c)(ii)(C) above, the “worth at the time of award” shall be computed by discounting such amount at the discount rate of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco at the time of award plus 1%.

  • Monthly Rent means the monthly installment of Minimum Annual Rent plus the monthly installment of estimated Annual Operating Expenses payable by Tenant under this Lease.

  • Base Rent As defined in Section 3.1.

  • Basic Rent means Basic Rent as defined in Paragraph 6.

  • For Rent or "For Sale" thirty (30) days before the termination of this Lease. Landlord may enter the Premises at reasonable hours to exhibit same to prospective purchasers or tenants and to make repairs required of Landlord under the terms hereof, or to make repairs to Landlord's adjoining property, if any.

  • Base Rental means the sum of Seven Hundred Nineteen Thousand Two Hundred Sixty-Eight and NO/100 Dollars ($719,268.00), payable by Tenant to Landlord in sixty (60) monthly installments as follows:

  • Net Rent means all rental Landlord actually receives from any reletting of all or any part of the Premises, less any indebtedness from Tenant to Landlord other than Rent (which indebtedness is paid first to Landlord) and less the Re-entry Costs (which costs are paid second to Landlord).

  • Minimum Rent means Forty-Four Million Four Hundred Eleven Thousand Six Hundred Eighteen and 00/100ths Dollars ($44,411,618.00), subject to adjustment as provided in Section 3.1.1(b).

  • Rental means the Supplier’s charging rate for the hire of the Hire Goods which is current from time to time during the Hire Period;

  • Fixed Rent shall have the meaning set forth in Section 1.1 hereof.

  • Gross Rent means the rent for a set-aside unit, including any applicable utility allowances, in compliance with the rent limits applicable to the property for 2020. Gross rent does include optional fees included in the household’s lease, including but not limited to, washer/dryer, cable, parking, etc., as long as they are included in the lease or addendums to the lease. In addition, when a utility that is purchased from or through a local utility company by the Development, who in turn bills residents for actual consumption of the utility will also be eligible when the applicable utility allowance for the Development includes a deduction for the utility and the household’s lease specifies that the resident is responsible for the utility.

  • Ground Rent means any rent, additional rent or other charge payable by the tenant under the Ground Lease.

  • Initial Rent means [ ] (£[ ]) STERLING yearly (exclusive of any VAT);

  • Supplemental Rent means all amounts, liabilities and obligations (other than Basic Rent) which the Lessee assumes or agrees to pay to the Lessor, the Trust Company, the Holders, the Agent, the Lenders or any other Person under the Lease or under any of the other Operative Agreements including without limitation payments of the Termination Value and the Maximum Residual Guarantee Amount and all indemnification amounts, liabilities and obligations.

  • Tenant’s Share means the percentage set forth in Section 6 of the Summary.

  • Prepaid Rent means any payment of money to the landlord for a rent obligation not yet

  • Lease Rentals means, for any period, the aggregate amount of fixed rental or operating lease expense payable by the Company and its Restricted Subsidiaries with respect to leases of real and personal property (excluding Capital Lease Obligations) determined in accordance with GAAP.

  • Landlord Delay means any actual delay in the completion of the Improvements as a result of Landlord’s breach or material default under this Third Amendment (including, without limitation, any breach of representation or warranty); any delays relating to any of the matters specified in Section 5.3 of Exhibit B; any failure to respond to any items required to be furnished or approved by Landlord within a time period expressly set forth in this Third Amendment or the Lease (unless a deemed approval is specified, in which case no Landlord Delay shall be assessed); Landlord’s failure to allow contractors access to the Building or Premises as scheduled in advance with the Building’s property manager or Landlord’s request for material changes in the fmal Plans and Specifications after Landlord’s approval thereof (unless such request was caused by an error or omission by Tenant), provided, however, that notwithstanding the foregoing, no Landlord Delay shall be deemed to have occurred unless and until Tenant has delivered to Landlord a factually correct written notice (the “Landlord Delay Notice”), specifying the bona fide action or inaction which Tenant contends constitutes the Landlord Delay. If such action or inaction is not cured by Landlord within two (2) business days of Landlord’s receipt of such Landlord Delay Notice, then the Landlord Delay shall be deemed to have occurred as of the expiration of such two (2) business day period. A delay in construction of the Improvements due to a Tenant Delay (as defined in Exhibit B, attached to and part of the Original Lease), any Force Majeure event or a delay by any governmental authority (including but not limited to the City of Los Angeles) shall not be deemed a Landlord Delay. Any Landlord Delay Notice shall be sent to the notice address set forth in the Lease with copies to (a) to the property manager at the management office of the Building; and to (b) Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Management LLC, 000 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxx 000, Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx 00000, Attention: Leasing Legal Department Manager.

