Portfolio Entity definition

Portfolio Entity means a venture capital fund or direct investment entity in which a fund of funds makes an investment.
Portfolio Entity means companies, enterprises, entities, bodies corporate, venture capital funds, trusts, limited liability partnerships, partnership firms or any other entities in the Securities in which the monies of the Portfolio are invested subject to Applicable Laws.
Portfolio Entity means companies, enterprises, bodies corporate, or any other entities in the Securities of which the monies from the Client Portfolio are invested subject to Applicable Laws.

Examples of Portfolio Entity in a sentence

  • In this clause, "X" shall be the number of complete months that any VCF Portfolio Securities issued by a VCF Portfolio Entity that are included in the VCF Portfolio Value calculation that have a Cost Value higher than the aggregate of their VCF Fair Market Value as at such date plus all VCF Distributions in respect thereof have been held.

  • The Manager shall have power and authority to exercise on behalf of the Company any right or power which the Company may have as a holder of any Portfolio Securities including the right to appoint a director or directors of any Portfolio Entity.

  • Subject to subclause 13.3 and 13.4, the Manager, any Approved Person and any Connected Person of the Manager may contract with or enter into any financial or other transaction with any Investor or with any Portfolio Entity without being under any obligation to account to the Company for any commission or other payment received in connection therewith except where such contract or transaction would give rise to a conflict with the Manager's duties under this Agreement.

  • The Manager may, subject to the Board first approving the identity of each VCF Portfolio Entity in accordance with the Management Agreement and the acquisition of VCF Portfolio Securities being approved in accordance with clause 4 of this Agreement, invest the Portfolio in VCF Portfolio Securities in accordance with this Agreement and the Management Agreement.

  • If agreed to by the Board after a request by the Manager, the Company may incorporate, subscribe for and hold shares in one or more wholly owned subsidiary of the Company for the purpose of acquiring and holding Portfolio Securities issued by any Portfolio Entity.

More Definitions of Portfolio Entity

Portfolio Entity means the issuer of a Portfolio Security and in the case of a Financial Derivative includes the issuer of the Financial Derivative and of any underlying security, investment product, index, right or service;
Portfolio Entity means, individually and collectively, each ABS Entity, each Portfolio Pledgor, each Project Company and each other Person that is listed under the heading “Portfolio Entity” on Schedule 1 or who may become a Portfolio Entity pursuant to the terms of this Agreement; provided that, prior to the USB V Transfer Date, no USB V Portfolio Entity shall be a Portfolio Entity for the purposes hereof or under any of the other Loan Documents.
Portfolio Entity means any: (1) public or privately-held entity, which is not otherwise an insured Organization in which one or more Organizations had or has, directly or indirectly, a debt or equity interest or proposes to have a debt or equity interest; or (2) entity listed as such in an endorsement attached to this policy.
Portfolio Entity. Means an unlisted/listed company, enterprise or entity in Securities/Products of which the monies of the Portfolio are invested subject to applicable laws.
Portfolio Entity means any Person wherever established, incorporated or resident in respect of which the Partnership holds an Investment either directly or indirectly through an Investment Structure.
Portfolio Entity means any entity (other than an REO Affiliate or an Immaterial Entity) in which Borrower or a Primary Obligor is directly or indirectly an equity owner and which was formed for the purpose of acquiring Asset Pools, and shall also include Bosque Leasing, L.P. (which is owned by Bosque Asset Corp. and Bosque GP Corp.), FirstStreet Investment LLC (which is owned by FirstStreet Investment Corporation, WAMCO III, Ltd. and WAMCO IX, Ltd.), ABL (which was formed for the purpose of originating and acquiring SBA Loans) and each Crestone Portfolio Entity.
Portfolio Entity means companies, enterprises, bodies corporate, or any other entities in the Securities of which the monies from the Client Portfolio are invested subject to Applicable Laws