environmental document definition

environmental document means an environmental
environmental document means a Categorical Exemption, Initial Study and Negative Declaration, Mitigated Negative Declaration, Environmental Impact Report (EIR), Addendum, Supplemental or a Subsequent document prepared in accordance with CEQA and associated supporting documents showing compliance with federal environmental laws, consistent with the State Environmental Review Process.
environmental document means an envi-

More Definitions of environmental document

environmental document means an envi- ronmental impact statement, an environ- mental assessment, or a finding of no signifi- cant impact.
environmental document means any written public document prepared under this chapter. Under SEPA, the terms environmental analysis, environmental study, environmental report, and environmental assessment do not have specialized meanings and do not refer to particular environ- mental documents (unlike various other state or federal environmental impact procedures).
environmental document means a Categorical Exemption, Initial Study and Negative Declaration, Mitigated Negative Declaration, or an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) prepared in accordance with CEQA and associated supporting documents showing compliance with federal environmental laws.
environmental document means a document prepared in accordance with CEQA.
environmental document. ’ means an environmental as- sessment or environmental impact statement, and includes any supplemental document or document prepared pursuant to a court order;
environmental document means a document prepared in accordance with NEPA or CEQA.