C200 System definition

C200 System is defined below in Article 1; and
C200 System means a 200 kW MicroTurbine generator system meeting the C200 System Specifications and all engineering supporting documentation, including any future changes to the 200 kW MicroTurbine generator system, the C200 System Specifications, and the engineering supporting documentation.

Examples of C200 System in a sentence

  • Subject to the License granted in Article 7 hereof, as between the Parties, Capstone shall own all right title and interest in and to all Intellectual Property relating to the C200 System.

  • Unless earlier terminated pursuant to Section 13.2, this Agreement shall, be effective for the product life of the C200 System.

  • Prior to Commercialization, as defined within this Agreement, Capstone reserves the right to make commercially reasonable changes to the C200 System Specifications; provided, however, any such change that materially affects the fit, form, function, cost, or Commercialization schedule of the C200 System shall be effective only upon 30 days prior written notice to UTCP and the written approval of UTCP.

  • UTCP shall purchase the C200 System in accordance with terms and conditions of the OEM Agreement applicable to equipment purchases only, or, in the event there is no OEM Agreement in effect, terms and conditions that are substantially similar and no less favorable.

  • All discounts hereunder shall only be provided on a prospective basis and UTCP shall not be entitled to retroactive discounts on the C200 System, unless UTCP demonstrates that lower, or more favorable, pricing was, or has been, previously available to another party; upon such a demonstration, UTCP shall be entitled to the lower, or more favorable pricing, and shall be entitled to credits pursuant to UTCP’s past purchases to account for the difference in pricing.

  • During Development, the Parties shall work jointly to: (i) reduce costs and improve manufacturability of the C200 System by using each Party’s processes to address manufacturing shop floor issues and (ii) facilitate continuous improvement.

  • C200 System orders shall be accepted by Capstone upon receipt of such orders from UTCP for standard equipment using Capstone’s then current published standard lead times.

  • Subsequent to Commercialization, as defined within this Agreement, Capstone reserves the right to make commercially reasonable changes to the C200 System Specifications; provided, however, any such change that materially affects the fit, form, cost, or function of the C200 System shall be effective only upon 90 days prior written notice to UTCP and the written approval of UTCP.

  • If either Party wishes to change the scope of the Project (a “Project Change”) as identified by the C200 System Specifications, it shall consult with the other Party in a timely manner so that the Parties can study and estimate the feasibility of such change.

  • In addition, UTCP shall provide Capstone twelve (12) month rolling forecasts for its projected C200 System purchases on a monthly basis.

Related to C200 System

  • Fuel system means the components which store or transport fuel on board the vehicle and comprise the fuel tank system, all fuel and vapour lines, any non-tank mounted fuel pumps and the activated carbon canister.

  • MERS(R) System The system of recording transfers of Mortgages electronically maintained by MERS.

  • XXXXX System means the XXXXX filing system of the Commission and the rules and regulations pertaining thereto promulgated by the Commission in Regulation S-T under the Securities Act and the Exchange Act, in each case as the same may be amended or succeeded from time to time (and without regard to format).

  • SCADA System means the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System which is composed of all telemetering and remote terminal units (“RTU”) at the Facility and associated with the Grid System or BPDB’s Control Center;

  • Grid System means STU / MSEDCL power transmission system / distribution system through which Delivered Energy is evacuated and distributed.

  • Alarm system means equipment and devices assembled for the purpose of:

  • interconnected system means a number of transmission and distribution systems linked together by means of one or more interconnectors;

  • Computer System means a computer and all input, output, processing, storage, off-line media libraries, and communication facilities which are connected to the computer and which are under the control and supervision of the operating system(s) or application(s) software used by the ASSURED.

  • Tank system means a hazardous waste storage or treatment tank and its associated ancillary equipment and containment system.

  • TARGET2 System means the Trans-European Automated Real-Time Gross Settlement Express Transfer (TARGET2) system or any successor thereto.

  • Supplier System means the information and communications technology system used by the Supplier in performing the Services including the Software, the Equipment and related cabling (but excluding the Customer System);

  • PV System means a residentially hosted roof-top solar electric generating system, including photovoltaic panels, racks, wiring and other electrical devices, conduits, weatherproof housings, hardware, one or more inverters, remote monitoring systems, connectors, meters, disconnects and over current devices.

  • Subsystem means any subset of the System identified as such in the Contract that may be supplied, installed, tested, and commissioned individually before Commissioning of the entire System.

  • Utility system means a water system, solid waste

  • System Software means Software that provides the operating and management instructions for the underlying hardware and other components, and is identified as such in Appendix 4 of the Contract Agreement and such other Software as the parties may agree in writing to be Systems Software. Such System Software includes, but is not restricted to, micro-code embedded in hardware (i.e., “firmware”), operating systems, communications, system and network management, and utility software.

  • Metering System means all meters and metering devices (including current transformers and potential transformers) owned by the Company and used to measure Dependable Capacity and the delivery by the Company and receipt by BPDB of Net Energy Output;

  • Water System means the plants, structures and other

  • Airport System means two or more airports grouped together and serving the same city or conurbation, as indicated in Annex II to Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92;