FRAC definition

FRAC or “fracking” means the process of stimulating production in oil and gas wells by fracturing the resource bearing formation through high pressure fluid injections.
FRAC means the Finance Risk and Audit Committee
FRAC has the meaning set forth in Article 12.1.

Examples of FRAC in a sentence

  • Cases concerning the recovery of pending by the Contractor amounts of Freight and Fees in favour of SeaRates, at SeaRates' discretion may be referred for arbitration, consideration, final decision and recovery with the participation of the Freight Recovery & Arbitration Chamber (FR&AC), located at Corso di Porta Vittoria n.

  • Frustration and dissatisfaction with the program increased with the more hours spent applying, more trips made to the SNAP office to apply, number of times they had applied, and the level of perceived stigma around the program (FRAC 2008).

  • If other than a school site or camp using Family Size and Income Application for eligibility, the Sponsor must include the eligibility documentation (FRAC [data must be printed and sent so that the color shows], low income data, etc.).

  • Graduate of applicable Fleet Replacement Aircrew Curriculum (FRAC) or equivalent designation as Warfare Systems Operator for helicopter Weapons, Sensors, and Systems (dipping sonar, Multi-Mode RADAR (MMR)/ISAR/ARPDD, ESM, FLIR, Link 16, Hawk Link, crew- served weapons, countermeasures, AQS-20, AMNS, OASIS, FLIR, crew-served weapons, and countermeasures is required and this experience may be substituted for a Bachelors’ degree.

  • The Permittee shall have a FRAC out plan in place prior to any directional drilling underneath jurisdictional areas.

  • FPMD Elements: • Developing Innovative Management Tools • Strengthening Institutions • Using State-of-the Art Communications Technologies Collaboration: • Senegal: Santé de la Famille (SANFAM), ENDA-Tiers Monde, Programme Nationale de Planification Familiale; Two private commercial Senegalese Internet service providers to provide Internet access to FRAC members in that country.

  • FRAC) A Public Advisory Committee exists to serve as an ongoing forum where representatives from across the FMLA can share knowledge, interests, views, values and concerns with respect to forest management activities.

  • Number of years 2 years of support for the development of the FRAC electronic network and to assist with the institutionalization of of FPMD activity: the FRAC (1996-1998) 9 years of assistance to the FRAC for the organization of meetings, development and technical facilitation of the annual meetings.

  • Customer will pay a monthly recurring charge of $2,706.92 for a circuit originating in the Philippines and terminating in California at a speed of E1 (1984)Kbps Discounts: Voice: The Customer will receive the following range of discounts from 0 to 35.96% for the following Voice Services: International Inbound and Outbound Voice Services (Option 3) Data: The Customer will receive the following range of discounts from 19% to 80 % for the following Data Services: DDS, FRAC T-1.

  • No Overall/Broad goal: To establish an active and functional network of FRAC members that interacts through affordable electronic networking and conferencing technology to address family planning and reproductive health program matters in the period between the annual meetings.

More Definitions of FRAC

FRAC means an operation designed to crack or break up formations which contain Oil and gas by pumping liquids and/or gases with proppants into the formation under high pressure, in order to increase the formation's Permeability and to achieve greater production.
FRAC means the Finance Risk and Audit Committee of the Marketing Association.
FRAC means the Franciscan Resident Advisory Committee, a nonprofit public benefit corporation organized as a limited equity housing cooperative pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33007.5, and its successors and assigns to the Development.
FRAC or "fracing" means the process of fracture stimulation of a rock formation.
FRAC or “fracing” means Hydraulic fracturing, a common practice that is used to stimulate production of oil and natural gas from dense subsurface rock formations.

Related to FRAC

  • CBM means Capacity Benefit Margin.

  • CO2 means carbon dioxide.

  • Produced water means water recovered from an underground reservoir as a result of crude oil, condensate, or natural gas production and which may be recycled, disposed, or re-injected into an underground reservoir.

  • Geothermal fluid means water in any form at temperatures greater than 120

  • Cogeneration unit means a unit that has equipment used to produce electric energy and forms of useful thermal energy (such as heat or steam) for industrial, commercial, heating or cooling purposes, through the sequential use of energy.

  • Biodiesel means a fuel composed of mono-alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids derived from vegetable oils or animal fats, and, in accordance with standards specified by the American society for testing and materials, designated B100, and meeting the requirements of D-6751, as approved by the department of agriculture.

  • Delivery Point means the point(s) of connection(s) at which energy is delivered into the Grid System i.e. the Interconnection Point.

  • Coal means non-coking as well as coking coal, produced domestically and categorized into different classes, grades and sizes, as per the notification/order issued for such purpose by Government of India(GoI)/CIL/ Seller; and shall where the context so requires, include Imported Coal.

  • Useful thermal energy means, with regard to a cogeneration unit, thermal energy that is:

  • Delivery Points means: (i) for natural gas transported by interstate pipelines, the city gate stations of your Utility, and (ii) for electricity, one or more points at which Company, as your agent, has arranged for the delivery of electricity to a third party (such as your Utility) for your account or at your premises.

  • Drilling unit means the area fixed for the drilling of one well by order or rule of any state or federal body having authority. If a Drilling Unit is not fixed by any such rule or order, a Drilling Unit shall be the drilling unit as established by the pattern of drilling in the Contract Area unless fixed by express agreement of the Drilling Parties.

  • Greenhouse Gas means carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide,

  • Ethanol means a high octane gasoline blend stock that is used to make various grades of gasoline.

  • Receipt Point means the receipt/inception point(s) where Crude Oil is received into the Gathering System, as such points are specified in Section II of this tariff.