Ballot marking device definition

Ballot marking device means a pen, pencil, or similar writing tool, or an electronic device, all designed for use in marking an optical scan ballot, and so designed or fabricated that the mark it leaves may be detected and the vote so cast counted by automatic tabulating equipment.
Ballot marking device means a device for marking ballots with ink or other
Ballot marking device. (BMD) means a device that may integrate components such as a ballot scanner, printer, touch-screen monitor, audio output, and a navigational keypad and uses electronic technology to:

Examples of Ballot marking device in a sentence

  • Ballot marking device is any approved device which will enable the votes cast on paper ballots to be counted by automatic tabulating equipment.

  • What voting system did you use the last time you voted🞎 I have never voted🞎 Paper ballot🞎 Vote by absentee ballot/alternative ballot/by mail🞎 Ballot marking device such as the Automark🞎 Electronic voting system with my vote cast electronically7.

  • The term includes the digital image of a marked ballot captured by a voting system.2. "Ballot marking device" means a device for marking ballots with ink or other substance, or any other method for recording votes on ballots such that the votes may be tabulated and counted by tabulation.

  • Ballot marking device (BMD) is a large tablet with printer and external battery, all COTS.

  • It is the Court’s intention that the Discovery Master shall perform [his/her] duties without concern for the potential disclosure of [his/her] drafts or work product.

More Definitions of Ballot marking device

Ballot marking device means any approved device for marking a ballot which will
Ballot marking device means a device that allows an elector to mark a ballot card used in an electromechanical voting system and that meets the standards in section 1-5-704 (1)(o).
Ballot marking device means a device for marking ballots with ink or other substance, or any other method for recording votes on ballots such that the votes may be tabulated and counted by tabulation.
Ballot marking device means a device that may be used to
Ballot marking device. (BMD) means a device that may integrate
Ballot marking device means the pen or other instrument, approved by the Senior Election Official, for the use in marking ballots by the elector.
Ballot marking device. (BMD) means a device that may integrate components such as