Remedial Design definition

Remedial Design or “RD” shall mean those activities to be undertaken by SDs to develop final plans and specifications for the RA as stated in the SOW.
Remedial Design means those activities to be undertaken by Settling Defendants to develop the final plans and specifications for the Remedial Action pursuant to the Remedial Design Work Plan.
Remedial Design or “RD” shall mean, collectively: (i) the 100% Design; (ii) the RA

Examples of Remedial Design in a sentence

  • This information shall be used to identify additional data needed for implementation of the elements of the Remedial Design (“RD”) and Remedial Action (“RA”) applicable to the Project.

More Definitions of Remedial Design

Remedial Design or “RD” shall mean those activities to be undertaken by Respondent to develop the final plans and specifications for the Remedial Action pursuant to the RD/RA Work Plan.
Remedial Design means those activities to be undertaken by Settling Defendant to develop plans and specifications for implementing the Remedial Action as set forth in the SOW.
Remedial Design. ("RD") means those activities to be undertaken by Respondent to develop the final plans and specifications for the Remedial Action pursuant to the Remedial Design and Remedial Action Work Plan.
Remedial Design means the detailed engineering plan to implement the
Remedial Design or “RD” shall mean those remedial design activities to be undertaken to develop the final plans and specifications for the remedial action for the Portland Harbor Superfund Site and the River Mile 3.5 East Project Area.
Remedial Design or “RD” shall mean those remedial design activities to be undertaken to develop the final plans and specifications for the RA as stated in the SOW depicted as the B1a Project Area on the map attached as Appendix B.
Remedial Design or "RD" shall mean those activities to be undertaken by