Terrorists definition

Terrorists and “Tigers” are the only terms of description for the LTTE, removing the political aspect of struggle from discourse. The word “war” is never mentioned by official sources, or the phrase “military offensive.” The reader instead is provided with updates on the “humanitarian operation” or “civilian rescue mission.” The consistent successes of the Sri Lankan Forces over the LTTE are highlighted with adventurous and nationalistic language, suggestive of a pre- determined reclamation of territory under the unitary state model, the “integration” of the nation after a long process of coming together, marked by “continuity” (Xxx Xxxxxx, 2012). 2009 is hailed as “the true Year of Heroism” for the Sri Lankan army (MOD, 22 December 2008), who are “braving” the “heavily fortified” and “heavily mined” conflict zones to “capture” LTTE strongholds (MOD, 4 May 2009). The heroic troops were making “decisive inroads” into LTTE territory on the 19th of February 2009, “making all efforts to secure safe passage for the people fleeing from the LTTE enclaves towards the liberated areas.” The adventurous narrative describes the Sri Lankan troops as “steadily advancing” towards the trapped civilians, “amidst all obstacles posed by the LTTE” (MOD, 4 May 2009). The heroisation of the state forces is achieved (Xxx Xxxxxx, 2012). The Tamil civilians, for their part, “sought protection with security forces following a desperate escape made from the LTTE Xxxxx [Vanni] hellhole” (MOD, 22 December 2008). Desperate to “escape” the “LTTE's grip,” the civilians were “seeking safety for their lives” in “the government controlled area” (MOD, 13 January 2009). The Sri Lankan soil presided over by the state is described as safe and secure, while LTTE-held areas are places of death, instability and destruction.
Terrorists. How the “War on Terror” Is Placing New Responsibilities on Anthropology’. Anthropology Today 22, no. 6 (December 2006): 4–9. xxxxx://xxx.xxx/10.1111/j.1467-8322.2006.00470.x. ———. ‘The Banana Theory of Terrorism: Alternative Truths and the Collapse of the “Second” (Saharan) Front in the War on Terror’. Journal of Contemporary African Studies 25, no. 1 (1 January 2007): 31–58. xxxxx://xxx.xxx/10.1080/02589000601157055. Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxx X. International Terrorism: Characteristics, Causes, Controls. St. Xxxxxx’x Press New York, 1990. Xxxxx, Xxxxxx, ‘Conflict and conflict resolution in the Sahel: The Tuareg insurgency in Mali’, Small Wars and Insurgencies, 9, no. 3 (1998): 102-128. Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx (1973). The processes of causal attribution. American psychologist, 28 (2), 107. Xxxxxx, Xxxxxx X. and Xxxx X. Xxxxxxx. (1980). Attribution theory and research. Annual review of psychology, 31(1), 457-501. Xxxxxxx-Pipe, Xxxxxxxx. The Origins of the Present Troubles in Northern Ireland. Routledge, 2014.

Examples of Terrorists in a sentence

  • AND Our company is not listed on and we do not do business with companies that are on the the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts list of Designated Foreign Terrorists Organizations per Texas Gov't Code 2270.0153 found at xxxxx://xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxx.xxx/purchasing/docs/foreign-terrorist.pdf I swear and affirm that the above is true and correct.

  • Our company is not listed on and we do not do business with companies that are on the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts list of Designated Foreign Terrorists Organizations per Texas Gov't Code 2270.0153 found at xxxxx://xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxx.xxx/purchasing/docs/foreign-terrorist.pdf I swear and affirm that the above is true and correct.

  • AND our company is not listed on and we do not do business with companies that are on the the Texas Comptroller of Pu blic Accounts list of Designated Foreign Terrorists Organizations per Texas Gov't Code 2270.0153 found at xxxxx://x xxxxxxxxxx.xxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxxxx/xxxx/xxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx.xxx I swear and affirm that the above is true and correct.

  • You certify that your company is not listed on and we do not do business with companies that are on the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts list of Designated Foreign Terrorists Organizations per Texas Gov't Code 2270.0153 found at xxxxx://xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxx.xxx/purchasing/docs/foreign- terrorist.pdf • Agreements: All orders made by TIPS Members to the awarded vendor must be emailed to TIPS at xxxxxx@xxxx-xxx.xxx.

  • AND our company is not listed on and we do not do business with companies that are on the the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts list of Designated Foreign Terrorists Organizations per Texas Gov't Code 2270.0153 found at xxxxx://xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxx.xxx/purchasing/docs/foreign- terrorist.pdf I swear and affirm that the above is true and correct.

  • AND our company is not listed on and we do not do business with companies that are on the the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts list of Designated Foreign Terrorists Organizations per Texas Gov't Code 2270.0153 found at xxxxx://xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxx.xxx/purchasing/docs/foreign-terrorist.pdf I swear and affirm that the above is true and correct.

  • Also, our company is not listed on and we do not do business with companies that are on the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts list of Designated Foreign Terrorists Organizations found at xxxxx://xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxx.xxx/purchasing/docs/foreign-terrorist.pdf.

  • Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Customer agrees that the Programs are prohibited for export or re-export to any person or entity on the U.S. Department of Commerce Denied Persons List, or on the U.S. Department of Treasury’s List of Specially Designated Nationals, Specially Designated Narcotics Traffickers, or Specially Designated Terrorists, as such is changed from time-to-time.

