Yugoslavia definition

Yugoslavia means the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. When used in a geographical sense it means the territory of Yugoslavia as well as the areas of the sea, the sea-bed and subsoil thereof beyond territorial sea where Yugoslavia exercises the sovereign rights or jurisdiction in accordance with its national legislation and international law;
Yugoslavia. OR “Zambia” OR “Zimbabwe” OR “Rhodesia” OR “Western Sahara” OR “Kuwait” OR “United Arab Emirates” OR “Qatar” OR “Nauru” OR “Tuvalu” OR “Bahamas” OR “South Africa” OR “Countr*, Developing” OR “Least Developed Countr*” OR “Countr*, Least Developed” OR “Developed Countr*, Least” OR “Less-Developed Countr*” OR “Countr*, Less-Developed” OR “Less Developed Countr*” OR “Under-Developed Nation*” OR “Nation*, Under- Developed” OR “Under Developed Nation*” OR “Third-World Countr*” OR “Countr*, Third-World” OR “Third World Countr*” OR “Third-World Nation*” OR “Nation*, Third-World” OR “Third World Nation*” OR “Under-Developed Countr*” OR “Countr*, Under-Developed” OR “Under Developed Countr*” OR “Developing Nation*” OR “Nation*, Developing” OR “Less-Developed Nation*” OR “Less Developed Nation*” OR “Nation*, Less-Developed” Note: In PubMed, searches were conducted with "All Fields" unless noted as "MeSH Terms" Table 3. Quality Assessment for Included Systematic Reviews Based on AMSTAR Criteria First author, date Overall Scores 1. a priori 2. duplicate selection 3. lit. search 4. status of pub. 5. list of studies 6. study details 7. quality assessed 8. quality used 9. combine findings (M-A only) 10. pub. bias (M-A only) 11. conflict of interest Xxxx, 2012 7/9 (8/11) X X X X X X X X X X X Xxxx, 2013 6/9 (7/11) Y Y N Y N Y Y Y Y CA N Xxxx, 2014 5/9 (6/11) Y Y N Y N N Y Y Y CA N Xxxxxxxx, 2008 1/9 Y CA N N N N N N N/A N/A N Xxxxx, 0000 0/0 X X X X X X X X X/X X/X N Xxxxxxx, 2015 3/9 N Y Y Y N N N N N/A N/A N Hall, 2014 6/9 (8/11) X X X X X X X X X X X Xxxxxxx, 0000 2/9 Y N N N N Y N N N/A N/A N Kimani, 0000 0/0 X X X X X X X X X/X X/X N Xxxxxxxxxxxx, 2013 0/0 X X X X X X X X X/X X/X X Xx, 0000 7/9 (8/11) X X X X X X X X X X X Xxx, 0000 2/9 Y N N Y N N N N N/A N/A N Maman, 2000 2/9 Y N N N N Y N N N/A N/A N Xxxxxxx, 2015 6/9 (8/11) X X X X X X X X X X X Xxxxxx, 0000 4/9 Y N Y Y N Y N N N/A N/A N Mmari, 2013 1/9 Y N N N N N N N N/A N/A N Mpinga, 0000 0/0 X X X X X X X X X/X X/X N Xxxxxx, 2012 5/9 (7/11) X X X X X X XX X X X X Xxxxxxx, 0000 3/9 Y Y N N N Y N N N/A N/A N Xxxxxx-XxxXxxxx, 0000 0/0 X X X X X X X X X/X X/X N Sarkar, 2008 1/9 Y N N N N N N N N/A N/A N Semahegn, 2015 0/0 X X X X X X X X X/X X/X X Xxxxx, 0000 4/9 (5/11) X X X X X X X X X X X Xxxxxxxx, 2013 3/9 Y Y N N N Y N N N/A N/A N Xxxxxxxx, 0000 0/0 X X X X X X X X X/X X/X N UNICEF, 0000 0/0 X X X X X X X X X/X X/X N WHO, 2000 3/9 Y N N Y N Y N N N/A N/A N WHO, 2013 2/9 (3/11) Y N N Y N N N N Y N N Note: M-A ...
Yugoslavia means the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and when used in a geographical sense it means the land territory of Yugoslavia, its internal sea waters and the belt of the territorial sea, the air space thereover, as well as the seabed and subsoil of the part of the high sea outside the outer limit of the territory over which Yugoslavia exercises its sovereign rights for the purpose of exploration and exploitation of their natural resrouces in accordance with its internal legislation and international law.

