MICA Sample Clauses

MICA. MICA, on behalf of itself and all of its affiliates, successors and assigns ("related parties"), hereby releases, acquits and forever discharges the Steel Parties, together with their respective present and former affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, attorneys, successors and assigns, of and from any and all claims, causes of action (whether at law or equity), demands, expenses and damages which MICA may have had, or may now have, or may hereafter have (whether through operation of law, assignment or subrogation), from the beginning of time to the Effective Date, real or suspected, known or unknown, actual or contingent, direct or derivative, including but not limited to (i) any such claims, causes of action, demands, expenses and damages relating to or arising out of the Action or the Rights Plan Action, (ii) any claim that the Steel Parties have, as of the date hereof, violated, or are in violation of, the federal securities laws based upon any alleged non-disclosure concerning the Steel Parties' relationship with a foreign investment fund or alleged relationship with any existing customer(s) of Jack X. Xxxxxx xx Cowlxx Xxxox & Xo. or (iii) or any of the matters claimed, asserted or alleged, or that could have been claimed, asserted or alleged, in the Action or the Rights Plan Action, excepting only any action, cause of action or suit arising by virtue of the breach of this Settlement Agreement. With respect to each of the releases set forth above, each person or entity granting or receiving such a release (i) agrees that such releases do not preclude any Party hereto from seeking to enforce any undertaking or promise contained in this Settlement Agreement or from seeking redress for the breach of any representation or warranty contained in this Settlement Agreement; (ii) agrees not to challenge, and shall use its best efforts to cause each of its affiliates, associates and representatives not to challenge, the validity of any provisions of this Settlement Agreement; and (iii) expressly waives all rights and benefits each may have under and by virtue of the terms of Section 1542 of the California Civil Code, which provides as follows: A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the release, which if known by him must have materially affected his settlement with the debtor. Except as may be otherwise required by law, the Steel Parties will not encoura...
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MICA. MICA, on behalf of itself and all of its affiliates, successors and assigns ("related parties"), hereby releases, acquits and forever discharges Arrowhead, together with its present and former affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, attorneys, successors and assigns, of and from any and all claims, causes of action (whether at law or equity), demands, expenses and damages which MICA may have had, or may now have, or may hereafter have (whether through
MICA. In addition to any other amounts payable by MICA under this Agreement and the Note, MICA hereby agrees to protect, indemnify, pay and hold harmless GE and its directors, officers and employees from and against any and all claims, demands, liabilities, damages, losses, costs, charges and expenses (including reasonable fees and expenses of counsel) (i) that GE may incur or be subject to as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of (a) issuance of the financial accommodations described in this Agreement, (b) any breach by MICA of any warranty, covenant, term or condition in, or the occurrence of any Event of Default under, this Agreement or any Scheduled Document, including all reasonable fees or expenses resulting from the settlement or defense of any claims or liabilities arising as a result of any such breach or default, and (c) involvement in any legal suit, investigation, proceeding, inquiry or action as to which GE is involved as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of financial accommodations described in this Agreement, the holding or owning of any Collateral by GE, GE's execution of this Agreement and any Scheduled Document to which it is a party or any other event or transaction contemplated by any of the foregoing, except for any claims, demands, liabilities, damages, losses, charges and expenses which are caused by GE's gross negligence or willful misconduct or other activities of GE described in Subsection 8.12(B) hereof and (ii) that are related to any claims, actions or proceedings which may be asserted against GE in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. The obligations of MICA under this Section 8.12 shall survive the termination of this Agreement. In furtherance and not in limitation hereof, GE may accept documents that appear on their face to be in order, without responsibility for further investigation, except if GE has received any notice or information to the contrary.
MICA. As additional conferees from the Committee on Transpor- tation and Infrastructure, for consideration of title VII of the House bill, and subtitle B of title III and subtitle B of title VI of the Senate amendment, and modifications com- mitted to conference: XXX XXXXXXX, XXXXX X. XXXXXXXXX, XXXXX X. XXXXXXXX. As additional conferees from the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, for consideration of title VIII of the House bill, and title VIII of the Senate amendment, and modifications committed to conference: XXX XXXXX, XXXXXXXXXXX X. XXXXX, XXXX XXXXX. As additional conferees from the Committee on Ways and Means, for consideration of subtitle A of title V and title IX of the House bill, and divisions 3 and 4 of title V of the Senate amendment, and modifications committed to con- xxxxxxx: XXXX XXXXXX, X. XXXX XXXX, JR., XXXX XXXX, XXXXXXX X. XXXXXX, XXXXXX X. XXXXX. As additional conferees from the Committee on Ways and Means, for consideration of titles IV and X of the House bill, and division 1 of title V of the Senate amendment, and modifications committed to conference: XXXX XXXXXX, XXXXXXX XXXXXX. Managers on the part of the House. From the Committee on the Budget: XXXX XXXXXXXX, XXXXX XXXXXXXX, XXX XXXXXXX, XXXX XXXXX, XXXXX XXXXXXXXXX. From the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and For- estry: XXXX XXXXX. From the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- fairs: XXXXXXX X’XXXXX, XXXXXXX XXXXXX, XXXX XXXXXXXX. From the Committee on Commerce, Science and Transpor- tation: XXXX XXXXXX, XXX XXXXXXX, (Except for provisions in universal service fund). From the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: XXXXX X. XXXXXXXXX, XXXXX X. XXXXX. From the Committee on Finance: XXXX XXXX, XXXXX XXXX, XXXXXX X. XXXXXXXX. From the Committee on Governmental Affairs: XXXX XXXXXXXX, XXXXX XXXXXXX. From the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs: XXXXX XXXXXXX, XXXXX XXXXXXXX, XXXX XXXXXXXXXXX. Managers on the part of the Senate.

