School related definition

School related means any School District activity, event, crime, incident, investigation, student, or program.
School related means any activity approved, sanctioned, or sponsored by any administrator, faculty, or staff personnel within TCS.
School related means matters related to any KIUA student, parent or staff )

Examples of School related in a sentence

  • School related expenses for travel using personal automobiles such as mileage, parking and bridge tolls will be reimbursed upon approval of the Superintendent.

  • I/we have read, discussed with Student, and understand the Student conduct expectations set forth in the Handbook and understand that Student’s continued participation in athletics is conditioned upon his/her compliance with all applicable policies and rules of conduct when engaged in any School- related activity, whether academic, athletic, or otherwise.

  • I acknowledge and specifically authorize the School to share my nonpublic personal information with you and for you to share my nonpublic personal information with the School related to the certification, funding, and servicing of this loan.

  • School related costs charged to boarder accounts must also be paid upon invoice eg: sport subscriptions and uniform costs.

  • The Board will also grant leave with pay to those members of the bargaining unit when subpoenaed or required to make a court appearance (other than for personal criminal prosecution) for Walnut Township Local School related matters provided that the bargaining unit member's court appearance is not in connection with a matter adverse to the position of the Board.

  • School related activities shall be defined as Board meetings, athletic events, school plays, science fair, or any other school related event, or Board activity.

  • Compulsory School related events and activities include, without limitation, assemblies, religious education classes and chapel services, the School sports program (including Saturday sport fixtures, training and carnivals), attendance as spectators at certain events, camps, outdoor education programs, excursions, music and drama performances, prize giving days, xxxxx services and House functions.

  • The Student must maintain a high standard of behaviour at all times at School, when travelling to and from School, when engaged in School related events or activities, on all School occasions and as members of the broader community.

  • The possession, supply or consumption of alcohol, illegal drugs or cigarettes by the Student at School, when travelling to and from School, when engaged in School related events or activities, and on all School occasions, is strictly forbidden.

  • School- related support groups and employee organizations are not required to pay ‘facility use fees’ for meetings and activities that directly benefit Xxxxxx County Schools and that have the principal’s advance approval.

More Definitions of School related

School related means the child is of school age, attends public school and receives therapy provided by the school.

Related to School related

  • School climate means the quality and character of school life with a particular focus on the quality of the relationships within the school community between and among students and adults.

  • School health services means health services provided by a qualified school nurse or other qualified person that are designed to enable a child with a disability to receive FAPE as described in the child’s IEP.

  • School-sponsored media means all student media that are:

  • School entity means a school district, intermediate

  • School bus means every motor vehicle owned by a public or governmental agency or private school and operated for the transportation of pupils, children of pupils, teachers and other persons acting in a supervisory capacity, to or from school or school activities, or, privately owned and operated for compensation for the transportation of pupils, children of pupils, teachers and other persons acting in a supervisory capacity to or from school or school activities (Education Law §11[1] and Vehicle and Traffic Law §142).

  • Flood-related erosion means the collapse or subsidence of land along the shore of a lake or other body of water as a result of undermining caused by waves or currents of water exceeding anticipated cyclical levels or suddenly caused by an unusually high water level in a natural body of water, accompanied by a severe storm, or by an unanticipated force of nature, such as a flash flood, or by some similarly unusual and unforeseeable event which results in flooding.

  • School means an elementary or secondary school.

  • School nurse means a registered professional nurse with Maine Department of Education certification for school nursing.

  • Affordable housing program(s means any mechanism in a municipal Fair Share Plan prepared or implemented to address a municipality’s fair share obligation.

  • School resource officer means a law enforcement officer or police officer employed by a local law enforcement agency who is assigned to a district through an agreement between the local law enforcement agency and the district.

  • Bird hazard means an increase in the likelihood of bird/aircraft collisions that may cause damage to the aircraft or injury to its occupants.

  • Schools means preschools, elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, and similar facilities, both public and private, used primarily for the instruction of minors.

  • Educational institutions means schools and suchlike institutions;

  • Educational institution means a University or any educational institution recognized by the State Government, a University or other competent authority;

  • School service means a website, mobile application or online service that (i) is designed and marketed solely for use in elementary or secondary schools; (ii) is used (a) at the direction of teachers or other employees at elementary or secondary schools or (b) by any school-affiliated entity; and (iii) collects and maintains, uses or shares student personal information. "School service" does not include a website, mobile application or online service that is (a) used for the purposes of college and career readiness assessment or (b) designed and marketed for use by individuals or entities generally, even if it is also marketed for use in elementary or secondary schools.

  • School grounds means in, or on the grounds of, a school.

  • TRICARE means, collectively, a program of medical benefits covering former and active members of the uniformed services and certain of their dependents, financed and administered by the United States Departments of Defense, Health and Human Services and Transportation, and all laws applicable to such programs.

  • Affordable housing means housing that is available at a cost low enough to meet the needs of eligible households having regard to local incomes and local house prices and which will remain at an affordable price for future eligible households or, if not, that the subsidy is recycled for alternative affordable housing provision

  • Health hazard means any condition, device or practice in a water system or its operation resulting from a real or potential danger to the health and well-being of consumers. The word "severe" as used to qualify "health hazard" means a hazard to the health of the user that could be expected to result in death or significant reduction in the quality of life.

  • Health care provider or "provider" means:

  • Health carrier or "carrier" means a disability insurer

  • Road hazard means a hazard that is encountered while

  • Home Health Care Agency means an agency or organization which provides a program of home health care and which:

  • Health care plan means any contract, policy or other arrangement for benefits or services for medical or dental care or treatment under:

  • Provider agency means a funded organization under contract with the Children’s Board to deliver and provide social services and supports to children and families of Hillsborough County, FL.

  • Behavioral health services means mental health services as