Temporary absence definition

Temporary absence means a limited period in which an applicant/beneficiary is not residing in the home in which he/she has an ownership interest due to a hospitalization or convalescence with a relative. Temporary absences do not affect the determination of a person’s principal place of residence.
Temporary absence means time away from a facility for a period not to exceed three hours in a day.
Temporary absence means that:

Examples of Temporary absence in a sentence

  • Temporary absence from work, as set forth in this Agreement, shall not break seniority.

More Definitions of Temporary absence

Temporary absence means an absence for a period or periods not exceeding in the aggregate one hundred and eighty-three days during the year of assessment;
Temporary absence means that an individual, who is otherwise considered part of the family, is considered not to have changed residence and intends to return.
Temporary absence. The meaning given in Membership Condition 5.
Temporary absence means that an individual (parent or child) who is otherwise considered part of the family is considered not to have changed residence
Temporary absence. The meaning given in Membership Condition 5. Terminal Prognosis: Advanced or rapidly progressing incurable illness where, in the opinion of an attending consultant and the Company’s chief medical officer, the life expectancy is no greater than 12 months.
Temporary absence clause means a condition which allows the insurance cover under the Scheme to be extended to Scheme Members who are temporarily absent from their employment with the Company subject to the following:
Temporary absence means a period of up to165 days per calendar year or 165 consecutive days, in which the aged or infirm person(s) has not lived on the property.