Frequently traded shares definition

Frequently traded shares means shares of a target company, in which the traded turnover on any stock exchange during the twelve calendar months preceding the calendar month in which the public announcement 3[is required to be made under these regulations], is at least ten per cent of the total number of shares of such class of the target company:
Frequently traded shares means the shares of the issuer, in which the traded turnover on any recognized stock exchange during the twelve calendar months preceding the relevant date, is at least ten per cent of the total number of shares of such class of shares of the issuer.
Frequently traded shares means shares of a company, in which the traded turnover on a recognised stock exchange during the twelve calendar months preceding the calendar month in which the acquisition and transfer is made, is at least ten per cent. of the total number of shares of such class of the company: Provided that where the share capital of a particular class of shares of the company is not identical throughout such period, the weighted average number of total shares of such class of the company shall represent the total number of shares;

More Definitions of Frequently traded shares

Frequently traded shares means shares of a company, in which the traded turnover on a recognised stock exchange during the twelve calendar months preceding the calendar month in which the acquisition and transfer is made, is at least ten per cent. of the total number of shares of such class of the company:
Frequently traded shares means the shares of the issuer, in which the traded turnover on any recognized stock exchange during the 240 trading days preceding the relevant date, is at least ten per cent of the total number of shares of such class of shares of the issuer.Provided that where the share capital of a particular class of the issuer company is not identical throughout such period, the weighted average number of total shares of such class of the issuer company shall represent the total number of shares.Equity Shares of the Company are listed on National Stock Exchange of India Limited (“NSE”) and BSE Limited (“BSE”) and are most frequently traded at NSE in terms of Regulation 164(5) of SEBI ICDR Regulations, 2018. Accordingly, the minimum issue price has been calculated on the basis of trading at NSE at which highest trading volume in respect of equity shares of the company has been recorded during the 240 Trading Days preceding the relevant date. Therefore, in terms of Regulation 164(1) of the SEBI ICDR Regulations, the Issue Price has been computed as Rs. 382/- per Warrant including premium of Rs 377/- per warrant.Therefore, in terms of Regulation 164(1) of the SEBI ICDR Regulations and after taking in to consideration minimum price as calculated , the Issue Price has been fixed as Rs. 382/- per warrants convertible in to equivalent number of equity shares including premium of Rs. 377/- per warrant.A Certificate regarding arriving at Minimum Price in terms of Regulation 164(1) of SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2018 as amended has been taken from Mr. Arun Kumar Gupta, Practicing Company Secretary (FCS 5551 | CP 5086), Proprietor of Arun Kumar Gupta & Associates, Company Secretaries, confirming the minimum price for the preferential issue as per Chapter V of SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2018 and the same shall be made available and published on the websites of the company i.e.  The allotment of warrants are subject to the Investor(s) not having sold any Equity Shares during the 90 trading days preceding the Relevant Date.  The Company, its Promoters and Directors are not declared as willful defaulter by Reserve Bank of India or not declared as fraudulent borrower and also not declared as fugitive economic offender.
Frequently traded shares means the shares of the issuer, in which the traded turnover on any recognized stock exchange during the twelve calendar months preceding the relevant date, is at least ten per cent of the total number of shares of such class of shares of the issuer. Equity Shares of the Company are listed on BSE Limited and are frequently traded at BSE. Accordingly, the minimum issue price has been calculated on the basis of trading at BSE at which highest trading volume in respect of equity shares of the company has been recorded during the twelve calendar months preceding the relevant date. Therefore, in terms of Regulation 164(1) of the SEBI ICDR Regulations, the Issue Price has been computed as Rs. 10.00 per Equity Shares/Warrant. A Certificate has been obtained from Statutory Auditor confirming the minimum price for the preferential issue as per Preferential Issue Regulation as described in Chapter V of SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2018 along with the calculation thereof and the same will be made available for inspection at the Registered Office of the Company. • The allotment of equity shares and warrants are subject to the Investor(s) not having sold any equity shares during the six months preceding the Relevant Date (defined below) and the Investor not acquiring or selling any equity shares equity shares until completion of the allotment under the proposed preferential issue.• The Company, Its Promoters and Directors is not declared as wilful defaulter by Reserve Bank of India and also not declared as fugitive economic offender under Fugitive Economic offender Act, 2018.
Frequently traded shares means shares of a company, in which the traded turnover on a recognized
Frequently traded shares means shares of a target company, in which the traded
Frequently traded shares means shares of an issuer, in which the traded turnover on any stock exchange during the twelve calendar months preceding the relevant date, is atleasttenpercentofthetotalnumberofsharesofsuchclassofsharesoftheissuer:
Frequently traded shares means the Shares of the issuer, in which the traded turnover on any recognized stock exchange during the 240 trading days preceding the relevant date, is at least ten per cent of the total number of shares of such class of shares of the issuer. The shares of the company are not frequently traded in terms of Regulation 164(5) of SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2018. Equity Shares of the Company are listed on BSE Limited and are infrequently traded at BSE. Accordingly, the minimum issue price has been calculated on the basis valuation report taken from Independent Valuer in compliance with Regulation 165 of SEBI ICDR Regulations, 2018.