Eligible municipality definition

Eligible municipality means any of the following:
Eligible municipality means a municipality: (1) in which is
Eligible municipality means a city of the third, fourth, or fifth class, a town, or a metro township that:

Examples of Eligible municipality in a sentence

  • Eligible municipality application process for Homeless Shelter Cities Mitigation Restricted Account funds.

  • Enacted by Chapter 312, 2018 General Session 35A-8-607 Eligible municipality application process for Homeless Shelter Cities Mitigation Restricted Account funds.

  • Eligible municipality means a municipality that is eligible for Federal Community Development Block Grants as an entitlement community identified in 24 CFR 570-D, entitlement grants.Eligible person means one or more natural persons or a family determined by the county or eligible municipality to have special housing needs or to have very low-income, or moderate income according to the adjusted gross income of the resident with adjustment made for family size.

  • A site must be a class 1 or class 2 site on the Registry due to disposal of a contaminant.(c) Eligible municipality.

  • Section 35A-8-606.1 is enacted to read:35A-8-606.1. Eligible municipality application process for Homeless Shelter Cities Mitigation Restricted Account funds.

More Definitions of Eligible municipality

Eligible municipality means a municipality: (1) which qualifies
Eligible municipality means a municipality: (1) in which is located part of an urban enterprise zone that has been designated pursuant to P.L.1983, c.303 (C.52:27H-60 et seq.) or any supplement thereto; and (2) which has a population greater than 25,000 and less than 29,000 according to the latest federal decennial census in a county of the third class with a population density greater than 295 and less than 304 persons per square mile according to the latest federal decennial census.
Eligible municipality means a municipality:
Eligible municipality means any municipality in which any portion of the proceeds of a retail sales tax levied by ordinance adopted by the municipality pursuant to section 1 of P.L.1947, c.71 (C.40:48-8.15) is applied as authorized by law to the payment of costs of convention center facilities located in the municipality.
Eligible municipality means the same as that term is defined in Section 35A-8-607.
Eligible municipality means a municipality that would be entitled to receive sales and use tax revenue under Subsection 59-12-205(2)(b)(i) in the absence of Subsection 59-12-205(2)(b)(iii).
Eligible municipality means a municipality that is eligible for federal community development block grant entitlement moneys as an entitlement community identified in 24 C.F.R. s. 570, subpart D, Entitlement Grants, or a nonentitlement municipality that is receiving local housing distribution funds under an interlocal agreement that provides for possession and administrative control of funds to be transferred to the nonentitlement municipality. An eligible municipality that defers its participation in community development block grants does not affect its eligibility for participation in the State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program.