Restoration; Partial or Total Destruction of Building Sample Clauses

Restoration; Partial or Total Destruction of Building. In the event the Building shall be partially or totally destroyed by fire or other casualty, the same shall be repaired as soon as is reasonably possible, at the expense of Landlord, unless Landlord shall elect to terminate this Lease as hereinafter provided. If damage to the Leased Premises is to such extent that the cost of restoration, as estimated by Landlord will exceed fifty percent (50%) of the replacement value of the Leased Premises (including the building standard improvements) or thirty percent (30%) of the replacement value of the Building (exclusive of the foundation) in its condition just prior to the occurrence of the damage, Landlord may, no later than the sixtieth (60th) day following such damage, give Tenant notice that it elects to terminate this Lease. If such notice shall be given:
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Restoration; Partial or Total Destruction of Building. In the event the Building shall be partially or totally destroyed by fire or other casualty, the same shall be repaired to at least as close to the condition as existed prior to the casualty as is reasonably practicable and as soon as is reasonably possible at the expense of Landlord unless Landlord or Tenant shall elect to terminate this Lease as hereinafter provided. If (a) the damage to the Leased Premises is to such an extent that the cost of restoration, as determined by an architect reasonably agreed to by Landlord and Tenant, would exceed 50% of the replacement value of the Leased Premises (including Tenant Improvements) or 30% of the replacement value of the Building (exclusive of the foundation) in its condition just prior to the occurrence of the damage, or (b) the damage to the Leased Premises and/or the Building is to such an extent that the Leased Premises and/or the Building cannot, in determination of an architect reasonably agreed to by Landlord and Tenant, adequately serve as the Permitted Use for a period of six (6) or more months, then either Landlord or Tenant may, no later than the thirtieth (30th) day following such damage, give the other party written notice that it elects to terminate this Lease. If such notice shall be given:
Restoration; Partial or Total Destruction of Building. In the event the Building shall be partially or totally destroyed by fire or other casualty, the same shall be repaired as soon as is reasonably possible, at the expense of Landlord, unless Landlord shall elect to terminate this Lease as hereinafter provided. If damage to the Leased Premises is to such extent that the cost of restoration, as estimated by Landlord will exceed fifty percent (50%) of the replacement value of the Leased Premises (including the building standard improvements) or thirty percent (30%) of the 070701 Altairnano - Flagship Business Accelerator Lease.doc replacement value of the Building (exclusive of the foundation) in its condition just prior to the occurrence of the damage, Landlord may, no later than the sixtieth (60th) day following such damage, give Tenant notice that it elects to terminate this Lease. If such notice shall be given:

Related to Restoration; Partial or Total Destruction of Building

  • Substantial or Total Destruction If the Property is substantially or totally destroyed by any cause whatsoever (i.e., the damage to the Property is greater than partial damage as described in Section 7.01), and regardless of whether Landlord receives any insurance proceeds, this Lease shall terminate as of the date the destruction occurred. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, if the Property can be rebuilt within six (6) months after the date of destruction, Landlord may elect to rebuild the Property at Landlord's own expense, in which case this Lease shall remain in full force and effect. Landlord shall notify Tenant of such election within thirty (30) days after Tenant's notice of the occurrence of total or substantial destruction. If Landlord so elects, Landlord shall rebuild the Property at Landlord's sole expense, except that if the destruction was caused by an act or omission of Tenant, Tenant shall pay Landlord the difference between the actual cost of rebuilding and any insurance proceeds received by Landlord.

  • Partial Destruction If the Premises or the Building are damaged by fire or other casualty to an extent not exceeding twenty-five percent (25%) of the full replacement cost thereof, and Landlord's contractor reasonably estimates in a writing delivered to Landlord and Tenant that the damage thereto may be repaired, reconstructed or restored to substantially its condition immediately prior to such damage within one hundred eighty (180) days from the date of such casualty, and Landlord will receive insurance proceeds sufficient to cover the costs of such repairs, reconstruction and restoration (including proceeds from Tenant and/or Tenant's insurance which Tenant is required to deliver to Landlord pursuant to Subparagraph 20(e) below to cover Tenant's obligation for the costs of repair, reconstruction and restoration of any portion of the Tenant Improvements and any Alterations for which Tenant is responsible under this Lease), then Landlord agrees to commence and proceed diligently with the work of repair, reconstruction and restoration and this Lease will continue in full force and effect.

  • Total Destruction Notwithstanding any other provision hereof, if Premises Total Destruction occurs (including any destruction required by any authorized public authority), this Lease shall terminate sixty (60) days following the date of such Premises Total Destruction, whether or not the damage or destruction is an Insured Loss or was caused by a negligent or willful act of Lessee. In the event, however, that the damage or destruction was caused by Lessee, Lessor shall have the right to recover Lessor's damages from Lessee except as released and waived in Paragraph 9.7.

