Scripless Rules definition

Scripless Rules. ( 《 無 紙 化 規 則 》 ) means rules made under section 397(1A) of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571);”.
Scripless Rules. (《無紙化規則》) means rules made under section

Related to Scripless Rules

  • CCASS Rules means the General Rules of CCASS and the CCASS Operational Procedures in effect from time to time;

  • Business Rules means the business rules established by JSCC regarding its Financial Instruments Obligation Assumption Service for CDS Transactions, as amended, if applicable.

  • FCA Rules means the Rules included within the FCA Handbook issued by the FCA.

  • House Rules means the specific rules that are adopted by a facility licensee to govern the operation of a licensed facility and events, and which must comply with these policies;

  • Club Rules means such rules and regulations set down by the Manager (with the approval of the Owners’ Committee, if and when it is formed) from time to time with specific application to the Club House and the use and enjoyment thereof;

  • AIM Rules means the rules published by the London Stock Exchange governing admission to AIM and the regulation of AIM companies as amended or re-issued from time to time;

  • CFTC means the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

  • Relevant Rules means, at any time, the laws, regulations, requirements, guidelines and policies relating to capital adequacy (including, without limitation, as to leverage) then in effect in the United Kingdom including, without limitation to the generality of the foregoing, as may be required by CRD IV or BRRD or any applicable successor legislation or any delegated or implementing acts (such as regulatory technical standards) adopted by the European Commission and applicable to the Issuer from time to time and any regulations, requirements, guidelines and policies relating to capital adequacy adopted by the Relevant Regulator from time to time (whether or not such requirements, guidelines or policies are applied generally or specifically to the Issuer or to the Issuer and any of its holding or subsidiary companies or any subsidiary of any such holding company).

  • Market Rules means the rules, regulations, customs and practices from time to time of any exchange, clearing house or other organization or market involved in the conclusion, execution or settlement of a Contract any exercise by any such exchange, clearing house or other organization or market of any power or authority conferred on it.

  • Scheme Rules means the applicable SEPA direct debit or credit transfer scheme rules of the European Payments Council as amended from time to time.