Branch Secretary definition

Branch Secretary means the secretary of a Branch;
Branch Secretary means the Branch Secretary of the Australian Education Union NSW Teachers Federation Branch.
Branch Secretary includes and means a Branch Chief Executive Officer and/or an Administrative Officer where referred to as such in these Rules, and should be read as a reference to the Branch Chief Executive Officer in Victoria Police Branch, Tasmania Police Branch, Secretary Treasurer of the Australian Federal Police Association and Northern Territory Police Branch and Administrative Officer in the New South Wales Police Branch.

Examples of Branch Secretary in a sentence

  • Provided further, that the employer shall notify the Union Branch Secretary in writing of any such agreement and of any alterations thereto.

  • Notwithstanding the provisions of clause 6.1, employees may be required to work in accordance with such other hours of work as are mutually agreed upon, in writing, between the employer and the Branch Secretary of the Union.

  • A Branch Committee shall have power to negotiate and enter into industrial agreements affecting only the members of that Branch and such agreements may be signed for or on behalf of the Branch by the Branch Secretary.

  • The National Secretary shall, upon receipt of such items, prepare and forward to each Branch Secretary and each member of the National Council a copy of the agenda paper at least 21 days prior to the annual meeting of National Council.

  • Each Branch Secretary - one vote for every 1000 financial members or part thereof of the Branch of that Branch Secretary.

More Definitions of Branch Secretary

Branch Secretary means the secretary referred to in Rule 6;
Branch Secretary is the main contact person with the wider union, handles branch administration and provides leadership. • Deputy Branch Secretary: deputises for the Branch Secretary, as above; Trade Union convenors: employees and union representatives elected by a union to represent all their members within the organisation on corporate matters, either on a full time or part-time basis. • Trade Union workplace reps or stewards: employees elected by union members to represent them on local issues within the service or area of their substantive position on a part- time/agreed release basis. • Branch based representatives: these are seconded to a role within the branch and undertake casework in areas where there are no local union representatives or to represent the union in a specialised discipline (Health & Safety or Equalities for example) and engage / participate in collective bargaining or negotiation directly with the employer. • Union Learning Representatives: employees and trade union representatives selected by their union to advise their members and other employees on learning and development options, on either a part-time or full-time basis. • Safety Representatives: employees and trade union representatives selected by their union to represent their members and other employees on safety matters on a part-time basis.
Branch Secretary means Honorary Secretary of a Branch.
Branch Secretary means a Secretary appointed by a Branch Committee in accordance with Rule 9.11.
Branch Secretary means the Branch Secretary of the Australian Education Union New South Wales Teachers Federation Branch.
Branch Secretary means the Secretary of a Branch of The Society of Master Mariners South Africa.
Branch Secretary means the Secretary of a Branch. “Branch Treasurer” means the Treasurer of a Branch.