Examples of Value Increase in a sentence
Investors who disposed of their interest in Shares prior to such time will not benefit from such Net Asset Value increase.
There is outperformance of the Net Asset Value per Share over the hurdle rate if there is a Net Asset Value increase as of the Valuation Day compared to the highest Net Asset Value per Share ever previously achieved (“reference Net Asset Value”) and if this increase exceeds the accrual of the hurdle rate.
For example, if the Net Asset Value per Class A (USD) Share as at 1 August 2009 was USD13.00 and the previous high watermark was USD 13.50, a Net Asset Value increase of 3.85% is required before an incentive fee will be payable again in respect of the Class A (USD) Shares.
Investors who sold their Units prior to such time will not benefit from such Net Asset Value increase.
In the event that a redemption occurs part way through a year the Manager will receive a performance fee equal to 20% of the outperformance of those Unit’s Net Asset Value increase for the period up to the date of redemption, above the movement of the All Ords Accumulated Index for that same period.