Examples of Yugoslavia in a sentence

  • Xxxxxxx, Minister of Com­ merce, has stated that the aim of Yugoslavia's trade policy towards Germany is to equalize imports and exports, He will therefore do everything to equipoise Yugoslavia's trade balance with Germany, Amongst other things the Minister stressed the point that the favourable agreement concluded with that country would to a certain measure counterbalance the losses incurred by Yugoslavia in consequence of the sanctions applied against Italy.

  • The question of the export of German scrap-iron to Yugoslavia was also satisfactorily settled in the course of the Zagreb negotiations, 36 D A N U B I A N R E V I E W APRIL, 1936 MORE ORDERS FOR THE XXXXX-WORKS Some time ago the Yugoslav Government entrust­ ed the Xxxxx-firm in Essen with the equipment of the iron works in Zenica.

  • In this connection it is to be noted that in the course of the trade conversations in Zagred Germany's representatives declared their willingness to raise the prices of agricultural imports from Yugoslavia by 20—30%.

  • This explains why Germany is willing to allow higher prices for agricultural products from Yugoslavia.

  • The Convention shall also apply to the contributions levied in Yugoslavia, except to contributions for social security.

  • In 2002, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) assumed jurisdiction over five cases of alleged war crimes, four involving the NLA and one involving the Macedonian state security forces.

  • This produces a humourous situation, because the Yugoslav corn with a Czecho­ slovak label is a rival in foreign markets to the corn coming direct from Yugoslavia.

  • The EUMM in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia shall operate under the responsibility of the Head of Mission.

  • The Parties shall cooperate fully with all entities involved in implementation of this peace settlement, as described in the General Framework Agreement, or which are otherwise authorized by the United Nations Security Council, including the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia.

  • Germany’s clearing debts to Yugoslavia ex­ ceed 470 million dinars, 120 millions of which will be written off for machinery ordered in Germany for the Iron Works at Zenta, The balance will be at the disposal of the Yugoslav Ministry of Communications for the purpose of buying machinery for the Kraljevo Railway factory anl buying new locomotives for the State Railways.

More Definitions of Yugoslavia

Yugoslavia. OR "Zambia" OR "Zimbabwe" OR "Rhodesia" OR "Western Sahara" OR "Kuwait" OR "United Arab Emirates" OR "Qatar" OR "Nauru" OR "Tuvalu" OR "Bahamas" OR "South Africa" [All Fields])
Yugoslavia. OR “Zambia” OR “Zimbabwe” OR “Rhodesia” OR “Western Sahara” OR “Kuwait” OR “United Arab Emirates” OR “Qatar” OR “Nauru” OR “Tuvalu” OR “Bahamas” OR “South Africa” OR “Countr*, Developing” OR “Least Developed Countr*” OR “Countr*, Least Developed” OR “Developed Countr*, Least” OR “Less-Developed Countr*” OR “Countr*, Less-Developed” OR “Less Developed Countr*” OR “Under-Developed Nation*” OR “Nation*, Under- Developed” OR “Under Developed Nation*” OR “Third-World Countr*” OR “Countr*, Third-World” OR “Third World Countr*” OR “Third-World Nation*” OR “Nation*, Third-World” OR “Third World Nation*” OR “Under-Developed Countr*” OR “Countr*, Under-Developed” OR “Under Developed Countr*” OR “Developing Nation*” OR “Nation*, Developing” OR “Less-Developed Nation*” OR “Less Developed Nation*” OR “Nation*, Less-Developed”
Yugoslavia in the “Historical Information” section in the front matter of this volume. 6 Czechoslovakia had acceded to the Convention on 12 January 1956. See also note 1 under “Czech Republic” and note 1 under “Slovakia” in the “Historical Information” section in the front matter of this volume.
Yugoslavia means the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia;
Yugoslavia. Iraq" and "CIS" and replace "Czechoslovakia" with "The Czech Republic" and "Slovakia"

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