Behavioral health authority definition

Behavioral health authority or "BHA" means the local agency, established by a city or county under Chapter 15 (§ 37.1-242 et seq.) of Title 37.1 of the Code of Virginia that plans, provides, and evaluates mental health, mental retardation, and substance abuse services in the locality that it serves.
Behavioral health authority or "authority" means a public body and a body corporate and politic organized in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 6 (§ 37.2-600 et seq.) that is appointed by and accountable to the governing body of the city or county that established it for the provision of mental health, developmental, and substance abuse services. "Behavioral health authority" or "authority" also includes the organization that provides these services through its own staff or through contracts with other organizations and providers.
Behavioral health authority or "authority" means a public body and a body corporate and politic

More Definitions of Behavioral health authority

Behavioral health authority or "BHA" means the local agency, established by a city or county or a combination of counties or cities or cities and counties under Chapter 6 (§ 37.1-194 37.2-600 et seq.) of Title 37.2 of the Code of Virginia, that plans, provides, and evaluates mental health, mental retardation, and substance abuse services in the jurisdiction or jurisdictions it serves.
Behavioral health authority means the organization, appointed by and accountable to the governing body of the city or county that established it, that provides mental health, developmental, and substance abuse services through its own staff or through contracts with other organizations and providers.
Behavioral health authority or "BHA" means the local agency, established by a city or county under § 37.2-100 of the Code of Virginia that plans, provides, and evaluates mental health, intellectual disability (ID), and substance abuse services in the locality that it serves.
Behavioral health authority or "BHA" means the local agency that administers services set out in § 37.2-601 of the Code of Virginia.
Behavioral health authority or "BHA" means the local agency, established by a city or county
Behavioral health authority or "BHA" means the local agency, established by a city or county or a combination of counties or cities or cities and counties under §37.1-194 et seq. of the Code
Behavioral health authority means the organization, appointed by and accountable to