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  • Declaración de Política El Otorgamiento de Unidades de Acciones Restringidas es un otorgamiento unilateral y discrecional y, por lo tanto, la Compañía se reserva el derecho absoluto de modificar y discontinuar el Plan en cualquier tiempo, sin responsabilidad alguna. La Compañía, con oficinas registradas ubicadas en 000 Xxxx Xxxxxx, Xxx Xxxx, Xxx Xxxx 00000 U.S.A., es únicamente responsable de la administración del Plan, y la participación en el Plan y el Otorgamiento de Unidades de Acciones Restringidas no establecen, de forma alguna, una relación de trabajo entre el Participante y la Compañía, ya que el Participante está participando en el Plan sobre una base comercial y el único patrón es una Afiliada Mexicana y tampoco establece ningún derecho entre usted y el Patrón. Reconocimiento del Documento del Plan. Al aceptar el Otorgamiento de las Unidades de Acciones Restringidas, el Participante reconoce que ha recibido copias del Plan, ha revisado el Plan y los Términos del Otorgamiento en su totalidad y que entiende y acepta completamente todas las disposiciones contenidas en el Plan y en los Términos del Otorgamiento, incluyendo los Apéndices. Adicionalmente, el Participante aprueba expresamente que (i) la participación en el Plan no constituye un derecho adquirido; (ii) el Plan y la participación en el Plan se ofrecen por la Compañía de forma enteramente discrecional; (iii) la participación en el Plan es voluntaria; y (iv) la Compañía, cualquier Filial y el Patrón no son responsables por cualquier disminución en el valor de las Acciones adquiridas al momento de tener derecho en relación con las Unidades de Acciones Restringidas. Finalmente, el Participante declara que no se reserva ninguna acción o derecho para interponer una reclamación o demanda en contra de la Compañía por compensación, daño o perjuicio alguno como resultado de su participación en el Plan y, por lo tanto, otorga el más amplio y total finiquito al Patrón, la Compañía y sus Filiales en relación con cualquier reclamación demanda que pudiera surgir de conformidad con el Plan.

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