  • Substantial Destruction Any damage or destruction to the Premises or the Building which Landlord is not obligated to repair pursuant to Subparagraph 20(a) above will be deemed a substantial destruction. In the event of a substantial destruction, Landlord may elect to either (i) repair, reconstruct and restore the portion of the Building or the Premises damaged by such casualty, in which case this Lease will continue in full force and effect, subject to Tenant's termination right contained in Subparagraph 20(d) below; or (ii) terminate this Lease effective as of the date which is thirty (30) days after Tenant's receipt of Landlord's election to so terminate.

  • Damage or Destruction of Premises (a) If the Premises or any part thereof shall be damaged by fire or other insured casualty, then, subject to the last paragraph of this Section, Landlord shall proceed with diligence, subject to then applicable statutes, building codes, zoning ordinances and regulations of any governmental authority, and at the expense of Landlord (but only to the extent of insurance proceeds made available to Landlord by any mortgagee of the Building and any ground lessor) to repair or cause to be repaired such damage (other than any Initial Tenant Improvements not deemed to be fixtures covered by Landlord’s property insurance and Tenant Work, which Tenant shall promptly commence, and proceed with diligence, to restore). All such repairs made necessary by any act or omission of Tenant shall be made at the Tenant’s expense to the extent that the cost of such repairs are less than the deductible amount in Landlord’s insurance policy. All repairs to and replacements of Tenant Property not deemed to be fixtures covered by Landlord’s property insurance and any Initial Tenant Improvements and Tenant Work shall be made by and at the expense of Tenant. The cost of any repairs performed under this Section by Landlord at Tenant’s request and at Tenant’s expense (including costs of design fees, financing, and charges for administration, overhead and construction management services by Landlord and Landlord’s contractor) shall constitute Additional Rent hereunder. If the Premises or any part thereof shall have been rendered unfit for use and occupation hereunder by reason of such damage, the Base Rent or a just and proportionate part thereof, according to the nature and extent to which the Premises shall have been so rendered unfit, shall be abated until the Premises (except as to Tenant Property, Initial Tenant Improvements not deemed to be fixtures covered by Landlord’s property insurance and any Tenant Work) shall have been restored as nearly as practicable to the condition in which they were immediately prior to such fire or other casualty; and that if and to the extent Landlord shall be unable to collect the insurance proceeds (including rent insurance proceeds) applicable to such damage because of some action or inaction on the part of Tenant, or the employees, licensees or invitees of Tenant, the cost of repairing such damage shall be paid by Tenant and there shall be no abatement of rent. Landlord shall not be liable for delays in the making of any such repairs that are due to government regulation, casualties, and strikes, unavailability of labor and materials, delays in obtaining insurance proceeds, and other causes beyond the reasonable control of Landlord, nor shall Landlord be liable for any inconvenience or annoyance to Tenant or injury to the business of Tenant resulting from delays in repairing such damage. If the Premises or the Building are substantially damaged so as to prevent Tenant from using the Premises for the Permitted Use and the Premises have not been restored to the condition required pursuant to the terms of this Lease within two hundred and seventy (270) days following said casualty (or if such casualty occurs during the last 18 months of the term, within ninety (90) days after the date of such casualty), then Tenant may terminate this Lease upon thirty (30) days written notice to Landlord unless Landlord shall substantially complete such repair and restoration within such thirty (30) day period in which event Tenant’s termination shall be void and of no further force or effect.

  • Partial Damage or Destruction If, during the Term, any Property shall be totally or partially destroyed but the Facility is not rendered Unsuitable for Its Permitted Use, Tenant shall, subject to Section 10.2.3, promptly restore such Facility as provided in Section 10.2.4.