  • Sublease Payment means any payment required to be made by the District pursuant to Article 7 of the Sublease.

  • Market Rent the yearly rent at which the Premises might reasonably be expected to be let on the open market on the Rent Review Date, on the terms of the Hypothetical Lease and applying the Assumptions and the Disregards.94 Rent review On the Rent Review Date, the Main Rent is to be reviewed to the higher of: the Main Rent reserved immediately before the Rent Review Date; and the Market Rent. The reviewed Main Rent will be payable from and including the Rent Review Date. Dispute resolution The Market Rent at the Rent Review Date may be agreed between the Landlord and the Tenant. If they have not done so (whether or not they have tried) by [the date three months before] the Rent Review Date, either the Landlord or the Tenant can require the Market Rent to be decided by an independent [expert/arbitrator].95 If the Landlord and the Tenant do not agree on who should decide the Market Rent, the [expert/arbitrator] will be appointed by the President of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors on the application of either the Landlord or the Tenant. [The arbitration must be conducted in accordance with the Arbitration Act 1996.][The expert will:] [invite the Landlord and the Tenant to submit to him a proposal for the Market Rent with any relevant supporting documentation; give the Landlord and the Tenant an opportunity to make counter submissions; give written reasons for his decisions, which will be binding on the parties; and be paid by the Landlord and the Tenant in the shares and in the manner that he decides (or failing a decision, in equal shares).] The [expert/arbitrator] must be an independent chartered surveyor of not less than ten years’ standing who is experienced in the rental valuation of property similar to the Premises and who knows the local market for such premises. If the [expert/arbitrator] dies, becomes unwilling or incapable of acting or it becomes apparent for any other reason that he will be unable to decide the Market Rent within a reasonable time, he may be replaced by a new [expert/arbitrator] who must be appointed on the terms set out in this paragraph 3. Responsibility for the costs of referring a dispute to an [expert/arbitrator], including costs connected with the appointment of the [expert/arbitrator] but not the legal and other professional costs of any party in relation to a dispute, will be decided by the [expert/arbitrator] and failing a decision, they will be shared equally between the parties. Consequences of delay in agreeing the revised rent If, by the Rent Review Date, the reviewed Main Rent has not been ascertained, then: the Main Rent reserved under this Lease immediately before the Rent Review Date will continue to be payable until the reviewed Main Rent has been ascertained; following the ascertainment of the reviewed Main Rent, the Landlord will demand the difference (if any) between the amount the Tenant has actually paid and the amount that would have been payable had the Main Rent been ascertained before the Rent Review Date; and the Tenant must pay that difference to the Landlord within 10 Business Days after that demand and interest at three per cent below the Interest Rate calculated on a daily basis on each instalment of that difference from the date on which each instalment would have become payable to the date of payment. If not paid those sums will be treated as rent in arrear. Rent review memorandum When the Market Rent has been ascertained, a memorandum recording the Main Rent reserved on review must be entered into. The Landlord and the Tenant will each bear their own costs in relation to that memorandum. Time not of the essence For the purpose of this Schedule 2 time is not of the essence.96

  • Sublandlord means the holder of sublandlord’s interest under this Sublease. In the event of any assignment or transfer of the Sublandlord’s interest under this Sublease, which assignment or transfer may occur at any time during the Term in Sublandlord’s sole discretion, Sublandlord shall be and hereby is entirely relieved of all covenants and obligations of Sublandlord hereunder accruing subsequent to the date of the transfer and it shall be deemed and construed, without further agreement between the parties hereto, that any transferee has assumed and shall carry out all covenants and obligations thereafter to be performed by Sublandlord hereunder. Sublandlord may transfer and deliver the then existing Letter of Credit to the transferee of Sublandlord’s interest under this Sublease, and thereupon Sublandlord shall be discharged from any further liability with respect thereto. In addition, Sublandlord shall comply with all of its obligations as “Tenant” under the Master Lease except to the extent that any such obligation is the obligation of Subtenant pursuant to the terms of this Sublease. Notwithstanding any other term or provision of this Sublease, the liability of Subtenant to Sublandlord for any default in Subtenant’s obligations under this Sublease shall be limited to actual, direct damages, and under no circumstances shall Sublandlord, its partners, members, shareholders, directors, agents, officers, employees, contractors, sublessees, successors and/or assigns be entitled to recover from Subtenant (or otherwise be indemnified by Subtenant) for lost revenues, lost profit or other consequential, special or punitive damages arising in connection with this Sublease for any reason, except for any breach by Subtenant under Section 12 of the Master Lease. Notwithstanding any other term or provision of this Sublease, no personal liability shall at any time be asserted or enforceable against Subtenant’s shareholders, directors, officers, or partners on account of any of Subtenant’s obligations or actions under this Sublease.