Schedule of Condition definition

Schedule of Condition means [the schedule annexed and executed as relative to this Lease and marked "Schedule of Condition"] [the schedule of condition prepared by [ ] dated [ ] a copy of which has been retained by each of the Landlord and the Tenant]23;]24
Schedule of Condition is a summary of the condition of the Property or Contents and usually includes a description of any faults, damage or missing items.
Schedule of Condition means the provisions in a tenancy or licence which specify the condition of the premises to which the tenancy or licence relates;

Examples of Schedule of Condition in a sentence

  • You will be provided with the Inventory and Schedule of Condition relating to the Property on or shortly after the commencement of the Tenancy.

More Definitions of Schedule of Condition

Schedule of Condition means the photographic schedule of condition to be compiled and agreed between the Landlord and the Tenant within three (3) months of the date of this lease and any modifications thereto in accordance with clauses 6.9, 6.10 and 15 below.
Schedule of Condition means the schedule of condition annexed to this offer;
Schedule of Condition is a summary of the condition of the property or contents and usually includes a description of any faults, damage or missing items. “superior lease” sets out the promises we have made to our superior landlord. You are also bound by these promises if you have prior knowledge of them. The superior landlord is the person who owns the interest in the property or some larger building that the property sits within, giving them the right to possession of the property at the end of our lease.
Schedule of Condition means the schedule of condition annexed hereto
Schedule of Condition means a schedule of condition of the Property to be inserted in the Second Schedule to the Lease;
Schedule of Condition means the survey recording the condition of the Demised Premises on or about the Term Commencement Date which has been agreed between the Landlord and the Tenant and is annexed to this Lease;
Schedule of Condition means the schedule of condition attached to this Lease;