Non-Use Fee Rate definition

Non-Use Fee Rate means, with respect to any Ownership Group and any Accrual Period, the per annum rate specified as such in the Transaction Fee Letter for the related Funding Agent.
Non-Use Fee Rate see the definition of Applicable Margin.
Non-Use Fee Rate means one-half of one percent (0.50%).

Examples of Non-Use Fee Rate in a sentence

  • Xxxxxxxx agrees to pay to Agent for the account of each Lender (except as provided in Section 2.6) a non-use fee, for the period from the Closing Date to the Termination Date, at the Non-Use Fee Rate in effect from time to time of such Xxxxxx’s Pro Rata Share (as adjusted from time to time) of the difference between the Revolving Commitment and the average daily Revolving Outstandings during the period of calculation.

More Definitions of Non-Use Fee Rate

Non-Use Fee Rate means 0.25% per annum; provided, that, if average Revolving Outstandings during any Fiscal Quarter is greater than 70% of the Revolving Commitment, the Non-Use Fee Rate will be 0% for such Fiscal Quarter.
Non-Use Fee Rate see Schedule 1.1.
Non-Use Fee Rate means an annual rate of interest equal to thirty-seven and one-half basis points (0.375%).
Non-Use Fee Rate has the meaning set forth in the Fee Letter.
Non-Use Fee Rate means, during each Pricing Period, the rate set forth below opposite the Leverage Ratio reported as of the last day of the Fiscal Quarter ending approximately two months prior to the first day of that Pricing Period (or, in the case of any Pricing Period commencing on the date of any Material Permitted Acquisition, the Pro Forma Leverage Ratio in effect on the date thereof): Leverage Ratio Non-Use Rate Less than or equal to 1.00:1.00 25.0 bps Greater than 1.00:1.00 but less than or equal to 1.50:1.00 30.0 bps Greater than 1.50:1.00 but less than or equal to 2.00:1.00 35.0 bps Greater than 2.00:1.00 40.0 bps
Non-Use Fee Rate means, during each Pricing Period, the rate set forth below opposite the Leverage Ratio reported as of the last day of the Fiscal Quarter ending approximately two months prior to the first day of that Pricing Period (or, in the case of any Pricing Period commencing on the date of any Material Permitted Acquisition, the Pro Forma Leverage Ratio in effect on the date thereof):
Non-Use Fee Rate means 0.50% per annum.