Examples of Charity Commissioners in a sentence
The District Council agreed a new scheme of administration which was sealed by the Charity Commissioners on the 28 August 1990 and applied the income of the Endowment to the upkeep and use of the Gilstrap building.
There shall be a separate charitable fund known as the “NASUWT Benevolent Fund” which shall have such separate Rules as are approved by Conference from time to time with the consent of the Charity Commissioners which Rules shall provide for but shall not be limited to the objects, benefits, constitution, and administration of the fund.
The charity is registered with the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales, registration number 272258, and with the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator, registration number 041347.
The structure of the Trust is set out in a New Framework Constitution agreed by the Charity Commissioners, The Church of England, The Methodist Church (and the URC and The Baptist Union) as well as Churches Together in England and Churches Together in Kent.The governance of the Trust is set out in a Working Policies document and a Sharing of Buildings Agreement (both available on our website).
The Charity is currently regulated by a Scheme of the Charity Commissioners of 19 January 1982 with Wycombe District Council being the sole Trustee.
Basis of independent examiner’s report My examination was carried out in accordance with the General Directions given by the Charity Commissioners.
This will be the case when a body created needs to register with the Charity Commissioners or appoint trustees to oversee its work.
The Trust is administered in accordance with the Scheme of Administration established 24th October 1974 as amended by the Charity Commissioners on the 29th December 1983.
This advice sheet is based on the Scheme for the Regulation of the Foundation (as approved by the Charity Commissioners) and the rules / conditions made from time to time by the Trustees within the limits prescribed by the Scheme.
There will be no problem if the trustees themselves pay the premiums but if they are paid out of the charitable funds, the trustees will need the consent of the Charity Commissioners unless the trust deed allows it.