Under the influence definition

Under the influence means a student's faculties are noticeably impaired, but the student need not be legally intoxicated.
Under the influence means any student of the district who has any alcohol or illegal chemical substance or the metabolites thereof present in the student's body in any amount which is considered to be "positive" for such alcohol or drug or drug metabolites using any scientifically substantiated alcohol or drug use screen test and alcohol or drug use confirm test.
Under the influence means not having the normal use of mental or physical faculties; however, the student need not be legally intoxicated.

Examples of Under the influence in a sentence

  • Conduct and Prohibition on Operating Equipment Under the Influence.

  • Provide funds to conduct the Kentucky Treatment Outcomes Study (KTOS), the Drug and Alcohol Services Information System project (DASIS), the Kentucky Moms Maternal Assistance Towards Recovery Program (MATR) program evaluation, Kentucky Kids Maternal Assistance Towards Recovery Program, and the Driving Under the Influence (DUI) program evaluation for the Department for Behavioral Health, Developmentaland Intellectual Disabilities (DBHDID), Division of Substance Use Disorder.

  • The performance or attempted performance of any job function or the operation of any Owner and/or contractor property or equipment while Under the Influence of Alcohol.

More Definitions of Under the influence

Under the influence of substances means that the student is observed in the use of a substance or exhibits physical and/or behavioral characteristics that indicate the immediate use of a substance.
Under the influence means the presence of a substance as defined in Policy 3218 and this Regulation as confirmed in a medical examination and substance test.
Under the influence means observed abnormal behavior or impairments in mental or physical performance leading a reasonable person to believe the individual has used alcohol, any controlled substances (including lawfully prescribed and over-the-counter medications), marijuana (including medical marijuana), or inhalants that impairs their performance of essential job function or creates a direct threat to child care children or others. Examples of abnormal behaviors include, but are not limited to hallucinations, paranoia, or violent outbursts. Examples of impairments in physical or mental performance include, but are not limited to slurred speech as well as difficulty walking or performing job activities.
Under the influence means any level of impairment and includes even the odor of alcohol on the breath or person of a student, or the odor of an illicit drug on the student. Also, it includes being impaired by reason of the abuse of any material used as a stimulant.
Under the influence means being unable to perform work in a safe and productive manner; being in a physical or mental condition which creates a risk to the safety and well-being of the individual, other employees or the public; and/or having any laboratory evidence of the presence of drugs, alcohol, prohibited or controlled substance in the employee’s body.
Under the influence means that as a result of taking into the body alcohol, drugs, or any
Under the influence means that as a result of taking into the body alcohol, drugs, or any combination of alcohol and drugs, a person's ability to safely operate a vehicle has been diminished.