Like use definition

Like use means property of the same type, i.e. single family residence, condominium, townhouse, duplex, triplex, or outbuilding.
Like use category's NET rent for the similar use at 2201 Xxxxxxx. The foregoing, however, shall not be construed to limit the Parties from agreeing to upgrade any space upon such terms and conditions as may be otherwise mutually agreeable including a sharing of upgrade expenses and costs.

Examples of Like use in a sentence

  • They were fixed ≈ 20 cm above the sediment bed using custom designed (tripod) frames to both secure in place and protect (from crocodiles) the sampling and monitoring equipment.

  • Like use of mobile computing platforms, using newer technologies to manage equipment designed before the advent of the Internet poses risks.

  • Like use cases, scenarios focus on the problem domain and the external behavior of the system.

  • Research ethical considerations – Like use of consent form wherever required, debriefing for survey or sample study, maintaining confidentiality, ethical approval from any other organisation or bodies if required.

  • Like use restrictions, creative notice and choice mechanisms, and competition, data security is another thread that we must weave into our tapestry to protect consumer privacy in a world of big data.

  • Like use motives, maintenance of relationship, information, self-disclosure, and passing time satisfy the users in using Facebook.

  • Like use media or discussion method.There is nothing challanging activity in class also make the students not too excited study in class.

  • Positing that this type of difference between union leadership and members exists has been popular in the literature (Freeman 1986), but does not yet have much empirical support.

  • Like use cases, misuse cases have a flow of actions and preconditions, which comply with the identified vulnerabilities.

  • Like use of other banks ATM • Use of E-banking channel is very risky • E-banking channel require some technical tools such as computer, high speed internet etc.

Related to Like use

  • Station Use means energy consumed within the Facility’s electric energy distribution system as losses, as well as energy used to operate the Facility’s auxiliary equipment. The auxiliary equipment may include, but is not limited to, forced and induced draft fans, cooling towers, boiler feeds pumps, lubricating oil systems, plant lighting, fuel handling systems, control systems, and sump pumps.

  • Service User means the person directly receiving the Services provided by the Provider as specified in the Service Specifications and includes their Carer and Legal Guardian where appropriate Service Quality Performance Report means a report as described in Appendix J (Service Quality Performance Report)

  • Authorized Use The Student Data shared pursuant to the Service Agreement, including persistent unique identifiers, shall be used for no purpose other than the Services outlined in Exhibit "A" or stated in the Service Agreement, or authorized under the statutes referred to herein by this DPA. Provider may use or disclose data to: 1190353v1

  • Permitted Use , in relation to a property, means the limited purposes for which the property may be used in terms of –

  • Antenna means communications equipment that transmits or receives electromagnetic radio frequency signals used in the provision of wireless services.