On-Peak Hours definition

On-Peak Hours means Hour Ending (“HE”) 0800 through HE 2300 EPT, Monday through Friday, excluding Saturday, Sunday and PJM holidays.
On-Peak Hours means all hours ending 07:00:00 through 22:00:00 MMPT, Monday through Saturday, excluding NERC designated holidays.
On-Peak Hours means the hours between 6 a.m. Pacific Prevailing Time (“PPT”) and 10 p.m. PPT, Mondays through Saturdays, excluding all hours occurring on holidays as provided in Schedule 37.

Examples of On-Peak Hours in a sentence

  • The billing demand in the current month shall be the greatest of: (i) the maximum measured demand established in the month during On-Peak Hours, as stated herein, (ii) forty percent (40%) of the maximum measured demand established in the month during off-peak hours, (iii) contract demand, or (iv) fifty percent (50%) of the highest billing demand established during the preceding eleven (11) months.

  • On-Peak Hours are those hours identified as “on-peak” in each applicable Rate Schedule.

  • However, for Customers utilizing thermal storage, the Maximum Demand shall be limited to the greater of the actual Maximum Demand occurring during the On-Peak Hours or fifth percent (50%) of the Maximum Demand occurring during the Off-Peak Hours.

  • Off-Peak Hours: Off-Peak Hours are all hours that are not On-Peak Hours, including every hour on Saturday and Sunday.

  • On-Peak Hours: During the months of June through September, On-Peak Hours are from 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

More Definitions of On-Peak Hours

On-Peak Hours means hours determined to be “on peak” by Buyer’s regional reliability council of the North American Electric Reliability Council, or any successor entity, governing the area in which Buyer’s Facilities are located, or, as agreed to by the parties and specified in a Transaction Confirmation.
On-Peak Hours means the hours designated as such in the purchasing public utility’s avoided cost price schedule.
On-Peak Hours or “HLH” means all hours ending 07:00:00 through 22:00:00 MPT, Monday through Saturday, excluding NERC designated holidays.
On-Peak Hours has the meaning provided in the Schedule.
On-Peak Hours means the hours from 8 a.m. through 8 p.m. weekdays.
On-Peak Hours means the hours from 8 AM through 8 PM weekdays.
On-Peak Hours means hours ending 0700 - 2200 (6:00 a.m. - 10 p.m.) PPT Monday through Saturday inclusive, but excluding all hours on any such day that is recognized as a “paid holiday” for British Columbia government employees as published by the Province of British Columbia from time to time (including any day Monday through Friday that is a paid holiday for British Columbia government employees due to a holiday occurring on a Saturday or Sunday).