Private interest definition

Private interest means an interest held by an individual that is:
Private interest means any interest, including but not limited to a financial interest, which pertains to a person or business whereby the person or business would gain a benefit, privilege, exemption or advantage from the action of a state agency or employee that is not available to the general public.
Private interest means all of the activities of a Member not included in the term defined as “Official Duties”.

Examples of Private interest in a sentence

  • Private interest" means any interest, including but not limited to a financial interest, which pertains to a person or business whereby the person or business would gain a benefit, privilege, exemption or advantage from the action of a state agency or employee that is not available to the general public.Subd.

  • Private interest includes both the financial and other interests of the Board of Director(s), Executive Committee and staff members of an organisation and those of their connections, including family members, relatives, friends, clubs and societies to which they belong, as well as people to whom they owe a favour or are obligated in any way, no matter whether the conflict of interest is potential or perceived.

  • Private interest factors include “the relative ease of access to the source of proof, availability of compulsory process for attendance of unwilling witness[es], the cost of obtaining attendance of willing witness[es], the possibility of viewing the premises, and all other practical problems that make trial of a case easy, expeditious, and inexpensive.” Fred Montesi’s, 2006 WL 1174480, at *7.

  • Any public officer or servant who shall overtly or covertly or through another person take any private interest in any adjudication, contract, or administration, whether he holds wholly or in part the direction or superintendence thereof, or held such Private interest in adjudications, etc.

  • Private interest includes both financial and personal interests of the member and those of his/her connections including family and other relations, personal friends, the clubs and societies to which he/she belongs, and any person to whom he/she owes a favour or obligated in any way.

More Definitions of Private interest

Private interest means a pecuniary or economic interest or advantage and includes any real or tangible benefit that personally benefits the Governor, or his or her associate or a Related Person.
Private interest means any interest, including but not limited to a financial interest, which pertains to a person or business whereby such person or business would gain a benefit, privilege, exemption or advantage from the action of a state agency or employee that is not available to the general public. Acceptance of gifts or favors. An employee shall not directly or indirectly receive or agree to receive any payment of expense, compensation, gift, reward, gratuity, favor, service or promise of future employment or other future benefit from any source except the State for any activity related to the duties of the employee unless otherwise provided by law. However, the acceptance of any of the following shall not be a violation of this rule:
Private interest means a relationship, obligation, duty, responsibility or benefit unique to the member of Council or a person closely connected to the member of Council.
Private interest means an interest which is neither a Crown interest nor a Duchy interest.
Private interest means any interest, including but not limited to pecuniary interest, whereby an individual would gain a benefit, privilege, exemption or advantage from the action of the Student Union which is not available to the Members.
Private interest means an interest held by an employee that is:
Private interest means a pecuniary or economic interest or advantage and includes any real or tangible benefit that personally benefits the Director or his or her spouse, dependent children, or associates.