widow definition

widow means the surviving dependent widow of an employee who was wholly or partially dependent upon the employee's earnings at the time of the employee's death;
widow. ’ means the surviving wife of a ‘‘judicial official’’, who:
widow means, in relation to Australia, a de jure widow but does not include a woman who is the de facto spouse of a man;

Examples of widow in a sentence

  • Widow and Children of Wm and Xxx Xxxxx.21 Yrs Whit 1754 to Whit 1775.

More Definitions of widow

widow and "Widower" means respectively the widow and the widower of a Member. If a Member has married under a law which allows polygamy and, on the day of the Member's death, has more than one spouse, the Trustees must decide which, if any, survivor is the Widow or Widower. In reaching that decision, the Trustees must have regard to the practice of the Department of Social Security and any relevant provisions of existing Social Security legislation, in particular section 17(5) of the Act and regulation 2 of the Social Security and Family Allowance (Polygamous Marriages) Regulations 1975 (SI 1975/561).
widow s benefit" means—
widow s benefit” means widow’s allowance, widow’s payment, widowed mother’s allowance and widow’s pension payable under the legislation of the United Kingdom and, in addition, widowed father’s allowance payable under the legislation of Jersey, and survivors’ pensions payable under the legislation of Barbados.
widow. ’ means the surviving wife of an employee or Member who—
widow means a de jure widow;
widow means, in relation to Australia, a de jure widow but does not include a woman who has a partner.
widow s pension” means a pension under section 39 of the Contributions and Benefits Act.