  • DESTRUCTION OF PREMISES (A) If, during the term of this Lease, the Leased Premises are totally or partially destroyed by fire or the elements, so as to render the premises wholly unfit for occupancy, or make it impossible in the opinion of a licensed third party arbitrator knowledgeable in the child care business reasonably acceptable to Lessee and Lessor, for Lessee to conduct its business therein, then either Lessor or Lessee shall have the right to terminate this Lease from the date of such damage or destruction by giving written notice. The parties agree to use reasonable promptness to obtain the opinion of such licensed third party arbitrator. Upon the giving of such notice, Lessee shall immediately surrender the Leased Premises and all interest therein to Lessor, and in case of any such termination, Lessor may re-enter and repossess the Leased Premises and may dispossess all parties then in possession thereof. If not otherwise terminated, in the event the Leased Premises shall be repaired, restored, and rebuilt by Lessee with the use of insurance proceeds (which Lessor shall cooperate to make available), but otherwise at its own sole cost and expense, within one hundred eighty (180) days from the date of destruction (subject to force majuere as set forth in paragraph C hereof, then all rents payable by Lessee shall be abated during the period of repair and restoration to the extent Lessor shall be compensated by the proceeds of rents loss insurance. In no event shall Lessor be required to provide its own money for the repair or restoration of the Leased Premises other than the net proceeds of moneys received by it from any insurance policy or policies covering such loss or damages. Lessee shall be liable for repair of the Leased Premises with all reasonable speed, and the rents shall recommence on the date that the repairs are completed. Lessee shall be under no obligation to so repair during the last five (5) years of the term of the Lease, or as extended, but if Lessee shall desire to rebuild during the last 12 months of the Lease term, Lessor will make insurance proceeds available to rebuild the Leased Premises conditioned upon Lessee then exercising its next renewal option under the Lease. Lessor will make insurance proceeds available to rebuild the Leased Premises in the event Lessee rebuilds, except as stated above.

  • Restoration of Premises Lessee shall conduct all operations on the Leased Premises in such a manner as not to unreasonably damage the portion of the Leased Premises where there will be no mining operations. Lessee shall conduct all operations in such a manner as to observe and comply with all Laws applicable to the Leased Premises and all Laws applicable to the conduct of Lessee’s operations. Lessee expressly agrees to dispose of all tailings and other mining wastes in accordance with all applicable Laws and shall reclaim all of disturbed perimeter portions of any lakes created by mining such that those perimeter portions shall be left at a slope no steeper than four feet horizontal to one foot vertical within three (3) months of termination of the Lease Agreement. By the expiration or earlier termination of the term of this Lease Agreement, Lessee shall grade that portion of the Leased Premises which has been excavated by Lessee or on which Lessee has conducted operations so as to eliminate all unreasonable irregularities therein and so that such portion of the Leased Premises which has been excavated by Lessee conforms to the drawing set forth on Exhibit C attached hereto. Upon completion of the required grading, Lessee shall cover such area with sand, clay, or topsoil, or a mixture of any of the foregoing, from the resources then existing on the Leased Premises, and shall thereafter reseed the surface with a seed mixture approved by Lessor. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in no event shall Lessee be required to import any Materials, including but not limited to, sand, clay, or topsoil from off-site for purposes of complying with its restoration obligations in this Section 15. Should this obligation not be met by the end of the term of this Lease Agreement, it shall nevertheless survive and continue beyond the term of this Lease Agreement and shall be an obligation owed by Lessee to Lessor. This obligation is owed by Lessee in addition to any other obligation imposed upon Lessee by this Lease Agreement.

  • Destruction of Leased Premises In the event of damage or destruction of the Leased Premises by fire or any other casualty, this Lease shall not be terminated, but the Leased Premises shall be promptly and fully repaired and restored as the case may be by the Board to the extent of the Board’s insurance proceeds, provided such repair and or restoration returns the Leased Premises to substantially the same condition prior to such damage or destruction. Due allowance, however, shall be given for reasonable time required for adjustment and settlement of insurance claims, and for such other delays as may result from government restrictions, and controls on construction, if any, and for strikes, national emergencies and other conditions beyond the control of the Board. It is agreed that in the event of damage or destruction, this Lease shall continue in full force and effect, except for abatement of rent as provided herein. If the condition is such as to make the entire Leased Premises untenantable, then the rent which the County is obligated to pay hereunder shall xxxxx as of the date of the occurrence until the Leased Premises have been fully restored by the Board. Any unpaid or prepaid rent for the month in which said condition occurs shall be prorated and credited or paid to the appropriate Party. If the Leased Premises are partially damaged or destroyed, then during the period that the County is deprived of the use of the damaged portion of said Leased Premises, the County shall only be required to pay rent prorated to reflect that portion of the Leased Premises which continues to be tenantable and appropriate for the County’s use of the Leased Premises. The Board will proceed at its expense to the extent of its insurance proceeds, and as expeditiously as may be practicable to repair the damage. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, the Board shall not be required to expend any funds, other than insurance proceeds, to repair the Leased Premises which have been damaged by casualty. In the event that the Board elects not to repair the damage because of a lack of insurance proceeds, or because the damages are so extensive to make repair economically unfeasible, in which event and at the Board’s sole option, the Board may terminate this Lease forthwith, by giving the County a written notice of its intention to terminate within sixty (60) days after the date of the casualty. No compensation, or claim, or diminution of rent other than as described above will be allowed or paid, by the Board, by reason of inconvenience, annoyance, or injury to business, arising from the necessity of repairing the Leased Premises or any portion of the Building of which they are a part.

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