Distinguishable definition

Distinguishable means perceivable by either the sense of smell or taste.
Distinguishable means perceivable by an ordinary consumer by either the sense of smell or taste.
Distinguishable means a change that strikes a balance between imitation and contrast, thereby complementing the property in a manner that respects its heritage value or interest.

Examples of Distinguishable in a sentence

  • Distinguishable functional segments have been separately disclosed in the segmented information.

  • Distinguishable: Perceivable by either the sense of smell or taste.

  • Distinguishable types of dyspnea in patients with shortness of breath.

  • Distinguishable from background--The detectable concentration of a radionuclide is statistically different from the background concentration of that radionuclide in the vicinity of the site, or, in the case of structures or equipment, in similar materials using adequate measurement technology, survey, and statistical techniques.

  • Distinguishable functional segments have been separately disclosed.

More Definitions of Distinguishable

Distinguishable means perceivable by either the sense of
Distinguishable means that the adverse effect is measurable, predictable, and attributable to one or more project or cumulative interactions (i.e., it is not within the boundaries of normal variation of the measurable parameter under baseline conditions).
Distinguishable means a change that strikes a balance between imitation and contrast, thereby complementing the property in a manner that respects its heritage value or interest. Heritage attributes: means the principal features or elements that contribute to a protected heritage property’s cultural heritage value or interest, and may include the property’s built, constructed, or manufactured elements, as well as natural landforms, vegetation, water features, and its visual setting(e.g. significant views or vistas to or from a protected heritage property). (Provincial Policy Statement, 2020) Note: This term may be used interchangeably with the term ‘character-defining element’.
Distinguishable means different on the basis of the totality of functional and external differences that are observable by national technical means of verification, or, when such observations may be inconclusive in the opinion of the inspecting Party, that are visible during inspection.
Distinguishable means perceivable by an ordinary consumer
Distinguishable means, in relation to the name of a
Distinguishable means, in relation to the name of a business a difference between names which would allow a person to recognize or perceive the name of the business as being noticeably different including at least a one-word difference between names when the words are common terms and the company is or might appear to be in a similar business and at least a word order difference between names when the different word is a proper name or an unusual term, or when the company is clearly in a different type of business from the existing name.