Serviceable Land definition

Serviceable Land means Land with immediate development potential because services are either located within the adjacent road allowance or Major Extension of Services are not required.

Examples of Serviceable Land in a sentence

  • The vacant portion of each lot was calculated by deducting 0.25 acres for each existing dwelling, and constrained areas as defined in the “Unbuildable, Not Serviceable” land definition. Unbuildable, Not Serviceable Land.

Related to Serviceable Land

  • Serviceable when used to describe an Engine or Part, means in an airworthy condition within the limits defined in the applicable Engine manuals, specification and/or publications by the type certificate holder.

  • Tank means an enclosed space which is formed by the permanent structure of a ship and which is designed for the carriage of liquid in bulk.

  • Operating Equipment means furniture, furnishings, special lighting fixtures, carpeting, draperies, decorations or other special finishing work, signs, appliances and trade fixtures and equipment that is furnished, installed or used by the Contractor in its operations on the Airport. It does not include Fixed Improvements, or repair or maintenance of Operating Equipment or Fixed Improvements or displays or decorations that are of a seasonal or temporary promotional nature.

  • Plant Site (Works, Factory) means the local integration of one or more plants, with any intermediate administrative levels, which are under one operational control, and includes common infrastructure, such as:

  • Repair means to restore to proper operating condition a tank, pipe, spill prevention equipment, overfill prevention equipment, corrosion protection equipment, release detection equipment or other UST system component that has caused a release of product from the UST system or has failed to function properly.

  • Project site, where applicable, means the place indicated in bidding documents.

  • The Site, where applicable, means the designated project place(s) named in the bidding document.

  • Leased Equipment means the equipment which may include but not limited to modem provided by TM on lease basis to enable usage of the Service by the Customer, as may be decided by TM from time to time at its sole discretion.

  • Personal Property shall have the meaning set forth in the granting clause of the Mortgage.

  • Infrastructure Improvements means a street, road, sidewalk, parking facility, pedestrian mall, alley, bridge, sewer, sewage treatment plant, property designed to reduce, eliminate, or prevent the spread of identified soil or groundwater contamination, drainage system, waterway, waterline, water storage facility, rail line, utility line or pipeline, transit-oriented development, transit-oriented property, or other similar or related structure or improvement, together with necessary easements for the structure or improvement, owned or used by a public agency or functionally connected to similar or supporting property owned or used by a public agency, or designed and dedicated to use by, for the benefit of, or for the protection of the health, welfare, or safety of the public generally, whether or not used by a single business entity, provided that any road, street, or bridge shall be continuously open to public access and that other property shall be located in public easements or rights-of-way and sized to accommodate reasonably foreseeable development of eligible property in adjoining areas. Infrastructure improvements also include 1 or more of the following whether publicly or privately owned or operated or located on public or private property:

  • The Project Site, where applicable, means the place or places named in the SCC.

  • Sanitary Sewer Overflow or “SSO” means any overflow, spill, release, discharge or diversion of untreated or partially treated wastewater from the sanitary sewer system. SSOs include:

  • Sanitary landfill means an engineered land burial facility for the disposal of household waste that is so located, designed, constructed, and operated to contain and isolate the waste so that it does not pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment. A sanitary landfill also may receive other types of solid wastes, such as commercial solid waste, nonhazardous sludge, hazardous waste from conditionally exempt small quantity generators, construction, demolition, or debris waste and nonhazardous industrial solid waste. See 9VAC20-81 (Solid Waste Management Regulations) for further definitions of these terms.

  • Standard equipment means the basic configuration of a vehicle which is equipped with all the features that are required under the regulatory acts of the Contracting Party including all features that are fitted without giving rise to any further specifications on configuration or equipment level.

  • Fuel burning equipment means any furnace, boiler, apparatus, stack and all associated equipment, used in the process of burning fuel.

  • Building Equipment shall have the meaning set forth in the Security Instrument.

  • Plant and Equipment means permanent plant, equipment, machinery, apparatus, articles and things of all kinds to be provided and incorporated in the Facilities by the Contractor under the Contract (including the spare parts to be supplied by the Contractor under GCC Sub-Clause 3.3 hereof), but does not include Contractor’s Equipment.

  • Project Site(s) means the place(s) specified in the SCC for the supply and installation of the System.

  • Sanitary Sewage means wastewaters from residential, commercial and industrial sources introduced by direct connection to the sewerage collection system tributary to the treatment works including non-excessive inflow/infiltration sources.

  • mining areas means the areas delineated and coloured red on the Plan marked “A” initialled by or on behalf of the parties hereto for the purposes of identification;

  • Fixtures and Equipment means, with respect to any Person, all of the furniture, fixtures, furnishings, machinery and equipment owned or leased by such Person and located in, at or upon the Assets of such Person.

  • Contractor’s Equipment means all apparatus, machinery, vehicles and other things required for the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects. However, Contractor’s Equipment excludes Temporary Works, Employer’s Equipment (if any), Plant, Materials and any other things intended to form or forming part of the Equipment.

  • Sanitary Sewer System means all facilities, includ- ing approved LOSS, used in the collection, transmission, storage, treatment, or discharge of any waterborne waste, whether domestic in origin or a combination of domestic, commercial, or industrial wastewater. LOSS are only consid- ered sanitary sewer systems if they are designed to serve urban densities. Sanitary sewer system is also commonly known as public sewer system.

  • Erection, construction, remodeling, repairing means all types of work done on a particular building or work at the site thereof in the construction or development of the project, including without limitation, erecting, construction, remodeling, repairing, altering, painting, and decorating, the transporting of materials and supplies to or from the building or work done by the employees of the Contractor, Subcontractor, or Agent thereof, and the manufacturing or furnishing of

  • Substitute Improvements means the substitute or additional improvements of the Issuer described in Article V hereof.

  • Infrastructure improvement means permanent infrastructure that is essential for the public health and safety or that: