Virtu LLC MIP definition

Virtu LLC MIP means the Virtu LLC Management Incentive Plan, as amended.

Related to Virtu LLC MIP

  • Holdings LLC Agreement means the Amended and Restated Limited Liability Company Agreement of Holdings dated as of the Closing Date.

  • GP means Gottbetter & Partners, LLP.

  • EBS means Electronic Bid Submission.

  • Asset Management Plan means a plan created by the department and approved by the state transportation commission or a plan created by a local road agency and approved by the local road agency's governing body that includes provisions for asset inventory, performance goals, risk of failure analysis, anticipated revenues and expenses, performance outcomes, and coordination with other infrastructure owners.

  • GP LLC means Plains All American GP LLC, a Delaware limited liability company.

  • Constellation has the meaning assigned to that term in the Recitals.

  • DCP means disclosure controls and procedures;

  • Holdco has the meaning set forth in the Preamble.

  • Newco has the meaning set forth in the first paragraph of this Agreement.

  • Mutual holding company means that term as defined in section 10(o) of the home owners' loan act, chapter 64, titles III and IX of Public Law 101-73, 12 U.S.C. 1467a, and OTS regulations governing mutual holding companies.

  • Stock Acquisition means the purchase or other acquisition by Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries of all of the Equity Interests (by merger, stock purchase or otherwise) of any other Person.

  • CGS means the Connecticut General Statutes.

  • Distribution Company means a distribution company as defined in Section 1 of Chapter 164 of the Massachusetts General Laws.3

  • OpCo has the meaning set forth in the Preamble.

  • LP means the aggregate quantity of Lost Production during such Month (expressed in MWh) and

  • Production company means a person or entity engaged in the business of making motion picture, television, or radio images for theatrical, commercial, advertising, or education purposes; Reserved

  • Delaware LLC Division means the statutory division of any Delaware LLC into two or more Delaware LLCs pursuant to Section 18-217 of the Delaware Limited Liability Company Act.

  • MLP has the meaning given such term in the introduction to this Agreement.

  • Insight as used in this clause, means technical visibility into the Program, maintained through audit, surveillance, assessment of trends and metrics, software independent verification and validation, the flight readiness review process, and review or independent assessment of out-of-family anomalies occurring in any phase of the program.

  • Brands means the Sprint PCS Brands and the Sprint Brands.

  • PAA means Plains All American Pipeline, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership.

  • SLDC means the State Load Dispatch Center as notified by the State Government.

  • CRP means a research or other program for coordinated implementation of the SRF by the Centers and other CGIAR Doers submitted by the Consortium that has been approved by the Fund Council, most of which are expected to be proposed by the Consortium and approved by the Fund Council as eligible to receive Window 2 subaccount funding (formerly MPs).