Dosage form definition

Dosage form means the physical formulation or medium in which the product is intended, manufactured and made available for use, including but not limited to tablets, capsules, oral solutions, aerosols, ointments, inhalers and suppositories, and the particular form of which utilizes a specific technology or mechanism to control, enhance or direct the release, targeting, systemic absorption or other delivery of a dosage regimen in the body.
Dosage form means the physical formulation or medium in which the product is manufactured and made available for use including, but not limited to, tablets, capsules, oral solutions, aerosols, inhalers, gels, lotions, creams, ointments, transdermals and suppositories.
Dosage form means a pharmaceutical product that as sold is in individual dosage amounts and in the form approved for sale to end users.

Examples of Dosage form in a sentence

  • Gennaro.3. Ansel’s Pharmaceutical Dosage form and Drug delivery system by Loyd V.

  • Schedule No. (a)Item No. (b)Brief Description of (drugs and vaccines)[Insert for Pharmaceuticals, Product, Strength, Dosage form, Pharmacopoeia Standard and Unit pack size.

  • Often they may not be available which requires patience of repeating the action.

  • Supply will be arranged in alphabetical order by Generic name or by Dosage form or by any system, by which the product is easily located/identified.

  • Dosage form, route of administration, and dosing regimen (frequency and duration).

More Definitions of Dosage form

Dosage form means the physical formulation or medium in
Dosage form means the form of the completed drug product (such as tablet, syrup,
Dosage form means a state of medicinal product according to the routes of its administration and use and furnishing the achievement of the necessary effect;
Dosage form means the form in which a medicinal product is presented, such as solution, suspension, elixir, eye drop, emulsion, ointment, suppository, tablet or capsule;
Dosage form means the form in which a product is produced for individual
Dosage form means the physical form in which a product is prepared for administration to the recipient;
Dosage form means the usual product type of health supplement (e.g. tablet, capsule, solution, powder, etc.) that contains active ingredient(s) generally, but not necessarily, in association with excipients.