Pasture definition

Pasture means land on which livestock graze or otherwise seek feed in a manner that maintains the vegetative cover over the grazing area. Pasture may include limited areas of bare soil such as cattle lanes and supplemental feeding areas provided the bare soil areas are not significant sources of pollution to waters of the state.
Pasture means land used for livestock grazing that is managed to provide feed value.
Pasture means land on which animals feed directly on vegetation such as legumes, grasses, grain stubble or stover.

Examples of Pasture in a sentence

  • Land that supports livestock used for the production of food and fiber and that has an annual carrying capacity equivalent to at least one animal unit per acre as defined by the United States Department of Agriculture in the National Range and Pasture Handbook, Revision 1, December 2003.

  • Pasture vegetation on which stabilized septage or sludge has been applied shall not be cut for hay or silage nor grazed for a period of 30 days from the last application.

  • Pasture and hay land planting will be eligible for funding only when land that has been planted to row crop for three out of the last five years is being converted to permanent vegetative cover.10.81(10) Underground outlet.

  • Not less than a 3-percent random sample for all Rainfall Index Pasture, Rangeland, Forage and Apiculture eligible crop insurance contracts and a 3 percent random sample for all Vegetation Index Pasture, Rangeland, Forage eligible crop insurance contracts with reported acreage/colonies.

  • Pasture siting practices that prevent contamination of watercourses and the destruction and erosion of vegetation and soil should be encouraged.

More Definitions of Pasture

Pasture means land which is managed primarily for the production of forage for domestic livestock. Pasture typically receives intensive renovation and/or cultural treatments, such as tillage, fertilization, mowing, irrigation and weed control.
Pasture means land used for grazing by domestic animals.
Pasture means land that supports the grazing of domesticated animals for forages.
Pasture means any fenced area of domesticated forage on which animals are grazed.
Pasture means land used for grazing livestock or forage crop production.
Pasture means land that supports the growth of forages for grazing of animals.
Pasture means land on which animals feed directly on vegetation, such as legumes, grasses, stubble, or stover, per 327 IAC 6.1-2-38.