High Speed Rolling Stock Contracts (Franchisee) definition

High Speed Rolling Stock Contracts (Franchisee) means, as the case may be, either: (a) a High Speed Rolling Stock Lease and High Speed Rolling Stock TSA Novation; or (b) a High Speed Rolling Stock Train Service Provision Agreement, and/or, in either case (as applicable), any relevant Private Finance Option Agreements or other agreements relating to the arrangements by which the High Speed Rolling Stock shall be made available to the Franchisee, as prescribed under paragraph 38.1 of Schedule 18.2 (Accepted Programme Specific Requirements) and/or 6.1 of Schedule 18.3 (Transitional Programme Specific Requirements);

Related to High Speed Rolling Stock Contracts (Franchisee)

  • Service contract holder or “contract holder” means a person who is the purchaser or holder of a service contract.

  • Customer Contracts has the meaning set forth in Section 1.1(b)(ii)(A).

  • Service Contracts means contracts or agreements, such as maintenance, supply, service or utility contracts.

  • Seller Contracts means all Contracts (i) relating to the Business under which Seller has or may acquire any rights or benefits, (ii) relating to the Business under which Seller has or may become subject to any obligation or Liability or (iii) by which any of the Purchased Assets or Assumed Liabilities is or may become bound.

  • New Contracts means binding new agreements or amendments to existing agreements with customers.

  • Toll Billing Exception Service (TBE means a service that allows End Users to restrict third number billing or collect calls to their lines.

  • Interconnection Agreements means, collectively, (a) an agreement by and among Owner, TransÉnergie and ISO-NE that sets forth such parties’ respective rights and obligations following the interconnection at the U.S. Border of the NECEC Transmission Line with the Québec Line and (b) an agreement by and between Owner and ISO-NE that sets forth such parties’ respective rights and obligations following the interconnection at the Delivery Point of the NECEC Transmission Line with certain transmission facilities operated by ISO-NE. The Interconnection Agreements shall address cost responsibilities among entities other than the Distribution Company and the other RFP Sponsors and shall include provisions, both technical and otherwise, for safe and reliable interconnected operations of the HVDC Transmission Project following Commercial Operation (including use of the HVDC Transmission Project for the delivery of electric power in emergency circumstances).

  • Seller Agreements means those agreements between Seller and third parties, including Artists and/or PRO, wherein Seller is entitled to receive the Percentage Interest of all Assets.

  • CCR means the California Code of Regulations.

  • Interconnection arrangements means arrangements governing the physical connection of two or more networks to allow the use of another's network to hand off traffic where it is ultimately delivered (e.g., connection of a customer of telephone provider A to a customer of telephone company B) or sharing data and other information resources.

  • Seller Contract any Contract (a) under which Seller has or may acquire any rights or benefits; (b) under which Seller has or may become subject to any obligation or liability; or (c) by which Seller or any of the assets owned or used by Seller is or may become bound.

  • Project Contracts means collectively this Agreement, the Land Lease Agreement, the Construction Contract, O&M Contracts (if any) and any other material contract (other than the Financing Documents) entered into or may hereafter be entered into by the Concessionaire in connection with the Project;

  • Sale Contract means a contract providing for the sale of one or more projects to one or more contracting parties and includes a contract providing for payment of the purchase price in one or more installments. If the sale contract permits title to the project to pass to the other contracting party or parties prior to payment in full of the entire purchase price, it shall also provide for the other contracting party or parties to deliver to the municipality or to the trustee under the indenture pursuant to which the bonds were issued one or more notes, debentures, bonds or other secured or unsecured debt obligations of such contractingparty or parties providing for timely payments, including without limitation, interest thereon for the balance of the purchase price at or prior to the passage of such title.

  • Project Companies means all Group Project Companies and Non-Group Project Companies together, each being a “Project Company”.

  • Supply Contracts means contracts having as their object the purchase, lease, rental or hire-purchase, with or without an option to buy, of products. A supply contract may include, as an incidental matter, siting and installation operations;

  • Non-Methane Hydrocarbons (NMHC means the sum of all hydrocarbon air pollutants except methane.

  • Seller Affiliate means any Affiliate of Seller.

  • Project Company means Company incorporated by the bidder as per Indian Laws in accordance with Clause no 3.5.

  • Bidder/Contractor means the interested Firm/ Company/ Supplier/ Distributors that may provide or provides related Equipment/Services to any of the public/private sector organization under the contract and have registered for the relevant business thereof.

  • Qualified Contractor ’ means a residential energy ef-

  • Public work contract means a contract for constructing, altering, or repairing a public building or carrying out or completing any pub- lic work. Gov’t Code 2253.001(4)

  • Stationary x-ray equipment means x-ray equipment which is installed in a fixed location.

  • Shelter care facility means a facility used for the shelter care of youth. The term is limited to

  • Subject Company shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6.10(a).

  • Contracts Finder means the Government’s publishing portal for public sector procurement opportunities;

  • Key Sub-Contract means each Sub-Contract with a Key Sub-Contractor;