Examples of Insurance Ordinance in a sentence
Also, non-clients needed to live in the community for at least one year before the date of the interview.
ICB is licensed to operate as a property and casualty insurance company in The Bahamas and the Turks & Caicos Islands under the Insurance Act 2005, as amended, and the Insurance Ordinance, 1989, amended December 2015, respectively.
The Insurance Ordinance prohibits any person from acting as an ‘insurance broker’ unless he has become an ‘authorised insurance broker’ in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Insurance Ordinance.
The Insurance Ordinance prohibits any person from being an appointed insurance agent and an authorised insurance broker at the same time, whether in relation to the same or different clients.
These rules are the general rules on illegality of contract and the relevant provisions of the Insurance Ordinance and of the Marine Insurance Ordinance.
The Code is in seven Parts (A - G) and was issued by the HKFI with the approval of the Insurance Authority (‘IA’) in accordance with the provisions of the Insurance Ordinance.
It is supported by legislation which is contained in Part X of the Insurance Ordinance (Cap.
Some of the major provisions of the Insurance Ordinance concerning the regulation of insurance companies are outlined below.
The Insurance Ordinance prohibits any person from acting as an ‘insurance agent’ unless he has become an ‘appointed insurance agent’ in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Insurance Ordinance.
In case requirements differ, the provisions or directives of the Companies Act, 2017, the Insurance Ordinance, 2000, the Insurance Rules, 2017, the Insurance Accounting Regulations, 2017, the Takaful Rules, 2012 and General Takaful Accounting Regulations, 2019 shall prevail.