Diagnostic Product Sales Expenses definition

Diagnostic Product Sales Expenses means [***].

Related to Diagnostic Product Sales Expenses

  • Diagnostic Product means In Vitro Diagnostics, In Vivo Diagnostic Agents and any product used for Diagnosis.

  • Net Sales means [***].

  • Licensed Product means any method, process, composition, product, service, or component part thereof that would, but for the granting of the rights set forth in this Agreement, infringe a Valid Claim contained in the Licensed Patents.

  • Net Sales Revenue shall have the meaning as set out in Schedule "A"

  • Commercialization Costs means the sum of the following costs and expenses incurred by the Parties or their respective Affiliates, in Commercializing the Shared Products (and related Manufacturing activities) in the Territory, in each case, to the extent incurred in accordance with the Commercialization Plan and Commercialization Budget:

  • Licensed Products means tangible materials which, in the course of manufacture, use, sale, or importation, would be within the scope of one or more claims of the Licensed Patent Rights that have not been held unpatentable, invalid or unenforceable by an unappealed or unappealable judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction.

  • Collaboration Product means a pharmaceutical product containing or comprising Compound in any dosage form alone, or in combination with, one or more other pharmaceutically active ingredients, and any and all Improvements thereto.

  • Combination Products means any product containing both a pharmaceutically active agent or ingredient which constitutes a Licensed Product and one or more other pharmaceutically active agents or ingredients which do not constitute Licensed Products.

  • Licensed Services means all functions performed by the Licensed System.

  • Covered Products means Your Applications, Libraries, Passes, Safari Extensions, Safari Push Notifications, and/or FPS implementations developed under this Agreement.

  • Sublicense Fees shall have the meaning set forth in Section 7.3 below.

  • Sublicense Revenues means all revenue, in whatever form but excluding sublicense royalties, earned by the Licensee in consideration of its granting a Third Party a sublicense to make a Licensed Product including, without limitation, receipt of annual milestone attainment, sublicense issuance, maintenance or up-front payments, or technology access fee; and issuance of securities or real, personal or intangible property.

  • Development Expenses means, with respect to SAIL Developments as well as HOME Developments when the HOME Development is also at least partially financed with a MMRB Loan (as defined in rule Chapter 67-21, F.A.C.), usual and customary operating and financial costs, such as the compliance monitoring fee, the financial monitoring fee, replacement reserves, the servicing fee and the debt service reserves. As it relates to SAIL Developments as well as HOME Developments when the HOME Development is also at least partially financed with a MMRB Loan (as defined in rule Chapter 67-21, F.A.C.) and to the application of Development Cash Flow described in subsections 67-48.010(5) and (6), F.A.C., as it relates to SAIL Developments or in paragraph 67-48.020(3)(b), F.A.C., as it relates to HOME Developments, the term includes only those expenses disclosed in the operating pro forma on an annual basis included in the final credit underwriting report, as approved by the Board, and maximum of 20 percent Developer Fee per year.

  • Roll-on product means any antiperspirant or deodorant that dispenses active ingredients by rolling a wetted ball or wetted cylinder on the affected area.

  • Sublicense Revenue means any payments or other consideration that CTI actually receives from a Sublicensee as consideration for the grant of a Sublicense, including, without limitation, milestone payments, license fees, license maintenance fees and equity. Sublicense Revenue excludes (i) purchases of equity or debt of TGTX, (ii) payments made for GTX’s performance of any research, Development, or Commercialization of any Licensed Product, (iii) (b) royalties on Net Sales (or, in the case of a profit sharing deal structure, shares of net profits) which are covered in Section 5.9, and (iv) any payment or reimbursement of any costs or expenses incurred by TGTX for filing, prosecution, maintenance, or defense of any DFCI Patents. In the event such consideration received from a Sublicensee is not cash, Sublicense Revenue shall be calculated by TGTX based on the fair market value of such consideration, at the time of the transaction, assuming an arm’s length transaction made in the odinary course of business.

  • Manufacturing Costs means the costs of Processing that generate Manufacturing Proceeds received by Grantor.

  • Sales Revenue means receipts from the sale, lease, or rental of goods, services, or property;

  • Combination Product means (a) a product containing a Licensed Product together with one or more other active ingredients that have independent biologic or chemical activity when present alone that are sold as a single unit, or (b) a Licensed Product together with one or more products, devices, pieces of equipment or components thereof, that are sold as a single package at a single price.

  • Final Product means a product that is not used in producing other products and is built and intended for use outdoors, provided the final product has not deteriorated or has otherwise become a potential source of contaminants.

  • Covered Product The consumer product that You purchased concurrently with and is covered by this Agreement.

  • Routine Patient Costs means all health care services that are otherwise covered under the Group Contract for the treatment of cancer or other Life-threatening Condition that is typically covered for a patient who is not enrolled in an Approved Clinical Trial.

  • Patent Expenses means all reasonable costs (including attorneys’ and application fees) incurred by University in accordance with this Agreement to apply for, prosecute and maintain Licensed Patents, including but not limited to the costs of interferences, oppositions, inter partes review and re-examinations. Patent Expenses include reimbursement for in-house costs provided they are for activities that would otherwise have been performed by outside counsel at an equal or greater expense.

  • Approved Product means any water fitting, plumbing product, material or component which is the subject of an existing WRAS Approval;

  • Licensed producer means a person or entity licensed to produce medical cannabis.

  • Marihuana-infused product means a topical formulation, tincture, beverage, edible substance, or similar product containing marihuana and other ingredients and that is intended for human consumption.

  • Licensed Programs means, collectively, NeoSystems’ and any Third Party Vendor computer software programs to be provided to Client for use on certain hardware on Client’s premises or a third party’s premises as set forth in an Agreement. The Licensed Programs shall include any fixes, work-arounds, updates, revisions, modifications, enhancements and any derivative works that are provided to Client by NeoSystems under an Agreement.