Immunoassay definition

Immunoassay means a test for the presence or con- centration of a substance that relies on the reaction of one or more antibodies with the substance.
Immunoassay means an initial screening methodology, the basis of which is the chemical process known as mass action reaction, for determining small amounts of material in the sample.
Immunoassay as used herein means an assay in which a bound analyte, such as cellular antigen or bio-

Examples of Immunoassay in a sentence

  • Immunoassay methods evaluation; protocol outline, objectives and preparation.

  • Provided free Enhanced Chemilluminiscence Immunoassay (ECLIA) testing to Pasig City residents.

  • The optimal temperature during the Enzyme Immunoassay is between 20 – 25 °C.

  • Immunoassay for digoxin and insulin Limitations of animal experimentation and alternate animal experiments.

  • If applicable, dilute samples to be tested in diluent (e.g. 1X AlphaLISA Immunoassay Buffer, cell culture medium or FBS).

  • Add 200 µL of 5 mg/mL SA-Donor beads to 12 300 µL of 1X AlphaLISA Immunoassay Buffer.

  • In July 1997, CSCT, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Environmental Management (EM) Program, conducted a demonstration to verify the performance of six field analytical technologies for PCBs: the L2000 PCB/Chloride Analyzer (Dexsil Corporation), the PCB Immunoassay Kit (Hach Company), the 4100 Vapor Detector (Electronic Sensor Technology), and three immunoassay kits from Strategic Diagnostics Inc.: D TECH, EnviroGard, and RaPID Assay System.

  • All urine samples collected under this program shall be analyzed by a laboratory certified by the National Institute on Drug Abuse/Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and shall include an initial Enzyme Multiplied Immunoassay Screening Test (EMIT) and, when necessary, confirmed by a Gas Chromatography /Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) confirmation test.

  • Drug test types shall be enzyme Multiplied Immunoassay Technique (EMIT) performed according to the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) standards by a NIDA certified laboratory.

  • Add 200 µL of 5 mg/mL SA-Donor beads to 19 800 µL of 1X AlphaLISA Immunoassay Buffer.

More Definitions of Immunoassay

Immunoassay means a lateral flow immunoassay.
Immunoassay means an Assay that uses antibodies wherein the antibody combining site is directly involved in the detection or quantification of the analyte, and that is formatted to be performed on an Eisai Instrument or Enhanced Eisai Instrument, wherein the immunoassay is performed with paramagnetic beads and wherein an immunocomplex containing an antibody and an ECL labeled moiety coupled to a paramagnetic bead (bead-bound phase/ /) is separated in one or more steps from other assay and/or sample components (/ /free phase/ /) in the Wash Station of the Instrument or Enhanced Instrument, prior to transfer of the bead-bound phase to the flow cell of the Instrument or Enhanced Instrument. / /Instrument/ / shall mean any Eisai Instrument and/or any Enhanced Eisai Instrument. / /Point-of-Care/ / shall mean, with respect to instruments, designed for doctors' offices, or portable enough for bedside or near-patient use, or reliant on a disposable electrode, or capable of processing a number of assays but only for a single patient at a time, or hand-held; and shall mean, with respect to assays, formatted for use with any such instruments. / /Wash Station/ / shall mean a vessel(s) and means for separating bound phase from free phase, prior to transfer of bound phase to the flow cell of the instrument. / /Wash Step/ / shall mean one or more step(s) of separating bound phase from free phase in a Wash Station prior to transfer of the washed bound phase to the flow cell.
Immunoassay means any assay wherein the analyte of interest is an antibody or protein or is determined by the binding thereto of an antibody or other specific binding protein.
Immunoassay means biological detection of dioxin-like compounds by using transformed Ah receptor /ARNT complex.

Related to Immunoassay

  • Bioassay means the determination of kinds, quantities or concentrations and, in some cases, the locations of radioactive material in the human body, whether by direct measurement, in vivo counting, or by analysis and evaluation of materials excreted or removed from the human body. For purposes of these rules, “radiobioassay” is an equivalent term.

  • Antibody means a molecule or a gene encoding such a molecule comprising or containing one or more immunoglobulin variable domains or parts of such domains or any existing or future fragments, variants, modifications or derivatives thereof.

  • Receptor means enclosed spaces, conduits, protected groundwater sources, drinking and non-drinking water wells, surface water bodies, and public water systems which when impacted by chemicals of concern may result in exposure to humans and aquatic life, explosive conditions or other adverse effects on health, safety and the environment as specified in these rules.

  • Biological product means a virus, therapeutic serum, toxin, antitoxin, vaccine, blood, blood component or derivative, allergenic product, protein other than a chemically synthesized polypeptide, or analogous product, or arsphenamine or any derivative of arsphenamine or any other trivalent organic arsenic compound, applicable to the prevention, treatment, or cure of a disease or condition of human beings.

  • HIV means human immunodeficiency virus.

  • Marijuana product means marijuana as defined in 50-32-101 and marijuana-infused products

  • Fluoroscopic imaging assembly means a subsystem in which X-ray photons produce a visual image. It includes the image receptor(s) such as the image intensifier and spot-film device, electrical interlocks, if any, and structural material providing linkage between the image receptor and diagnostic source assembly.

  • Non-Microsoft Product means any third-party-branded software, data, service, website or product, unless incorporated by Microsoft in a Product.

  • Biological agent shall mean any pathogenic (disease producing) micro-organism(s) and/or biologically produced toxin(s) (including genetically modified organisms and chemically synthesized toxins) which cause illness and/or death in humans, animals or plants.

  • Preceptor means an individual who provides, directs, or verifies training and experience required for an individual to become an authorized user, an authorized medical physicist, an authorized nuclear pharmacist, or a radiation safety officer.

  • Study means the investigation to be conducted in accordance with the Protocol.

  • Edible cannabis product means cannabis product that is intended to be used, in whole or in part, for human consumption, including, but not limited to, chewing gum, but excluding products set forth in Division 15 (commencing with Section 32501) of the Food and Agricultural Code. An edible cannabis product is not considered food, as defined by Section 109935 of the Health and Safety Code, or a drug, as defined by Section 109925 of the Health and Safety Code.

  • Reagent means any product other than fuel that is stored on-board the vehicle and is provided to the exhaust after-treatment system upon request of the emission control system.

  • Biological diversity means the variability among living organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems.