Certificate of deposit definition

Certificate of deposit means an instrument containing an acknowledgment by a bank that a sum of money has been received by the bank and a promise by the bank to repay the sum of money. A certificate of deposit is a note of the bank.
Certificate of deposit means a Written acknowledgment by an Insured or a Financial Institution of receipt of Money with an engagement to repay it.
Certificate of deposit means a written acknowledgement by a bank of a deposit with promise to pay to depositor, to his order, or to some other person or to his order said deposit with interest on a specified date.

Examples of Certificate of deposit in a sentence

  • Your account is also governed by, as applicable, the signature card, a rate and fee schedule (which may be in the form of a Schedule of Fees, Term Certificate of Deposit, or other schedule, herein after referred to in this Agreement as the Schedule), a Disclosure Statement, an Overdraft Privilege Disclosure, a Funds Availability Policy Disclosure, an Electronic Funds Transfer Disclosure and Card Holder Agreement, a Privacy Notice, other documents we may provide you, and our account rules and regulations.

  • The Concessionaire shall, as a condition precedent to any rights under this Lease, furnish a surety bond, an irrevocable Letter of Credit, or an assignable Certificate of Deposit in the amount of $25,000.00, with surety to be approved by the Department, conditioned to ensure the faithful performance of this Lease and which surety shall remain in full effect throughout the term of this Lease.

More Definitions of Certificate of deposit

Certificate of deposit means a negotiable
Certificate of deposit means a negotiable certificate of deposit held by a bank or other financial institution regulated and examined by a state or federal agency, the value of which is fully insured by an agency of the United States government. A certificate of deposit used to fulfill the requirements of this part shall be in the sole name of the department with a maturity date of not less than 1 year and shall be renewed not less than 60 days before the maturity date. An applicant who uses a certificate of deposit as a bond shall receive any accrued interest on that certificate of deposit upon release of the bond by the department.
Certificate of deposit means a deposit of account by the Authority at an Eligible Institution with a defined dollar amount, term, rate and place of payment, which shall be collateralized as set forth herein.
Certificate of deposit means a certificate of deposit issued by a Deposit Taker as required by Section 5.4 below to evidence an Account into which Cash Collateral has been deposited pursuant to this Agreement. Each Certificate of Deposit shall be issued in an amount equal to the Value of the Account which it evidences and shall otherwise be in the form set forth as ATTACHMENT 1.
Certificate of deposit means a bank record of a sum of money which has been received by the bank and a promise made by the bank to repay the sum of money. The term does not include a deposit account. A certificate of deposit may be negotiable, nonnegotiable, nontransferable, certificated, or uncertificated.
Certificate of deposit means a certificate issued by a bank or financial institution acknowledging receipt of a specified sum of money in a special kind of time deposit, drawing interest and requiring written notice for withdrawal.
Certificate of deposit means a document relating to money, in any currency, which has been deposited with the issuer or some other person, being a document which recognizes an obligation to pay a stated amount to bearer or to order, with or without interest, and being a document by the delivery of which, with or without endorsement, the right to receive that stated amount, with or without interest, is transferable;