  • Seller certifies that neither it nor its principals or owners, nor any of its subcontractors and their principals or owners, nor any other person who will provide services under this Order, are listed on the Specially Designated Nationals, Specially Designated Terrorists, and/or Specially Designated Narcotic Traffickers lists maintained by the Office of Foreign Asset Controls, United States Department of Treasury.

  • You agree not to export, or re-export, directly or indirectly, any product to any country outlined in the EAR, nor to any person or entity on the DOC Denied Persons, Entities and Unverified Lists, the U.S. Department of State’s Debarred List, or on the U.S. Department of Treasury's lists of Specially Designated Nationals, Specially Designated Narcotics Traffickers, or Specially Designated Terrorists.

Related to Terrorists

  • terrorist means any natural person who:

  • terrorist offences means offences as defined in Article 3(1) of Directive (EU) 2017/541;

  • Terrorist Act means any actual or threatened use of force or violence directed at or causing damage, injury, harm or disruption, or commission of an act dangerous to human life or property, against any individual, property or government, with the stated or unstated objective of pursuing economic, ethnic, nationalistic, political, racial or religious interests, whether such interests are declared or not. Criminal acts, primarily committed for personal gain and acts arising primarily from prior personal relationships between perpetrator(s) and victim(s) shall not be considered terrorist acts. Terrorist act also includes any act, which is verified or recognised by the (relevant) Government as an act of terrorism.

  • terrorist financing means the act of, directly or indirectly, providing or collecting funds with the intention that they should be used or in the knowledge that they are to be used, in full or in part, in order to carry out terrorist acts.4

  • Terrorist Incident means an act of violence by any person acting on behalf of or in connection with any organization which is generally recognized as having the intent to overthrow or influence the control of any government, that is deemed terrorism by the United States Government other than civil disorder or riot, that is not an act of war, declared or undeclared, that results in Loss of life or major damage to property.

  • Terrorism means an ideologically motivated unlawful act or acts, including but not limited to the use of violence or force or threat of violence or force, committed by or on behalf of any group(s), organization(s) or government(s) for the purpose of influencing any government and/or instilling fear in the public or a section of the public.

  • Foreign terrorist organization means an organization designated as a foreign terrorist organization by the United States secretary of state as authorized by 8 U.S.C. Section 1189.

  • Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons list maintained by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the United States Department of the Treasury found at: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx/ofac/downloads/sdnlist.pdf;

  • Trafficking means offering, attempting to engage, or

  • OFAC Sanctions means any sanctions program administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the United States Department of the Treasury (“OFAC”) under authority delegated to the Secretary of the Treasury (the “Secretary”) by the President of the United States or provided to the Secretary by statute, and any order or license issued by, or under authority delegated by, the President or provided to the Secretary by statute in connection with a sanctions program thus administered by OFAC. For ease of reference, and not by way of limitation, OFAC Sanctions programs are described on OFAC’s website at xxx.xxxxx.xxx/xxxx.

  • Sex trafficking means the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act.

  • Terrorist activity means any deliberate, unlawful act that:

  • Human trafficking means a scheme or plan to which all of the following apply:

  • OFAC SDN List means the list of the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons maintained by OFAC.

  • Executive Order shall have the meaning assigned to such term in Section 3.22.

  • OFAC Sanctions Programs means all laws, regulations, and Executive Orders administered by OFAC, including without limitation, the Bank Secrecy Act, anti-money laundering laws (including, without limitation, the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001, Pub. L. 107-56 (a/k/a the USA Patriot Act)), and all economic and trade sanction programs administered by OFAC, any and all similar United States federal laws, regulations or Executive Orders, and any similar laws, regulators or orders adopted by any State within the United States.

  • Protective order means an order appointing a conservator or other order related to management of an adult's property.

  • Sanctions List means the "Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons" list issued by OFAC, the Consolidated List of Financial Sanctions Targets issued by Her Majesty's Treasury, or any similar list issued or maintained or made public by any of the Sanctions Authorities;

  • Executive Order No. 13224 means the Executive Order No. 13224 on Terrorist Financing, effective September 24, 2001, as the same has been, or shall hereafter be, renewed, extended, amended or replaced.

  • Blocked Person is any Person: (a) listed in the annex to, or is otherwise subject to the provisions of, Executive Order No. 13224, (b) a Person owned or controlled by, or acting for or on behalf of, any Person that is listed in the annex to, or is otherwise subject to the provisions of, Executive Order No. 13224, (c) a Person with which any Lender is prohibited from dealing or otherwise engaging in any transaction by any Anti-Terrorism Law, (d) a Person that commits, threatens or conspires to commit or supports “terrorism” as defined in Executive Order No. 13224, or (e) a Person that is named a “specially designated national” or “blocked person” on the most current list published by OFAC or other similar list.

  • Corrective order means an order issued by the commissioner specifying corrective actions that the commissioner has determined are required.

  • terrorism financing means directly or indirectly, unlawfully and wilfully, provides or collects funds with the intention that they should be used or in the knowledge that they are to be used, in full or in part, in order to carry out acts of terrorism.

  • OFAC means the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the United States Department of the Treasury.

  • OFAC Regulations means the regulations promulgated by OFAC, as amended from time to time.

  • Anti-Terrorism Order means Executive Order No. 13,224 of September 24, 2001, Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions with Persons Who Commit, Threaten to Commit or Support Terrorism, 66 U.S. Fed. Reg. 49, 079 (2001), as amended.

  • OFAC Sanctions Program means any economic or trade sanction that OFAC is responsible for administering and enforcing. A list of OFAC Sanctions Programs may be found at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx/resource-center/sanctions/Programs/Pages/Programs.aspx.