GUI definition

GUI means the software program which provides the interface for Customer to operate the Products.
GUI means the graphical user interface of any Software application or asset consisting of any textual, graphical and design elements, including the positions of such elements on a Website but excluding the functionality of any such Website and the software underlying such textual, graphical, and design elements;

Examples of GUI in a sentence

  • The iMOD GUI itself if fully written in Fortran9x and compiled by the Intel Visual Fortran Compiler v2019.1.144 in conjunction with Winteracter 11h (Interactive Software Services Ltd (ISS)).

  • The iMOD GUI itself if fully written in Fortran9x and compiled by the Intel Visual Fortran Compiler Professional v11.1.054 in conjunction with Winteracter 10 (Interactive Software Services Ltd (ISS)).

  • Licensee agrees that it shall not use the Licensed Products to assist in the development or design of a computer software program or other technology that is intended to provide substantially similar or similar functionalities, or graphical user interfaces (GUI), substantially similar or similar to the Licensed Products.

  • Until such time as a real-time, electronic-like interface is made available to SPRINT by VERIZON, VERIZON shall enable SPRINT to perform all pre-ordering and ordering functions via a Web Graphical User Interface (GUI), including accessing said loop qualification information.

  • In future releases, custom purposes will be used in various places in the GUI for restricting the list of views that can be seen to those who have been assigned the same custom purpose.

More Definitions of GUI

GUI means The Golfing Union of Ireland.
GUI means graphic user interface, provided by EC Markets or any Third-Party Provider through which EC Markets makes such service available;
GUI means a graphical user interface format.
GUI or "Graphical User Interface" is a form of screen design based upon the use of graphics. In software, for example, it allows users to manipulate pictured objects rather than entering pure text at a command line prompt.
GUI means a software program that uses computer graphic capabilities to facilitate user friendly control of a system;
GUI means the web-based graphical user interface for the iShipper Services defined and made available by Intersoft;
GUI means the graphical (rather than purely textual) user interface that a software program provides to enable end user interaction with its settings and features. Typical GUI elements include buttons, combo boxes, check boxes, input controls, and sliders.